How to resist sedevacantism?

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The SSPX are heretical schismatics. The SSPV reject the 1955 missal of Pope Pius XII, deny the validity of Holy Orders of Bishop Thuc, and are in my opinion quacks! I have a priest who does Holy Mass in a house for about 15 or so of us. He aligns himself with CMRI.
Yes, “Catholics” and so-called clergy who reject the faith in favor of their own opinions… Certainly sounds more legit than our current pope walking the talk and doing as Jesus would. :roll_eyes: Just Protestantism by another name.
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Sedes and schismatic groups are kinda niche… That seems large to me, honestly
We give all we can and he gets enough from us to share with the poor. He travels great distances for Catholics. You can’t even get our local novus ordo priest to answer his phone to help the dying. Seriously. Our priest will take off on a moments notice and travel hundreds of miles for anyone, including a novus ordo if dying and needing the sacraments.
OK, John 20.

Your pseudo-argument is utterly destroyed. I said so, and that makes it fact.

I mean, I have just as much “authority” as you claim…

No further comment as life is too precious to waste.
Ha. Francis blasphemes Our Lord, Our Lady, St. John the Baptist, etc. and denies the Catholic faith on a daily basis. He doesn’t have a Catholic bone in his body.
Bold statement. How bout some proof?
It is a logical fallacy. Most sedes are (in their own mind) FAR more Catholic than the Pope and accept everything Papal until John XXIII and Vatican II.

Simple question for a Sedevacantist: So, if the Catholic Church is the true Church and cannot fall into error, then how has it fallen into error? How would that have been possible?

If the Pope is not able to teach heresy, then why do you think the Pope is a heretic?

Sedevacantism is just pseudo-Catholic Protestantism.
So, if the Catholic Church is the true Church and cannot fall into error, then how has it fallen into error? How would that have been possible?
One possible response to this might be that the Church hasn’t fallen into error. She simply has shrunk tremendously. As he said of the SSPX (and by extension, us), we are schismatic heretics. We then, by that logic, have schismed from the true Church. The sedevacantists are part of the true Church.
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Because someone close to me was involved with all that, I was drawn into the controversy for a couple of years. Very bad for my spiritual life.

One thing I see: they break off and form new groups just like the Protestants, the SSPX, the SSPV, the conclavists, St Gertrude’s, etc.

Another is that they don’t really have an answer for how the Church will be restored if their view is correct.

And the thing I find most dangerous is that their focus is on the wrongness of the institution known as the Catholic Church and how it isn’t the true Church anymore. Very little focus on teaching their sheep how to grow in holiness…

Consider Who wants the Church to be one, and who wants the Church divided? then see that sedevacantism is a temptation and treat it as you would any temptation, through prayer and rejection.

ETA: Also consider what draws you to sedevacantism and see if that is a good thing such as preference for reverent Mass, or the EF; attention to beauty or older devotions–these you can look for in the Church, but if you are attracted by the feeling of being a persecuted minority or feeling like you have secret knowledge, then you are better off without these tendencies!
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I had never heard of CMRI before this thread. I had to look it up. Many titles they operate under and seemingly much of their spirituality references Our Lady.

It made me a little bit sad because it seems like that kid who loves mom and wants to be so good for her but for some reason needs mom to outright say you are better than your siblings.
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Don’t allow temptation in. The devil seeks to divide the Church in this way. Those who open the door to this temptation are going badly astray; their house is on shifting ground.
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