How would one respond to this with charity?

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There are some people out there that you can not respond to.

Although I doubt that she has had an abortion, but she probably does have friends that will not share their opinion that have. A lot of people have a completly different point of view after living through the pain that an abortion causes. And many people hide it from others to try and keep themselves from feeling the pain of judgement from people who don’t understand. And others hide it to avoid showing others the personal pain that they feel from it. Some even come out of the experience with a whole new value placed on life, and knowing that while they still mourn the loss of a very loved child they can try to use their experience to help other people.

But I think that she will hopefully learn to see that the number of children a person has is between them and god, and it does not make a person trailer trash or a bunny.
You know what sticks it to thse kind of people???..

Being called on their BLATANT intolerance!!! Hang in there Lisa!!

BLMOregon response was awesome:
I can also tell you that in the 21st century, the main threat to the planet is from over-consumption, rather than over-population.
This person is living in the world of fantasy
Services that we provide:
• Outpatient elective abortion through 26 weeks from the last menstrual period.
• Medically indicated termination of pregnancy up to 36 weeks from last menstrual period (including fetal anomalies, genetic disorder, fetal demise, or severe medical problems)

The list is endless, if abortion at 24 weeks (or later) why is it advertised at everysite I went to. Looking at these sites make me want to vomit.
  • We are proud of who we are, and the differences we make in women’s lives*. Proclaims one site.
They have a “cozy soothing recovery area”. Soft lighting and relaxing music fill each treatment room, while aromatherapy and a warm heating pad help relax the patient…Tea and light refreshments are provided.

Part of our mission is to continually improve our services by remaining aware of the changing needs of our community and by listening to our patients’ comments and suggestions. Encouraging patients to help us create the kind of abortion experience they want, has led to some of the best improvements in our practice without sacrificing the outstanding standard of care we offer.

The kind of abortion experience they want?!

For those patients who prefer an appointment when no other patients are in the center, we offer a completely private abortion. The fee for this option is $700 and includes the cost of the abortion and the comfort medication package.

*For those with tight schedules, child care concerns or those who would prefer to reduce the length of the time spent in our clinic, these options are available: *
  • *No Wait Same Day
    You can choose to be seen prior to the other patients that are scheuled ahead of you. The charge for this special option is an additional $100 plus the cost of the abortion. *
  • *No Wait Two Day
    You may come into the clinic a day or two ahead of your appointment to complete your labwork, ultrasound, paperwork and counseling session. This reduces the time required for pre-surgery preparation on the day of your procedure and costs $75 plus the cost of your abortion. Your partner or significant other may join you throughout on the first day of your visit *
Boy satan knows how to real dress things up these days doesn’t he.
rayne89 said:
Services that we provide:
• Outpatient elective abortion through 26 weeks from the last menstrual period.
• Medically indicated termination of pregnancy up to 36 weeks from last menstrual period (including fetal anomalies, genetic disorder, fetal demise, or severe medical problems)

The list is endless, if abortion at 24 weeks (or later) why is it advertised at everysite I went to. Looking at these sites make me want to vomit.

We are proud of who we are, and the differences we make in women’s lives. Proclaims one site.

They have a “cozy soothing recovery area”. Soft lighting and relaxing music fill each treatment room, while aromatherapy and a warm heating pad help relax the patient…Tea and light refreshments are provided.

Part of our mission is to continually improve our services by remaining aware of the changing needs of our community and by listening to our patients’ comments and suggestions. Encouraging patients to help us create the kind of abortion experience they want, has led to some of the best improvements in our practice without sacrificing the outstanding standard of care we offer.

The kind of abortion experience they want?!

For those patients who prefer an appointment when no other patients are in the center, we offer a completely private abortion. The fee for this option is $700 and includes the cost of the abortion and the comfort medication package.

*For those with tight schedules, child care concerns or those who would prefer to reduce the length of the time spent in our clinic, these options are available: *
  • No Wait Same Day
    *You can choose to be seen prior to the other patients that are scheuled ahead of you. The charge for this special option is an additional $100 plus the cost of the abortion. *
  • No Wait Two Day
    *You may come into the clinic a day or two ahead of your appointment to complete your labwork, ultrasound, paperwork and counseling session. This reduces the time required for pre-surgery preparation on the day of your procedure and costs $75 plus the cost of your abortion. Your partner or significant other may join you throughout on the first day of your visit *
Boy satan knows how to real dress things up these days doesn’t he.

These people are truly sick!:mad: :mad:
I think everyone on the forum should give you three cheers for seeking to increase your maximum patience level while coping with so many other trials.

I’ll start it out:

EVERYONE! Three cheers for Lisa!

The reply:
24 week pregancies terminated? How many of all legal abortions are prerformed at THAT LATE stage? Perhaps one in a thousand? You need to give more REALISTIC examples, because your EXTREMES are so off average it’s rediculous! Most abortions are performed during the first 4 weeks, when there is little more than a LATE PERIOD that is excpelled from the womb. 24 weeks? You are the sick one, because this is extremely rare, and most pro-choicers agree that it’s TOO LATE to abort. In most civilized countries abortions are required to be performed during the first 12 weeks. 24 weeks? You are SICK! It’s definitely far from the norm, legal or not. You are using sensationalism to get your unpopular 'point" across.
First four weeks? Not many women even KNOW that they are pregnant at 4 weeks. Last I knew, clinics don’t do abortions until 6 weeks. Little more than a missed period at 4 weeks? BS!!! I saw my 2nd child on a sono at 3 weeks from the day of conception. Her little heart was beating. Since when does a "late period have a heartbeat? DUH!!!(It really makes the Planned Barrenhood people uncomfortable when I tell them this:D )

The ANTI-CHOICE folks are quick to whip out their MOST EXTREME examples of horrible abortions. The near-birth butcher-jobs with aborted babies piled in garbage cans. The fact that most such “poster material” is articially prepared to make for horror and disgust is nevr mentioned. Such examples are NOT the norm. There are no such “garbage cans” in every abortion clinic. Those are the pictures you are supposed to see to make you feel “what horrible places those are, killing babies and tossing them away like garbage”. That is NOT the real world, but the “Hollywood” version prepared for the propaganda of ANTI-CHOICE crusaders.
Does she know where we got this info? From the abortion clinics. From being there and seeing the dead babies. You could probably see the results in a medical textbook. If a 3 y.o. can see that this is a baby, why WON’T she?
How about a stroll through the still existing SLUMS of America, where women who are discouraged to abort may have several “unplanned” children, all of whom doomed to a life in poverty. How about those children who freeze in winter, because there is no heat, those who go filthy, because no one is able or willing to provide proper care, those hungry because the only meal they may get is a “free lunch” at school (until Dubya takes THAT away asw well). How about the MILLIONS of children whose lives are beneath dignity, who are raised the way they were born: Out of ignorance and without anyone to really care about them. All they were assured was a life sentence, with little chance for parole.
And you know who lives in slums, right? Alot of minorities! Margaret Sanger anyone? Kill 'em, otherwise, they are just gonna go to jail. And who says no one cares about them?
The life YOU know (in pompous comfort and with no worries) is not always the same as the life given to those on the far end of the scale. The ones who barely exist, but by nobody’s standards can be considered “living”. To tell them “aren’t you glad your mother didn’t abort you” and then walk away as though they owed YOU a thank you, is not showing love or compassion, it is showing patronizing and YOU should consider your DEMANDS of all “women in trouble” to give birth or else.
A little judgemental, isn’t she? How does she know you live in pompous comfort and have no worries? Where does she get off saying that you EVER said this to anyone?
Hey, how many folks out there have not yet adopted their unwanted child from an orphanage or hospital? Talk is cheap. There are hundreds of thousands of unwanted children. Give them a loving home, and I’ll lsiten to your preaching. Until then your contribution to solve the propbelm is considered silly.
Has she? She has NO RIGHT to tell you what to do so she listen to your preaching, if she hasn’t done so herself. Talk about arrogant and hypocritical.
Lisa, I think that the epithet “trash” is very telling in this context. To refer to a person as “trash” is to demean or deny their humanity. I find it disturbing to hear people refer to others as trash, and I find it particularly shocking that someone would address a person as trash. The term, however, does seem to perfectly reflect your attacker’s view of life; while you view your children, and presumably any other person as a gift, she is qualifying the value of people and lives on the basis of circumstances.

I am sorry that you were so offended, what a terribly angry woman. I really do not understand the desire to attack someone who is competently caring for her family for her decision to have more than one or two children.
I’ve been checking out the other forum you were on defending life. I know this is uncharitable but geeze what a bunch of mindless idiots. It’s not just because I disagree with them. I have had intelligent discussions with other people debating a bunch of issues - but these guys, they are truly intellectually challanged.
Either these are inexperienced, liberally brianwashed teens or college students - or there are a bunch of very scary half-witted adults out there.

Ok I vented. Sorry.:o
I have hear the pharse “Low class white Trash they breed like dogs” with anyone with more then two children. Also these so-called liberal minded fools will also make disgusting remarks about blacks and hispanics and how the “breed” Yet they claim they do “good” for mankind :hmmm: These people act like they are above us, but I do not try to argue with a fool, I just give a disgusted look and pray for this poor uniformed person. I have learned in the past no matter what you say they have a snappy, rude comeback. It’s like:banghead:
Update:( I reponded with Rayne and Tantums reply:nope: Sadly this is the response:(

Wowah, Lisa! Slow down! Your DEFENSE is quite hefty, yet still short on ARGUMENTS to support your jumbo-family vision.

If EVERY American couple were to pop-out 4 children, we’d be in DEEP TROUBLE. In other words, following YOUR example is NOT a good idea. So YOUR example is NOT GOOD. Limiting your family size to 1 or 2 children is more sensible, thus a BETTER idea.

Your major “beef” is that people have abortions. I hope you’re not saying that everyone should have MORE children than they are having. Please clarify that one.

Having 4 or more children renders you “trash”, not in the sense of garbage, but in the sense of IRRESPONSIBLE (trailer park) trash. I think everyone EXCEPT you understood the “trash” reference as NOT meaning garbage, but low class. If a woman is “trash”, she’s not grabage, but of a low class that few would want to associate with. Is this your TWISTED mentality showing again?

Having large families is a thing of past generations. Somewhere we need to slow down and accept the limitations. Even a family with good income can not afford many children. Think of the mothers who have to give birth. Being a “bunny” is no fun, no matter how secure you are. Catch that “Super Nanny” show and see how middle class people “cope” with their 3 or 4 or 5 children. It’s no picnic and it’s NOT wise socially.

Lisa, please accept that most women are NOT as extreme and as fanatic as you. Allow them to direct their own lives. You have already shown that intellect is not a superior strength of yours. You seem to always want to make other people’s decisions, and it’s just not your place to do so. You may decide for yourself, and please allow othrs the same decision making. Anyone looking for a dictatorial BOSS will pass you by immediately, simple becuase you lack the qualities and plausibility one seeks in a leader.
Sorry about the uncharitableness, but there is only one word I can think of for this woman, and it starts with a “b” and ends with an “itch”. Again, sorry about the uncharitableness, but I get very offended by trashy people who think they know everything like this woman. I come from a big family and I am proud of the family I come from. Again, sorry for the uncharitableness.
It is incredible how severely secular society brainwashes itself. These people are so delusional that they actually see evil as good and vice versa. They claim to be ‘rational’ but use completely irrational arguments to support their sins. Having four kids will put us in trouble? Europe is crumbling under the weight of a rapidly aging population. China and India are quickly advancing into economic prominence, although their reign will be short-lived because they are already culling the source of their success (youth). Having many children will only ensure the health of a nation’s future. You’re not just a good Catholic, you’re a good citizen, plain and simple (she is not). It may be uncharitable, but I hope that secular ‘humanism’ will steralize, abort and euthanize itself into extinction. Perhaps this is all God’s plan to allow His own people to multiply and eventually outnumber all of these iniquitous idiots. Look at Northern Ireland, for example.

Charity? She doesn’t deserve your charity Lisa; leave her to God’s judgement. She only deserves your pity.
When did 4 kids get to be a BIG family. My Mom has 11 brothers and sisters and my Dad has 13. I have over 100 cousins. We must be really trashy!
When did 4 kids get to be a BIG family. My Mom has 11 brothers and sisters and my Dad has 13. I have over 100 cousins. We must be really trashy!
Wow, all first cousins? That is alot. I thought my family was big. I have over 50 1st cousins on my dads side. My moms side is small though, less than 10.
yep. I counted for my wedding, and I don’t think the number has changed, it was 112 1st cousins. My husband only has 9. 🙂
I think everyone on the forum should give you three cheers for seeking to increase your maximum patience level while coping with so many other trials.

I’ll start it out:

EVERYONE! Three cheers for Lisa!

Hip! Hooray!!!

humanly, lisa, i think you’ve done enough. pray for her and move on. apparently she doesn’t know what it means to have a logical conversation.
We have lots of children, they have no children.
so who’s the loser?
JimG, you have wisdom, more than the whole government of the us (intentionally not capitalized). it goes back to roe vs wade!!!. has any one noticed that this country’s troubles date almost exactly to that precise decision?? “let’s grind up more babies to
make more medicine to save ourselves”
Actually, the troubles go back to Griswold vs. CT (set the precedent for Roe vs. Wade/ Doe. vs. Bolton) and Engel vs. Vitale (school prayer) both in the early to mid sixties. Thanks and God Bless.
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