Amen to that.Wow, that’s harsh. Let’s do the math. How many converts to Catholicism will you get using judgement and sarcasm? I keep coming up with zero.
Amen to that.Wow, that’s harsh. Let’s do the math. How many converts to Catholicism will you get using judgement and sarcasm? I keep coming up with zero.
When I used the term “militantly ignorant” I was referring to some specific people I know who call themselves fundamentalists, will not listen to anything that isn’t “Bible alone” do not believe in the authority of any church, not even theirs. If you disagree with their pastor, you simply break off and start a new church. They believe “you can be a good person and still not go to heaven”, “Deaf people can’t get saved because they can’t hear the word of God” and I call this militant ignorance because they hold on to their anti-intellectualism as if their lives depend on it.I used to be a fundamentalist and I certainly wasn’t “militantly ignorant”. I knew who King James was (as did most people in my church), I didn’t quote scriptures out of context, and ecumenism was fine so long as we didn’t gang up with churches who diluted the gospel message by preaching a “gospel of works”. I now hate that term btw.
Ummm, maybe because the Catholic Church is the one true Church and not some “Bible Believing” church. If you’re going to take up this topic, take it up in a different thread. I think I said this already but please stop hijacking my thread. I know you just dread the idea of a Catholic evangelism crusade to counter your fundie efforts to “save” people but I am not going to stop until I’m dead and even once I’m dead, I’ll continue to pray that the Church is spread throughout the world in Purgatory and in Heaven, if I make it there. I did not create this thread so anti-Catholic “believers in Jesus” could come and debate me. I created this thread so that Catholics could come and give me some suggestions and advice!
Oh, and aren’t you a former Catholic? Why did you commit the grave sin of schism then?
Thanks, but I really got the idea for the “scenario” from John Martignoni’s downloads on Evangelization. There are many “tracts” out there…you can get some of them here at Catholic Answers. Never underestimate the power of “random encounters”. These maybe instances where you overhear conversations that contain misunderstandings about the Faith. These are powerful opportunities to speak the truth in love.I love your scenario!
My sister lives in a diocese that actually does the door to door. They go in pairs, a man and woman to be on the safe side. They are very gentle and kind, and have mostly gotten ex-Catholics back into the church.
It helps to have some pamphlets or “tracts”. In fact, I think some Chick-like booklets would be nice. Maybe I’ll work on that.
There is so much anti-Catholicism that is based on misinformation.
When I did St Vincent dePaul home visits, we got to do a little of this. Many people didn’t even know we were Catholics. My partner would say, “Well, we’re not supposed to protestantize, you know”
He meant “proselytize”.
Thank you, I will work on finding some tracts. We always say grace before meals when we eat out and make sure to include the sign of the cross. Not just to thank God and bless the food, but we feel that someone might see us and think, “I should go back to church.”Thanks, but I really got the idea for the “scenario” from John Martignoni’s downloads on Evangelization. There are many “tracts” out there…you can get some of them here at Catholic Answers. Never underestimate the power of “random encounters”. These maybe instances where you overhear conversations that contain misunderstandings about the Faith. These are powerful opportunities to speak the truth in love.
Good luck with your evangelization efforts!
Excellent!Thank you, I will work on finding some tracts. We always say grace before meals when we eat out and make sure to include the sign of the cross. Not just to thank God and bless the food, but we feel that someone might see us and think, “I should go back to church.”
We discussed evangelization at our Bible Group this week, too.
Exactly! She even used the term “fundie”!Wow, that’s harsh. Let’s do the math. How many converts to Catholicism will you get using judgement and sarcasm? I keep coming up with zero.
Tweetymom, I apologize if you think that I called you names at one point or another. I also apologize if I have offended you somehow. Yes, I was angry when I replied to your previous posts but I am not angry now. Please forgive me.I didn’t think you were supposed to call people names? I do not dread the idea of a Catholic evangelism crusade, it would be a great idea dear lady if it did happen. Oh and by the way I am not anti anything,
You really are full of yourself.God Bless you as you continue your journey with our Savior.
Apoligey accepted. There are many people from Protestant, Catholic religions that think because they go to a certion church, they have a free card to heaven, Being a Christian is hard work regardless if you are Catholic, or Protestant.Tweetymom, I apologize if you think that I called you names at one point or another. I also apologize if I have offended you somehow. Yes, I was angry when I replied to your previous posts but I am not angry now. Please forgive me.
That said, I am not going to retreat from the fact that Protestant evangelism crusades are misguided and deceiving.
You do not just simply go up to the altar during the altar call at a Protestant church, say the “sinner’s prayer”, and get a free ticket to Heaven. That’s just not the way you get to Heaven. I am not saying that there won’t be any Protestants in Heaven. What I am saying is that nowhere in the Bible does it say that all you have to do is recite a 30 second prayer to get to Heaven. There are a plethora of verses in Scripture that show that it is not easy to get to Heaven but that it actually involves effort. Here are just a few of these verses:
(Philippians 2:12 NAB-A) So then, my beloved, obedient as you have always been, not only when I am present but all the more now when I am absent, work out your salvation with fear and trembling.
(Luke 13:24 NAB-A) Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough.
(Luke 3:9 NAB-A) Even now the ax lies at the root of the trees. Therefore every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.
I belive so, a violation of the first commandment, intentionally putting your salvation in jeapordy if done with full knowledge.Wow, so just merely attending these “non-Catholic” events and programs is sinful now!
I would go further than saying that just living your Christian life is “passive” evangelization. At some point you have to get active or pro-active and step out of yourself to engage others.To my mind, the best evangelization that any Catholic can give is simply to be Christian. Follow our Lord’s teaching; love God and love your neighbor. People notice these things, and it surprises them and inspires them. Preaching is a gift that few have been blessed with, so if you lack this gift just live your Christian life and your testimony will be greater than a thousand sermons.
Are you saying that non-Catholic Christians are idolaters and that we worship a different God? We have been given by God intellect to discern truth. Merely reading material from other religions, even non-Christian ones, is not sinful. What may be sinful is that if you agree with the non-Christian religions and cults.I belive so, a violation of the first commandment, intentionally putting your salvation in jeapordy if done with full knowledge.
The examination of concience that I use (and many other’s that I have seen) include the following:
Matthew 7:13-14 speaks of the narrow gate. Christ never said salvation would be easy.
- Did I put my faith in danger ‐ without a good reason – by reading a book, pamphlet, or magazine that contains material contrarty to Catholic faith or morals?
- Did I endarnger my faith by joining or attending meetins of organizations opposed to the Catholic faith such as non‐Catholic services, Freemasonry, New Age cults or other religions? Did I take part in any of its activities?
I agree with you on this point. We also use one-to-one discipleship. It is more effective than public debates or crusades nowadays, although of course these things still have its value. Sometimes it still works, but engaging a person by establishing a personal relationship with him/her is more effective.I would go further than saying that just living your Christian life is “passive” evangelization. At some point you have to get active or pro-active and step out of yourself to engage others.
I don’t advocate standing on the street corner with a bull horn and raucous debate is not for everyone. But anyone can befriend someone who is searching. Anyone can invite someone over for coffee who may be in danger of leaving the Church.
One-on-one apostolate works very well. Sometimes these people just need a friend to point this stuff out in the bible or to explain why what a non-Catholic Christian is saying isn’t quite true, is one sided, ignores some other aspect of scripture (or common sense) or is just plain impossible.
The martyrs were killed for saying this stuff. So what’s the worst that can happen to us?