Actually a lot of what your frien is saying is perfectly agreeable. Mary worship and mindless Ritual will not get one to heaven. Thankfully we don’t worship Mary and Ritual is just the surroundings of a True and deep faith.An e-mail I got:
“The Bible and the facts of Jesus’s life, death and ressurection, are the ONLY, let me repeat in case you didn’t hear. ONLY hope for this nation and our planet. There is one way to heaven, and Catholic pomp and circumstance, with it’s Mary worship (I saw her statue cry!!!) coupled with ritual for rituals sake, certainly won’t get you there. No my misguided friends, the only way to heaven, and Jesus said it so if you “disagree” you aren’t disagrreing with me, you’re disagreeing with HIM- is to place your faith in him adn his atoning death on that cross, some 2008 years ago on Golgotha, ask him to take off those blinders and come into your heart and make you a new person, and then repent and live for HIM from this day forward.”
I can answer the Mary worship part but the statues with tears - which the church has affirmed in some cases. Not sure on that. Ritual for rituals sake - not too sure on that.
Any suggestions are appreciated!
Of course Obeying Jesus by following Him in His Holy Church is a Huge Plus.
As for Weeping Statues and the Bible, would Moses Staff being turned into a snake fit? It is God animating an inanimate object for His Own Purposes and demonstrates the power of God.
Jesus also cursed a fig tree and it died.
Additionally Jesus Promised that if we had faith the size of a mustard seed we could move mountains. Perhaps the faith of someone is sufficient to generate tears from a statue.
Something else that may be of some help is to let your friend know that the Church traditionally approaches such claims very skeptically. A lot of proof is required before such things get a seal of approval. The vast majority are explained or otherwise dismissed.
Hope this helps a little.