It seems that much of healthcare is about group purchasing power. The large insurance companies with millions of members are able to negotiate prices that the small guys can’t. They negotiate the amount they pay for a hospitalization, a surgery, an office visit, a therapy session…yada yada.
The hospitals negotiate the prices they pay for equipment, drugs, reagents, qtips, Kleenex, bed sheets, yada yada.
Group medical practices do the same. Physical therapy centers do the same. This is why everyone is in a group of some kind. We have no independent hospitals in my state anymore…they are all a part of some group. This “lowers” their costs. Small hospitals were the first to join as, by themselves, they had no purchasing power.
This is also why you can’t figure out what anything costs. It depends on their group and your insurance and what was negotiated.
This has created problems and added another layer to healthcare…the negotiators, the group purchasers. If Aetna can negotiate a hundred dollar office visit as really only costing fifty dollars of which you pay twenty dollars out of pocket and Aetna pays thirty…why can’t everyone get that kind of pricing?
Open up all the books. Publish all the negotiated prices. Let those that can afford the negotiated prices but without being tied to insurance, do so. Then have all insurance companies cover patients at the same fees and amounts. Insurance companies will still have to compete to sign up customers but the only advantages they will have is how quickly they pay and how well they treat people. They all cover hospitals, doctors, therapists, etc. the same. No more negotiating different prices for each and every little and large thing.
Costs are then stable, billing is straight forward, no middlemen and everyone knows what the costs are. Workable? I have no idea…