How to avoid porn when you can always have it?

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The only sure way to avoid porn is turn off your computer, turn off your phone and just go outside.
  1. Pray for the grace to resist it.
  2. Cooperating with that grace, avoid all near occasions of sin (this may include giving up movies, magazines, TV, radio, you name it). Avoid locations that lead to sin, even swimming pools, beaches etc. until you conquer yourself. Extreme? We are speaking of your soul here.
  3. Gain custody of your eyes - through which all lustful images enter. Concentrate on the eyes of others rather than their bodies. Practice, practice, practice this until it is habitual.
  4. Confess regularly.
  5. Seek spiritual direction if necessary.
So as a person living in todays society, what do I do?
Change your orientation. Reading the above posts, there is a lot of good advice. Praying for the strength to be chaste and avoiding the pitfalls that occur almost everywhere are good ideas. But much seems to stem from a somewhat negative approach to the question of human sexual expression. And in that light, there is something that works better for me. A change in my orientation concerning women and pornography.

It seems that people view sex and its expression in one of three ways; their orientation, or maybe, their default position.
  1. Sex is wrong (sinful, wicked, self indulgent, dirty, etc. etc.etc) It only becomes a good when used within the framework of marriage, or as I prefer, the sacrament of matrimony
  2. Sex is neutral, it is objective, it has no moral value in and of itself. It is only good or bad depending on its use.
  3. Sex is an incredible good, a gift of the creator to His creation for the purpose of realizing incredible pleasure, joy, and the joining with God Himself in the creation of a new life. It is wrong when it is used to reduce a woman (or man) to a mere object for a pleasure that is not intended by the Creator
    All three are valid to varying degrees, but to my way of thinking, # 3 is the wise choice for one’s own default position.
    For example. A man purchases an Armani Suit. it costs $5,000.00. To obtain the greatest joy from owning something so fine, he works to lose 40 pounds so that he looks his best. He cares for that suit in a manner far greater than he cares for his “casual” clothes, because it is precious to him. It cost a lot of money and not a little effort to obtain the greatest satisfaction from it. It satisfies something deep down in his heart and soul. Somethnig beyond simple physical appearance.
Post continues below.
Now, to switch gears for a minute. Consider woman; at least from God’s standpoint. A woman partners with the Creator in bringing about new life. That occurs from the sexual union with a man, something the Church so beautifully calls “the marital embrace.” And consider this; when a woman chooses to carry that life and bring it into existence, she chooses for her most precious values, life and love. Life and Love, possibly the ultimate definition of God Himself???

There is an old Talmudic principle written long ago by the sages of our Jewish “Elder Brothers in Faith” (as St. John Paul II called them) It is that as God created in the Genesis account, each creation took on a greater dignity. And what was the last thing He created; right, woman. I believe to God Himself, woman is his greatest, and most dignified creation.
Should we see her (and and all women) in any other light?? And should we men abuse that great gift of sexual expression that allows us our part in the creation process.

Jesus taught us the dignity and beauty of all things. He condemned only those things that defiled His Father’s work. He left us men with an Armani suit of strength, beauty, and honor. His teaching, his word, “Be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect.” I’ve never loved that adage, “put on Jesus” but in this context, for me, it works.

So put it on. Make that choice. You’ll be amazed that when you adopt this vision of woman, all women, how your ability to deflect the work of the Father of Lies (and porn is one of the greatest of his lies), becomes easier and simpler.

Prayers and good luck. Shalom

My two cents (I miss the old emoji!!)
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Thanks all for the great responses I will try to use all of these habits. 😃
I think your first step lie not in trying to exercise your will to stop, but rather to remove porn’s ease of access from your life. Reduce your time on computers and your smartphone/tablet if you have one. Make it a rule. Don’t use the internet or surf the web unless you’re on there for a specific reason, such as paying a bill electronically, learning about the rise of the Mongolian empire for an essay you’re writing, etc…
Just beg Our Lady, right then and there! Nothing fancy, "MOTHER PLEASE HELP ME!. This works really well every time!
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