How would one respond to this with charity?

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Okay guys I am on an abortion debate forum and one of the posters said basically what do I know I probably don’t have any children:nope: So I told them I have had 4 #5 is my nephew whom I have custody,but that was irrelevant because she was referring to pregnancy.Anyway here is the reponse I got:banghead:
For Catholic Lisa: Anyone who brings FOUR children into the world of the 21st Century is clearly NOT exactly “with it”. No wonder you are cult-material. Darling, you should either get with the birth control program or “just say no” to your husband (I assume you have one, or else you are REALLY mental and hypcritically beyond help).

None of my friends have a “Kindergarten” at their house. I know several childless couples, and a few with one or two children. Nobody I know (of my generation) has FOUR children. That is what we would consider “trash”. Oh, by the way, nobody I know (and certainly not I) ever had any abortion. We don’t have any need for such procedures, because we know how to PREVENT unwanted preganancies. Obviously a “bunny” like yourself wouldn’t know much about that.

You probably come from a “good Catholic family”, where lying about sexual matters is the chosen way to go. The Pope isn’t helping, still insisting that artificial birth control is wrong. You are in a the company of real nuts, honey. Please don’t ask anyone to prescribe to your “views”, because there is only confusion in them, and no help at all.
Wow… I don’t know if I could respond charitably to that. I am not even sure I could restrain myself from socking the other.

For starters find out what they believe the church teaches on sex and what the Pope has taught on sex. Then see how off the mark they are and explain the true meaning of sex.
Tell her this: “Children are blessings and bundles of joy. Who doesn’t like blessings and joy?”

Haha, funny thing is, four isn’t that many at all.
Oh by the way… I am glad there is still women such as you in this world who find joy in children.

Another idea would be simply respond with the truth. Perhaps the only charitable recourse is to be blunt with them.
Oh yeah, and I second the above poster who said to ask them what they think the Church teaches and why. Then direct them to a nice Theology of the Body website.
oh one more thing: ask why she thinks that having more than 2 kids means some are “unwanted”?
Okay guys I am on an abortion debate forum and one of the posters said basically what do I know I probably don’t have any children:nope: So I told them I have had 4 #5 is my nephew whom I have custody,but that was irrelevant because she was referring to pregnancy.Anyway here is the reponse I got:banghead:
For Catholic Lisa: Anyone who brings FOUR children into the world of the 21st Century is clearly NOT exactly “with it”. No wonder you are cult-material. Darling, you should either get with the birth control program or “just say no” to your husband (I assume you have one, or else you are REALLY mental and hypcritically beyond help).

None of my friends have a “Kindergarten” at their house. I know several childless couples, and a few with one or two children. Nobody I know (of my generation) has FOUR children. That is what we would consider “trash”. Oh, by the way, nobody I know (and certainly not I) ever had any abortion. We don’t have any need for such procedures, because we know how to PREVENT unwanted preganancies. Obviously a “bunny” like yourself wouldn’t know much about that.

You probably come from a “good Catholic family”, where lying about sexual matters is the chosen way to go. The Pope isn’t helping, still insisting that artificial birth control is wrong. You are in a the company of real nuts, honey. Please don’t ask anyone to prescribe to your “views”, because there is only confusion in them, and no help at all.
I could not respond charitably to that person. I would want to strangle that woman. I have 7 brothers and sisters, so four children is not much. It makes me mad just reading your post of what she said. I probably would have called her every name in the book.
I don’t know, Lisa, how you respond to her. I will tell you, she is far beneath you and if charity were not our duty, beneath your notice.
HOw about asking them if they are Christian or if they believe in God? If they say they do believe in God, then ask them why they do not trust God and his design for women.

Explain to her, that she chooses her circle based on her beliefs, but there are women who think God designed us to breastfeed and to have babies according to his spacing and not according to our materialistic motives.

Maybe tell her that you understand that she thinks it is irresponsible to have children, but you trust that God designed you as he intended and that every child is born because God wants that soul to be born. I think first, you have to establish if this woman believes in God or not, then question why she thinks God made a mistake in his creating women as he did (some to have many children, others to have none). Show her, if she says she believes in God that it is simply a difference in the level of trust that you have in God compared to her level of trust.

She believes in God, but she controls everything according to her will and not God’s will.
Well, for one thing, it will be your children who support them in their old age, since they are apparently not doing their part to raise a new generation of workers and taxpayers. The problems of the social security system are, after all, primarily demographic: the baby boomer generation didn’t have enough children to support the system.

But I presume they would rather go the way of Europe–become a sophisticated, but dying society because of declining birthrates.
I don’t think I could be charitable to someone that rude. But I would definitely suspect that this is someone who doesn’t believe in much of anything…
If you could somehow find out her religious beliefs, it would tell you a lot. But the main thing I would say is that she needs to be enlightened on the value of children. She seems to see them as some horrible burden. The more you can say about what a blessing yours are to you, I would think would be the best thing.
Mind you, if there were a way for me to cyber-deliver her a knock up the side of the head that would probably be my reaction. She is both IMHO both rude & ignorant…
Haha, L4C asked for charitable responses. I’m sure we all have many, many more uncharitble ones;)
Okay guys I am on an abortion debate forum and one of the posters said basically what do I know I probably don’t have any children:nope: So I told them I have had 4 #5 is my nephew whom I have custody,but that was irrelevant because she was referring to pregnancy.Anyway here is the reponse I got:banghead:
For Catholic Lisa: Anyone who brings FOUR children into the world of the 21st Century is clearly NOT exactly “with it”. No wonder you are cult-material. Darling, you should either get with the birth control program or “just say no” to your husband (I assume you have one, or else you are REALLY mental and hypcritically beyond help).

None of my friends have a “Kindergarten” at their house. I know several childless couples, and a few with one or two children. Nobody I know (of my generation) has FOUR children. That is what we would consider “trash”. Oh, by the way, nobody I know (and certainly not I) ever had any abortion. We don’t have any need for such procedures, because we know how to PREVENT unwanted preganancies. Obviously a “bunny” like yourself wouldn’t know much about that.

You probably come from a “good Catholic family”, where lying about sexual matters is the chosen way to go. The Pope isn’t helping, still insisting that artificial birth control is wrong. You are in a the company of real nuts, honey. Please don’t ask anyone to prescribe to your “views”, because there is only confusion in them, and no help at all.
This would be my response:

What a rediculous and narrow idea you have about children and families. People with large families come from all walks of life, from working class to affluent. That you would even consider a person who has more than 2 children trash tells alot about you as a person. It tells me you are someone who is self absorbed and never matured, someone who is still stuck in the me centered teen years.

*I love all my children, they are all wanted and well cared for. I didn’t need to prevent unwanted pregnancies because they weren’t unwanted. The only people who’ve been lied to about sexual matters are people with your attitude. *

You have a very narrow idea about who people are and what they should or should not do in regards to family life. Maybe when you get a little more life experience, when you step out of that self centered “what’s in it for me” bubble we can have a rational discussion. That is if that is possible for you.

If things remain the way they are for you, I cetainly do pitty you. While I will be surrounded by the love of my children and grandchildren in my later years, you will be dumped off in a nursing home since the one or two me centered children you chose to raise can live their lives with out any inconvience or sacrafice, since that is the attitude that you will pass onto them.

You reep what you sow. I pray that you will grow up someday and realize the best things in life are the things you’re willing to make sacrafices for. I hope God gives you the grace to see that someday before it’s too late.
Unfortunately, I think she is probably mainstream.

This is part of the Culture War and Lisa is a warrior. I think being kind to this woman is important, but also trying to enlighten her. It may not even sink in right now, but you could maybe pry open that door a little and she just may eventually let the will of God in.

I say this because when I didn’t believe in God, I didn’t understand why women would have so many babies considering hardship. It takes a belief in God and some desire to do His will for this “hardship” to make any sense. Society feeds us wrong messages. I was raised that sex was ok as long as I used birth control. I think many get this message growing up and it is hard to get people to face that they have been wrong for several years. Just take it a little at a time and the good thing on a forum is even if she doesn’t “get it”, you just may touch someone else with your Christian way of correcting her moral compass. Teach them that God should point the way and not our morally corrupt American Society. Well, at least some segments of our society. I have hope that as a whole, we, Americans, have morals.
I appreciate all who have responded,I will get more advice and post in the morning I am still quite taken back by the post :mad: And do not feel this is the best time to respond,be cause it was a very mean and demeaning post,and it this time I would be responding on an emotional level that is not to pretty:mad: :tsktsk: :tsktsk: :banghead:
This would be my response:

What a rediculous and narrow idea you have about children and families. People with large families come from all walks of life, from working class to affluent. That you would even consider a person who has more than 2 children trash tells alot about you as a person. It tells me you are someone who is self absorbed and never matured, someone who is still stuck in the me centered teen years.

*I love all my children, they are all wanted and well cared for. I didn’t need to prevent unwanted pregnancies because they weren’t unwanted. The only people who’ve been lied to about sexual matters are people with your attitude. *

You have a very narrow idea about who people are and what they should or should not do in regards to family life. Maybe when you get a little more life experience, when you step out of that self centered “what’s in it for me” bubble we can have a rational discussion. That is if that is possible for you.

If things remain the way they are for you, I cetainly do pitty you. While I will be surrounded by the love of my children and grandchildren in my later years, you will be dumped off in a nursing home since the one or two me centered children you chose to raise can live their lives with out any inconvience or sacrafice, since that is the attitude that you will pass onto them.

You reep what you sow. I pray that you will grow up someday and realize the best things in life are the things you’re willing to make sacrafices for. I hope God gives you the grace to see that someday before it’s too late.
Wow Rayne:bowdown: :bowdown2: Do you have a copy write on this?:hmmm: That is awesome:)
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