This comes up SO often for me when discussing religion with non-believers. They always eventually go to the “Well every religion thinks it’s right and all the others are wrong!”… For me it’s hard to keep the conversation going after that. It’s like, yeah they do, but why does that stop you from finding your own truth?
Any advice for how to deal with it when this is brought up? How can I kind of elevate Christianity/Catholicism above all of the “other” religions that would swear they are the truth?
Allow me to reply to your question as a non-Catholic.
I have grown up in a multi-religious environment with a Hebrew mother, a Muslim father, and a Catholic grandfather. Then there were some atheists also, so I have seen my fair share of some of the more common believes in our western society.
Mind you, I consider atheism to be a religion as well, since it shows a lot of the the same elements that you find in other religions.
There are as many views in the world as there are people. Look at these forums. Even among Catholics there is sometimes fierce debate on certain subjects. I guess that is human nature. Of course we all justify our opinions for ourselves and are willing to defend them, one way or another.
From my perspective, as someone who is not part of an ‘official’ religion, religions have the same tendency. Which, I would think, is to be expected and logical.
For some, especially atheists, this is one of the main characteristics they dislike about religions. To be honest, I can see where they are coming from, especially when a religion claims that only their members will go do heaven if they follow their ‘rules’ and the rest will go to hell.
I know, I’m putting it far too simplistic, but that is often how it comes off to others who are not part of that particular religion. That is not a very appealing stance for outsiders. It actually sounds more like a threat. That is, if it is actually put in this fashion. This then builds resentment and makes people focus on this particular characteristic of a lot of religions.
As for an advice for when you are dealing with anyone saying that, I think it should be very easy to counter a remark like that.
“Jesus loves everyone, and teaches that we should love everyone like he does.”
One can disagree on details in a religion, but I think that the majority of Christian religions would agree with this. Initially you can leave God and the Holy Trinity out of the discussion. Leave that for later once they seem to open up a bit more for these concepts.
Keep in mind, a lot of atheists have a profound fear for religion. So take it slow and give them the time they need to let things sink in. Take into account that some just will not be interested. The best you can do is respect it and maybe get back to it when the situation seems right. Most of all though, don’t insist too much. People who make the argument you mention will shy away if you insist too much.
I also don’t think it makes much sense to have the ambition to try to ‘translate’ the New Testament as so many try to do by analyzing it. There is just no end to the discussions on the various quotes, and there will never be a 100% agreement on what everything means. If you look at the history of the Catholic church you will see that the various drastic changes that have been made in the Dogma also portray a change in perspective and interpretation of the Bible, even within the Catholic Church.
What rings true for one, might not for another. Also that is perfectly normal. It would be strange if everyone were to agree on everything. It just isn’t the nature of man to do so. So I see it as rather pointless to try to achieve this in whatever way.
I do think though, that the majority of people will prefer Love over hate/fear, so that makes a much stronger argument than any of the others.
Another thing I’d like to add to this when it comes to atheists in particular:
Often they will try to knock Christians in general off their feet with contradictions that can be found in the Bible.
I personally find that weak. It is rather unfair to try to judge a holy scripture based upon its consistency when it itself consists of a merge of different religious books in one. Especially when one is trying to revolutionize the other (the New Testament).
A fun argument is always to talk about how science also contradicts itself in the things it teaches.
In the end: be tolerant and loving! Even if they do not believe what you do. God has a Big Plan, and that also includes people who do not believe. I’m convinced of that. From my own experience and conviction I know that the Love of Christ is real and does work. I think that is the core of it all.
God bless, and good luck!
Padre Pio once was visited by a young couple, and the girl confessed her sins with him. She excused her husband with him, saying that he was not much into religion.
Her husband then said to Padre Pio:“I’m sorry father, but I just do not believe in God.”
Whereas Padre Pio replied:“Don’t worry son, He believes in you.”