Someone on this forum once said that being raised by a heterosexual couple was what is best for a child in need of adopting.
But what is wrong with a homosexual couple raising a child? Explain in detail how it can be deleterious to the childs well being.
There are plenty of details- look for studies pointing out the difficulties such children face, etc… But the main issue for us is on principle, not details. Asking “What is wrong with a homosexual couple raising a child?” is akin to asking “What is wrong with an adulterous couple raising a child?” You can also substitute the sin here with any number of other ones, like: alcoholic, violent, incestuous, etc.
The point is that homosexual behavior is an affront to natural law, to healthy human society and to God. In addition to this, it is scandalous, because it is always visible to the community. An adulterous couple, although steeped in sin, may not be so scandalous to the community, because their sin may be committed behind closed doors. It may also not be as visible to the children (though it will still affect them to some degree). But a homosexual couple is continually visible to the community. Instead of hiding the sin, such a disordered public union essentially rejects its own sinfulness, and calls good what is frankly evil.
Now if you are posing the question of whether it is better for a child to be raised by a homosexual couple than being brought up in the foster care system- I would say, it depends, on a case-by-case basis. Considering the infamy of the foster care system, a child may indeed be better off being raised by a homosexual couple. But we could also say that they might be better off being raised by two straight guys too, or by a single women. None of these are ideal, but they might be better than a worse situation.
The point is practically moot, however, considering that there are very FEW homosexual couples in the world, and there are more than enough heterosexual couples that can and should adopt children. Although it is
practically moot, however it is ideologically very important, because this goes on to further normalize homosexuality and trivialize the authentic family, which is why you see so many fighting for it.
I write this in love and clarity. I hope it was of help!