(1) How long were you engaged? Did you do pre-cana? If so, how long did you do it?
Hubby and I got engaged Christmas of 98 (after knowing eachother for only 7 months… I highly recommend waithing longer) and were married in July of 99. We had originally planned for an October wedding, but he is in the military and plans had to change when he was told he would be going to Kosovo in August.
We did a pre-cana course through our parish. It was about 2 months long (I think) with classes once a week. It was really good. I know they offer shorter pre-cana sessions, but I really enjoyed the program and meeting the other engaged couples.
(2) How were you married? What kind of ceremony-- civil ceremony, church ceremony, church ceremony with mass? Where did you do it – in the bride’s home town, an exotic beach, Europe? I’d enjoy hearing lots of stories.
We were married in our Catholic parish (my home city), but did not have a Mass because I was not yet Catholic at the time.
We had a reception at a local community hall with about 250 guests. Almost all of those were family members on my dad’s side.
To tell you the truth, I don’t remember a lot about that entire day. The wedding and reception are one big blur. I do remember how exhausted I was by that night… and how my veil was pinned so well into my hair that I couldn’t get it out and almost had to sleep with it stuck there, lol.
A few days later we booked a last minute honeymoon (with money received as gifts) to Florida for a week. A couple of days after we got home, he left for 5 months to Kosovo.
I was a newlywed by myself. I think we figured out that in our first 2 years of marriage, we were only together for less than an actual year with him going away so much. It defintely made things challenging.
I think if I were given the choice to do it all again, I would get married in a beautiful location (like the mountains or a beach) with just immediate family and close friends.
(3) How did you ensure that your Faith was part-and-parcel of the the wedding process?
Unfortunately, I didn’t have much of a faith. But my hubby was/is Catholic and was firm on his beliefs. I wish I had been Catholic too.
(4) How has your Faith changed after being married?
I went from being a “semi-athiest—I believe in something” to a devout, practicing, conservative Catholic thanks to God’s grace and my hubby’s patience.
I have an entirely different view now of marriage, sex, children, God, the Church… everything important.