Thanks again to everyone for providing these terrific stories!
I guess I should mention a little about what we’ve been thinking about… We are still in the planning stages, as the marriage is 1-1.5 years away (we haven’t decided on the date yet).
The main thing I care about is the Mass. My dream is to have a beautiful Tridentine High Mass, with full choir and organ. As my fiancée wants to have the Mass at her parish (where she was baptized, received first communion and was confirmed), I’m not sure if this is even possible – It is a beautiful church, but unfortunately went through the “Renovation Manipulation” over the last 30 years. (This is where bishops thought they were ‘modernizing’ their churches, when in fact they were defacing them, ripping out kneelers, communion rails, getting rid of altars and having ‘tables’, and moving the tabernacle to a side room.)
Thankfully, the tabernacle is restored to its proper place in the center of the altarpiece, but there is only a table, not a true altar, so I don’t think any priest could do a traditional mass there. Plus, it’d be a real surprise if any priest in that parish would even know how to do it. After all, if they’d allow the church to be defaced, then they probably gave up on that Mass a long time ago.
Perhaps my priest would be willing to be the celebrant…
Sigh… God help us in these difficult times…
Why is it so hard to have the Mass that we, and God’s Church, so longingly desire?
Anyway, I would print beautiful misalettes for everyone with the Latin of the Mass on one side and the translation on the other.
[In our wedding, *language is a big issue: I’m Italian, Elizabeth is from Galicia, in Spain. So we would need translations into Italian, Catalán (official Spanish), Gallego (the Galician Spanish dialect), and English. The homily would be spoken in English, presumably, since the priest is English. I love how the the Tridentine Mass overcomes language boundaries, don’t you? I mean, Latin is Latin, and the Mass is in Latin, and everyone recognizes the same parts of the Mass and understands the same prayers. It really doesn’t matter what language they speak.]
As for
pre-cana, yes we are planning to do it over the course of a few months, probably with my spiritual director, or perhaps at her family parish. I like the idea of an Engaged Encounter retreat weekend. Perhaps we can research that option, too.
I am planning a big emphasis on our shared Faith. First, by my being a stickler for a beautiful Mass, I am setting forth the standard that will carry forth into our marriage: God comes first; and this marriage is truly a Sacrament that I will fight to honor and defend, forever. I hope the beauty of the traditional Mass (if God wills that I’m able to arrange it!) and the sublime music will transcend all boundaries and remind people of the rich heritage of their faith. I also want to say grace before eating dinner – it seems to have be forgotten in many of the weddings that I’ve gone to.
As for how our Faith will change after being married… only time will tell. I pray that we may support each other and become stronger in the Faith.