How there could be more than one Mind?

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You cannot be serious.
I am serious.
Try and think what the difference might be.
As I understand, “wood” is general term and “a wood” is specific.
It has been explained to you, actually.
Yes. Am I having a good understanding of it? Please read previous comment.

If you cannot distinguish between being and a being, you will be unable to comprehend how more than one mind is possible.

I don’t understand how that is possible. Minds to me is different from Mind. One is plural and other is not.
So Hypothetically dying of cancer you would prefer to he satisfied intellectually than ask God to heal you?
I sometimes pray for others.
Satan was the greatest of all the angels, and in his pride revolted against God,
I don’t understand how such a thing is possible. Satan was smart enough to know that He could not win against God. So I think the story is false.
The problem with Intellectuals is that in their pride they refuse to believe that there is a God who is infinitely more intellectual than any creature on earth, a God who has control over all things in creation,
I think we are smart enough to understand everything. Otherwise creation of intellectual beings is a cruel act. A God who is Love wouldn’t do that.
Philosophy and science only find what was already there. Most philosophers agree with that. However catholicism.points to God, who made creation and science and philosophy.

I don’t think that knowledge can be created. I have a thread for this here.
I sometimes pray for others.

I don’t understand how such a thing is possible. Satan was smart enough to know that He could not win against God. So I think the story is false.

I think we are smart enough to understand everything. Otherwise creation of intellectual beings is a cruel act. A God who is Love wouldn’t do that.
But you would prefer to be “satisfied intellectually” than to ask and receive a miracle badly needed for yourself? Even if Hypothetically you were dying of a terminal disease?

Satan was so bad, he preferred to be damned.and hate God than serve a God who would become human to suffer for human beings, particularly when satan saw that God would adopt mankind as his children (rather than the angels), and when Satan saw Mary would be raised to the highest point in Heaven (which satan himself currently held), he became so bitter he decided in full knowledge that he would prefer to spend eternity hating God, by attacking God through hurting mankind, even if it meant suffering hell forever.

Bahman, you think you are just as intellectual as God? God who created every atom, every proton, every law of nature, every mathematical equation, every rule of music composition, every continent, every law of the weather, an entire universe, physics,

Are you capable of understanding every single mathematic equation, scientific theory, philosophical question, theological question,
Can you know and remember every fact about each millimetre of life on the whole of creation?

It says in the Bible, God knows how many hairs on your head. The exact number. Do you?

How could you ever be as intellectual as God,
It’s impossible

And it’s dangerous to think, and even a possible act of pride to feel you are as intelligent as the Creator of the entire universe.
Bahman, do you believe you are so intellectual, that by using your intellectual powers you can decide that 75% of catholicism is made up and not true?

Philosophy alone is not enough to discover if truth.

It’s the same with discerning what is the True religion.

If someone asked you to decide what college and course you were going to go to, you wouldn’t make the.decision in your head using philosophy. You would research the college, visit it, talk to people who went to.the college, talk to lecturers from the college, look up the colleges reputation, look up the colleges history, look up whether any famous or successful people went to the college, look up the exam results of the college and look up what kind of facilities are at the college.

A God who is Love would not lead His children into a religion full of lies and half truths.
Either catholicism is completely the Truth, or its completely a lie.

You said yourself that you think satan tempted Jesus to die on the Cross? Would a God who is Love have allowed that??? Then where did Jesus miracles come from? From satan?
Then if you think the catholic church comes from the devil why are you on this website?

You are here because God is calling you to investigate whether catholicism is completely the Truth. Not partially the truth, but completely the Truth. On all grounds.

You say you want to philosophically/ intellectually reason out if Catholicism is true,

But you refuse to listen to historical, current, and biblical, evidence for Catholicism being Complete True Faith,

So, if you wanted to intellectually reason out philosophically whether your cat was dead, would you refuse to look at the evidence of a dead cat in front of you and just instead reason in your mind philosophically for 15 minutes, rather than checking the animals pulse and ringing for a vet?

Any real life decisions cannot be made just on philosophy. There is also concrete evidence. Facts. History. Research. Evidence.
Or does the actual concrete world around you not challenge your mind intellectually? So you use your mind instead of looking at evidence? Instead of the outside real facts, history, evidence…?

Should policemen and detectives and lawyers use philosophy only to settle their cases and never rely on the actual physical evidence, history, and facts right in front of their eyes?

You remind me of a story I once read of a man in a boat that was sinking.
His friends said to him, “Let’s swim to the shore!”
He replied, “No, I will stay in the boat. God will save me.”

Alone in the boat the water started to seep in.
A helicopter flew overhead and the pilot cried out, “Climb up this rope ladder!”
“No,” replied the man. “God will save me.”

The boat sank more. A tiny lifeboat sailed nearby and the person in it cried out, “You there, climb in!”

“No,” replied the man. “God will save me.”

And so his boat sank and he drowned.

When he died Jesus appeared to him…
“Lord!” He asked, “How is it that you didn’t save me!”

“My friend!” Jesus replied. “I sent you friends, a helicopter, and a life raft.”

Moral of the story:

Use evidence from the concrete world around you, history, facts,…
You cannot use just your mind.

To be a human is to error.
There is not one perfect human being on the planet. If you relying on a philosophy through yourself and no evidence, history, facts, research,
Then you are relying on a wounded human person who is prone to making mistakes and errors.
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