This would be very hard to respond to with charity, indeed. The patronizing, “intellectual” tone dripping with contempt of the “breeder”, laced with the arrogance of the perceived “elite” and oh-so-self-righteously aflame with her “stewardship”, her “dignity”, her concern for the “earth”. . .
Let me see.
My fellow woman:
We obviously differ deeply in our ideas of what is important in our lives. Motherhood is not just a “side line” for me, something that I do–with a very carefully planned “one or two” children whom I can exhibit as trophies–in my spare time, totally apart from my “real job” or career which marks me as being not just any old “female” but the superior modern female who is “just like a man”.
Far from not considering reality in life, I consider it more clearly than you. I understand that life is not something which can be planned for or “controlled”. The woman who so carefully waits until she can “afford” a child only to find that she is “downsized” a few years later. . .will be in exactly the same position, if not worse, that she despised her neighbor down the street who went ahead and had a child despite not having the downpayment ready for the first year of that child’s college, a paid-for house, a new car, etc., but instead chose to live more simply, put some money in a savings account and accumulate funds gradually, have a cheaper car, etc. And have you seen the divorce rate lately? Surprisingly enough, it appears to be just as high for the oh-so-careful, pre-nup signing, “put off the child until we’re financially secure” couples than it is for the ones with more than two children.
I am sorry that you feel the need to label and to patronize women who are, by and large, not only your mental but also your emotional equals, if not betters. “Trash”? Not even human beings, but “trash”? And you make this opinion of yours into a judgment call on another woman solely because of the number of children she has? How would you feel if a person called you “trash” based on some opinion she had of you and your family?
Our Pope does not “make” the rules, he enforces them and endorses them, just as any good leader does. Some of his followers may not listen but that doesn’t mean that he will “change the rules” for them. I do wish that you would take the time to read something about the Catholic Church–there is a fine online version of the Catechism of the Catholic Church here at which would help you to understand the beauty and indeed the dignity of church teachings; also you might read our late great John Paul II’s encyclical on the Dignity of Women, here:
May the blessings of Almighty God be with you and your family.