How were you married?

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My husband and I dated for about 3 years before we got married this past October. No pre-cana (we’re not Catholics) We were married by our dear friends J. and C. (husband and wife ), both notaries and both very active as pagan clergy. It was nice, we wrote our own vows, it wasn’t overly “Woo-Woo” and we were surrounded by our beloveds. The ceremony took place outside on a beautiful Oct. afternoon, about 2 pm - the sun was shining, there was just a hint of the autumn season in the air. My uncle played the bag-pipes and my 2 best friends from Jr. High stood with me (I get to return the favor this up coming Oct. for one of them, she’s getting married a week after my 1st anniversary) One of my girls lent us pure white rabbit pelts to adorn our altar, which was very simple, clean and uncluttered . He wore a kilt and doublet and I had a beautiful Rennaisance inspired gown made of green velvet.

I know this may not be everybody’s ideal wedding, but it was lovely and it meant so much to both us and our guests.



(who’s just moved to VT, finally has internet access after about 3 weeks of deprivation lol and is very, very excited about finally getting over herself and taking part in RCIA this fall)

Thanks be to God, I am now engaged to a beautiful, intelligent and charming young woman, Elizabeth. She shares many of my goals and aspirations (among which is to have lots of kids), and will make a great mom one day – hopefully starting in a couple of years!

My questions for you are four-fold:

(1) How long were you engaged? Did you do pre-cana? If so, how long did you do it?

(2) How were you married? What kind of ceremony-- civil ceremony, church ceremony, church ceremony with mass? Where did you do it – in the bride’s home town, an exotic beach, Europe? I’d enjoy hearing lots of stories.

(3) How did you ensure that your Faith was part-and-parcel of the the wedding process?

(4) How has your Faith changed after being married?
(1) How long were you engaged? Did you do pre-cana? If so, how long did you do it?

We were high school sweethearts. We dated for 6 years, were engaged for 18 months. We did do pre-cana (6 weeks) and had visits with the priest. My DH was not Catholic at the time. He was Methodist.

(2) How were you married? What kind of ceremony-- civil ceremony, church ceremony, church ceremony with mass? Where did you do it – in the bride’s home town, an exotic beach, Europe? I’d enjoy hearing lots of stories.

We were married im my Church, in a full Catholic Mass.

(3) How did you ensure that your Faith was part-and-parcel of the the wedding process?

By having a full Mass and presenting flowers and praying to our Blessed Mother.

(4) How has your Faith changed after being married?

After we were married, on Sunday mornings, we would each go our own way to Church. Then, my DH started coming with me. It became more and more frequent. After a few years of coming with me exclusively, he went through RCIA and converted. Our faith grew so much when we started worshiping together. And, once kids were added in, our faith grew even more.
I am not married, or even engaged, but if I were to meet that special Catholic man, I would want to get married as soon as possible, hopefully within three months.

I wouldn’t want to wait long to get married. If you’re sure that you want to marry someone, you should do it soon, and not wait a long time to “plan things”.

When you get engaged, you hopefully already know that you want to spend the rest of your life with that person, and you don’t need a long engagement to “make sure”.
We met in July of 94, got engaged in March of 95.

My Hubby was activly serving in submarines, so the Catholic Chaplin did a psydeo Pre-Canna with us. Basically we fitted meetings with him around boat movements, thankfully he was very accomidating (then again this was not the first time for the chaplin to do this either).

My hubby was Presbyterian at the time, so I got the dispensation and permission.

March of 96 we were married by a Catholic Navy Chaplin at the Naval Academy Chapel (really a cathedral in structure). We had a Catholic Mass, with out communion, due to falling during Lent and the large number of non-Catholics in attendance. We did have a unity candle and Catholic approved music and readings.

After trying out several options, both services/mass, attending Episcopal for a few months, I finally told him I have to go back to my Catholic roots. We starting attending Catholic mass regularly. After about 18 months, my huby came home one day with his RCIA information after meeting with the Catholic Priest without me knowing. He was confirmed a year later.

So 8 months of dating, one year engagment, and coming up on 10 years of marriage we are pretty strong in our Catholic faith. I forgot to say the one year engagment included a 6 month deployment of my hubby on board his submarine, and difficulty obtaining a date at the Academy around the deployment schedule. (Incedentally the USNA Chapel will not let you get married in the Chapel if you have been married already, like a JOP. And the Chapel also wanted to make sure you were not divorced (unless annuled) inaddition to the Catholic Chaplin’s Office.) We were married one month after his return from deployment, any closer could have resulted in a no show of the groom! (by still being at sea)

I felt like the luckiest Princess who finally got to marry her Prince!
I meant to click we eloped, but accidentally clicked common law…oops!
Thanks be to God, I am now engaged to a beautiful, intelligent and charming young woman, Elizabeth. She shares many of my goals and aspirations (among which is to have lots of kids), and will make a great mom one day – hopefully starting in a couple of years!

My questions for you are four-fold:

(1) How long were you engaged? Did you do pre-cana? If so, how long did you do it?

(2) How were you married? What kind of ceremony-- civil ceremony, church ceremony, church ceremony with mass? Where did you do it – in the bride’s home town, an exotic beach, Europe? I’d enjoy hearing lots of stories.

(3) How did you ensure that your Faith was part-and-parcel of the the wedding process?

(4) How has your Faith changed after being married?
  1. We were engaged for a little over a year. Dated for 5 we were 16 when we started dating
  2. We had a church ceremony with a mass in my (bride) church.
    3)Mhusband proposed to me in a church and from that day forward we worked really hard to make the wedding mass special for us, we lit the Unity Candle using my siblings (who passed away as infants) baptismal candles. We also gave each other communion.
  3. I have a much stronger devotion to Mary.
(1) How long were you engaged? 4 months

Did you do pre-cana? If so, how long did you do it? **Yes. We went to a full-day weekend pre-cana class. **

(2) How were you married? What kind of ceremony-- civil ceremony, church ceremony, church ceremony with mass?
**Sacrament, plus a novus-ordo mass **

Where did you do it – in the bride’s home town, an exotic beach, Europe? I’d enjoy hearing lots of stories.
At the church that I went to every summer when we were vacationing on Hilton Head Island, SC

(3) How did you ensure that your Faith was part-and-parcel of the the wedding process?
By receiving the Sacrament of Matrimony and having the Mass. I also put a rose in front of the statue of Mary during the ceremony.

(4) How has your Faith changed after being married?
**It has changed - deepened - strengthened. As my faith has deepened and we’ve both matured, I can look back and see how clearly God was guiding us through the rough times. I’m grateful for the bumpy times now. In the end, they have made our marriage stronger. We just had our 6th anniversary on Aug. 28th! 🙂 **
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