My husband and I dated for about 3 years before we got married this past October. No pre-cana (we’re not Catholics) We were married by our dear friends J. and C. (husband and wife ), both notaries and both very active as pagan clergy. It was nice, we wrote our own vows, it wasn’t overly “Woo-Woo” and we were surrounded by our beloveds. The ceremony took place outside on a beautiful Oct. afternoon, about 2 pm - the sun was shining, there was just a hint of the autumn season in the air. My uncle played the bag-pipes and my 2 best friends from Jr. High stood with me (I get to return the favor this up coming Oct. for one of them, she’s getting married a week after my 1st anniversary) One of my girls lent us pure white rabbit pelts to adorn our altar, which was very simple, clean and uncluttered . He wore a kilt and doublet and I had a beautiful Rennaisance inspired gown made of green velvet.
I know this may not be everybody’s ideal wedding, but it was lovely and it meant so much to both us and our guests.

(who’s just moved to VT, finally has internet access after about 3 weeks of deprivation lol and is very, very excited about finally getting over herself and taking part in RCIA this fall)
Thanks be to God, I am now engaged to a beautiful, intelligent and charming young woman, Elizabeth. She shares many of my goals and aspirations (among which is to have lots of kids), and will make a great mom one day – hopefully starting in a couple of years!
My questions for you are four-fold:
(1) How long were you engaged? Did you do pre-cana? If so, how long did you do it?
(2) How were you married? What kind of ceremony-- civil ceremony, church ceremony, church ceremony with mass? Where did you do it – in the bride’s home town, an exotic beach, Europe? I’d enjoy hearing lots of stories.
(3) How did you ensure that your Faith was part-and-parcel of the the wedding process?
(4) How has your Faith changed after being married?
I know this may not be everybody’s ideal wedding, but it was lovely and it meant so much to both us and our guests.

(who’s just moved to VT, finally has internet access after about 3 weeks of deprivation lol and is very, very excited about finally getting over herself and taking part in RCIA this fall)
Thanks be to God, I am now engaged to a beautiful, intelligent and charming young woman, Elizabeth. She shares many of my goals and aspirations (among which is to have lots of kids), and will make a great mom one day – hopefully starting in a couple of years!
My questions for you are four-fold:
(1) How long were you engaged? Did you do pre-cana? If so, how long did you do it?
(2) How were you married? What kind of ceremony-- civil ceremony, church ceremony, church ceremony with mass? Where did you do it – in the bride’s home town, an exotic beach, Europe? I’d enjoy hearing lots of stories.
(3) How did you ensure that your Faith was part-and-parcel of the the wedding process?
(4) How has your Faith changed after being married?