Well, I have the tendencies.
Any advice from ex-sedevacantist on how to ressist it?
Any advice from ex-sedevacantist on how to ressist it?
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A sedevacantist is someone who believes that the office of pope is vacant. It has really nothing to do with the papal infallibility doctrine, there were disagreements about who was pope for many centuries before the first Vatican councilYea, that one promises keeps me away from being a sede’.
Anyway, can someone here define and defend the papal infallibility doctrine? That is the one doctrine that spawns lots of problems from a sede’.
The doctrine as I learned it with regard to the pope, states that the pope is infallible when speaking ex cathedra, from the chair of Peter, to all Catholics, on maters of faith and morals and states that he is speaking ex cathedra. The last time that was evoked was when Pius XII proclaimed the doctrine of the Assumption of Mary into heaven in the 1950’s.can someone here define and defend the papal infallibility doctrine?
The Holy Spirit will prevent that from happening!I want to know what should be our response in case we ever get (hopefully never) a scandalous pope that contradicts previous teaching…
Yes, stay away from their websites and newsletters.Any advice
So, how didn’t Peter lose his authority when he denied Christ/told Him that the Passion was unnessecary?Well most sede’s said that if the pope is wrong, then his authority will be lost.
Where is your source for this asseryion?Peter didn’t have papal authority at that time since the Church didn’t begin until Pentecost.
Never cited this. Strawman.Peter was under duress since he feared for his life at the time he denied Our Lord 3 times.
What does that even mean? Peter denied the will of the man he called the Messiah…As for the verse you cited, it has no bearing on the matter since true popes can be worldly.
Affirmative.The Church began at Pentecost.