A recent statement of this argument was made by John Robbins in The Intercollegiate Review:
. . . . if the existence of the eternal personal transcendent God is denied, then there is no alternative but to maintain that the material universe has existed infinitely backwards in time, and will exist infinitely forwards. . . . But if the physical universe has existed for an infinite amount of time, there could be no order, no complexity, nothing except evenly distributed atoms in space. Infinite time, coupled with the Second Law of Thermodynamics, must yield infinite randomness, i.e., zero organization. There could certainly be no stars and planets, and most certainly no men.
Two fallacies are obvious in this argument, even to the person unfamiliar with physics. First, Robbins wishes to make some mysterious creature responsible for a primordial state of minimum entropy, from which he claims the universe is now running down. But even if this were true, how does Robbins arrive at the dubious attributes of eternal, personal and transcendent? At best, the entropy argument is capable of demonstrating the existence of some primitive energy source, and this source need bear no resemblance to the Christian man-made God–none at all.
Second, Robbins, like most advocates of the entropy argument, is inconsistent. Is the second law of thermodymanics an inexorable law of nature? Yes, according to Robbins, because it “has never been contradicted.” Never? Then what prevented his eternal, personal and transcendent god from suffering a gruesome heat-death? If the second law is not applicable to god, it is not inexorable. If this is so, on what grounds can the theist assert that the second law applies to the entire universe and cannot, under any circumstances, be contradicted?
The universe has not “run down”; on this, theists and atheists can agree. Thus, the question arises: “Why?” The theist, true to the style of primitive man who explained lightening by inventing a lightening god, posits an anti-entropic god. Rather than re-examine his application of the second law of thermodynamics, the theist prefers to argue that it applies without exception–and he then posits an exception to it as an explanation. It is an evasion, and a poor one besides. If the theist cannot solve the entropy problem, a simple “I don’t know” would be much more honest.