My son started college at a Catholic University last week. From my perspective, he takes his faith seriously. He is a good student. He will work hard to learn material he is assigned. I am very concerned because he took an elective called “God on Trial” (…why i do not know.) His semester assignment is a 12 page research paper / book report on either Hitchens, Harris, or Dawkins. It’s strange, I looked at syllabus and I don’t see any place for God to make a case.
Anyway, if anyone can help me with these questions, I would really appreciate it.
1.) Which of the 3 has the weakest argument?
2.) What are some good books to counter what he will learn from these authors?
3.) Other suggestions?
I think he will read materials if I ask him to, and I know there are sound rational reasons to believe. I am looking for something that does a good job refuting the specific arguments he will hear from these 3 authors.
Thank you in advance for any help or suggestions you can provide.
· God is Not Great – Hitchens
· The End of Faith – Harris
· The God Delusion - Dawkins