The reply:
24 week pregancies terminated? How many of all legal abortions are prerformed at THAT LATE stage? Perhaps one in a thousand? You need to give more REALISTIC examples, because your EXTREMES are so off average it’s rediculous! Most abortions are performed during the first 4 weeks, when there is little more than a LATE PERIOD that is excpelled from the womb. 24 weeks? You are the sick one, because this is extremely rare, and most pro-choicers agree that it’s TOO LATE to abort. In most civilized countries abortions are required to be performed during the first 12 weeks. 24 weeks? You are SICK! It’s definitely far from the norm, legal or not. You are using sensationalism to get your unpopular 'point" across.
First four weeks? Not many women even KNOW that they are pregnant at 4 weeks. Last I knew, clinics don’t do abortions until 6 weeks. Little more than a missed period at 4 weeks? BS!!! I saw my 2nd child on a sono at 3 weeks from the day of conception. Her little heart was beating. Since when does a "late period have a heartbeat? DUH!!!(It really makes the Planned Barrenhood people uncomfortable when I tell them this

The ANTI-CHOICE folks are quick to whip out their MOST EXTREME examples of horrible abortions. The near-birth butcher-jobs with aborted babies piled in garbage cans. The fact that most such “poster material” is articially prepared to make for horror and disgust is nevr mentioned. Such examples are NOT the norm. There are no such “garbage cans” in every abortion clinic. Those are the pictures you are supposed to see to make you feel “what horrible places those are, killing babies and tossing them away like garbage”. That is NOT the real world, but the “Hollywood” version prepared for the propaganda of ANTI-CHOICE crusaders.
Does she know where we got this info? From the abortion clinics. From being there and seeing the dead babies. You could probably see the results in a medical textbook. If a 3 y.o. can see that this is a baby, why WON’T she?
How about a stroll through the still existing SLUMS of America, where women who are discouraged to abort may have several “unplanned” children, all of whom doomed to a life in poverty. How about those children who freeze in winter, because there is no heat, those who go filthy, because no one is able or willing to provide proper care, those hungry because the only meal they may get is a “free lunch” at school (until Dubya takes THAT away asw well). How about the MILLIONS of children whose lives are beneath dignity, who are raised the way they were born: Out of ignorance and without anyone to really care about them. All they were assured was a life sentence, with little chance for parole.
And you know who lives in slums, right? Alot of minorities! Margaret Sanger anyone? Kill 'em, otherwise, they are just gonna go to jail. And who says no one cares about them?
The life YOU know (in pompous comfort and with no worries) is not always the same as the life given to those on the far end of the scale. The ones who barely exist, but by nobody’s standards can be considered “living”. To tell them “aren’t you glad your mother didn’t abort you” and then walk away as though they owed YOU a thank you, is not showing love or compassion, it is showing patronizing and YOU should consider your DEMANDS of all “women in trouble” to give birth or else.
A little judgemental, isn’t she? How does she know you live in pompous comfort and have no worries? Where does she get off saying that you EVER said this to anyone?
Hey, how many folks out there have not yet adopted their unwanted child from an orphanage or hospital? Talk is cheap. There are hundreds of thousands of unwanted children. Give them a loving home, and I’ll lsiten to your preaching. Until then your contribution to solve the propbelm is considered silly.
Has she? She has NO RIGHT to tell you what to do so she listen to your preaching, if she hasn’t done so herself. Talk about arrogant and hypocritical.