Congrats on the two you have!!
As for #3, #4, #5 or whatever…
pay close attention to how you phrased your question:
Is now a bad time to bring up to her that in a few months we should start working on number 3?
The decision to have children is to be made
between husband and wife. The husband doesn’t decide and then coax, convince or coerce the wife to agree, nor does the wife decide and then coax, convince or coerce the husband to agree.
As a man, you do not understand what havoc hormones wreak on a woman’s body and her psyche. Add to that a colicky baby and a clingy toddler and trouble can brew.
Please, give your wife time to heal physically and to have her hormones balanced. No one knows how long that will take, but she’ll know when it’s finally back to normal. Trust her to let you know when her body is ready to consider another pregnancy, and support her all along the way. She needs you right now more than ever.
There’s another thing you should keep in mind. Carrying that baby for the last 3 months is cumbersome, at best. Enduring the labor pains to deliver the child is almost unbearable. Actually having the baby pass through her is excruciating. The mind sends lots and lots of signals to the brain not to do that to the body again…and for a while there, our minds can’t even comprehend another round of that. But in time, the mind forgets the pain and discomfort and only remembers the fluttering and warmth of feeling the baby alive inside, and then the longing for another returns.
Trust in God.
Trust in Nature.
Trust your wife’s knowledge of her own body and mind.
Oh, and take this time to truly explore the two children you have!
This is a wonderful, wonderful stage of life they are in and it goes by so quickly. Soak them up as much as you can, observe their personality traits, bond with them…let them feel your breath, feel the warmth of your hugs, hear your laughter, let them truly feel they are everything to you now because it’s the foundation they will have when they get older and sassier.
It seems you’re so anxious to have #3 that you are tossing aside #1 already and hardly even noticing #2. That would be a very sad thing.