Now, to switch gears for a minute. Consider woman; at least from God’s standpoint. A woman partners with the Creator in bringing about new life. That occurs from the sexual union with a man, something the Church so beautifully calls “the marital embrace.” And consider this; when a woman chooses to carry that life and bring it into existence, she chooses for her most precious values, life and love. Life and Love, possibly the ultimate definition of God Himself???
There is an old Talmudic principle written long ago by the sages of our Jewish “Elder Brothers in Faith” (as St. John Paul II called them) It is that as God created in the Genesis account, each creation took on a greater dignity. And what was the last thing He created; right, woman. I believe to God Himself, woman is his greatest, and most dignified creation.
Should we see her (and and all women) in any other light?? And should we men abuse that great gift of sexual expression that allows us our part in the creation process.
Jesus taught us the dignity and beauty of all things. He condemned only those things that defiled His Father’s work. He left us men with an Armani suit of strength, beauty, and honor. His teaching, his word, “Be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect.” I’ve never loved that adage, “put on Jesus” but in this context, for me, it works.
So put it on. Make that choice. You’ll be amazed that when you adopt this vision of woman, all women, how your ability to deflect the work of the Father of Lies (and porn is one of the greatest of his lies), becomes easier and simpler.
Prayers and good luck. Shalom
My two cents (I miss the old emoji!!)