For Catholic Lisa: Anyone who brings FOUR children into the world of the 21st Century is clearly NOT exactly “with it”.
With what? Your program of death. No thanks. I prefer to follow God’s program, life.
No wonder you are cult-material.
Do you even know what a cult is?
The formal organization and practice of worship, usually associated with a sanctuary and involving a regular cycle of sacrifices, prayers, and hymns under the direction of priests and other leaders; when used in biblical studies the term is descriptive and does not imply anything dark, devilish, false, or unseemly, as is often the case in modern uses of the term.
You use the word as though it were an insult. That just goes to show how you have been brainwashed by the perverse world of sex and drugs.
I’m not your darling.
you should either get with the birth control program
The birth control program is a program of drug induced abortions. There is no such thing as a preventative.
or “just say no” to your husband
God said, “A man and woman will join together and they will be one flesh”.
I and my family choose to obey God and not you.
(I assume you have one, or else you are REALLY mental and hypcritically beyond help).
You don’t want me to tell you what I assume about you.
None of my friends have a “Kindergarten” at their house.
That is sad in more ways than one. First children are a gift from God and God’s gifts should never be rejected. Then also, if they have the contraceptive/abortive mentality that you do, they have killed several of their unborn children and unless they repent they have a special place in hell awaiting them.
I know several childless couples, and a few with one or two children. Nobody I know (of my generation) has FOUR children. That is what we would consider “trash”.
Its unfortunate that you consider “trash” that which God gave you out of love.
Oh, by the way, nobody I know (and certainly not I) ever had any abortion.
You have had an abortion everytime you contracept.
We don’t have any need for such procedures, because we know how to PREVENT unwanted preganancies.
What you don’t know is what really matters, the Will of God. Even if you use “rubbers” you are still “spilling the seed” of life given by God. You are entrenched in sin.
Obviously a “bunny” like yourself wouldn’t know much about that.
I prefer the term “dove”.
Matthew 10:16
I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as
shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.
You probably come from a “good Catholic family”,
Yes. A little slow on the uptake are you? That is precisely why I call myself “Catholic Lisa” on this forum. I’m very proud of my Catholic family.
where lying about sexual matters is the chosen way to go.
Don’t believe the hype, babeeee! Catholics are the most joyful celebrators of God’s gifts.
The Pope isn’t helping, still insisting that artificial birth control is wrong.
He is absolutely correct. Artificial birth control has transformed women into sex objects just as the Catholic Church prophesied when it was first begun one century ago. Just as the Church predicted, divorce skyrocketed, women became sex objects and abortions became commonplace.
You are in a the company of real nuts, honey.
That is a description of the company you keep, hun.
Please don’t ask anyone to prescribe to your “views”, because there is only confusion in them, and no help at all.
I prescribe to the Will of God. God is not the author of confusion, Satan is. And Satan is precisely where your views originated. You are firmly under his control.
As far as you are concerned, I shake the dust off my feet. May God rebuke you.
Matthew 10:14
If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the
dust off your feet when you leave that home or town.
This is what I would say Lisa. I am a father of four and I wish I had more.
De Maria