Hugo Chavez, fiery Venezuelan leader, dies at 58

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Ah. So the Holy Father was passing judgement and condemning.

I see.

Say, I like the cut of his jib!👍

Don’t you,PS?
I don’t believe ‘teaching’ the flock is passing judgment and condemning, especially from an authoritative man of the Church.

The Pope’s message to his Cardinals.
“Let us never give in to pessimism, to that bitterness that the devil offers us every day. Do not give in to pessimism and discouragement. We have the firm certainty that the Holy Spirit gives the Church with His mighty breath, the courage to persevere and also to seek new methods of evangelization, to bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth. The Christian truth is attractive and persuasive because it responds to the deep needs of human existence, convincingly announcing that Chirst is the only Saviour of the whole person and of all persons. This announcement is as valid today as it was at the beginning of Christianity when there was a great missionary expansion of the Gospel.
I am in awe of our new Pope. He speaks clearly, with humility, mercy, and love.
Cor Cordis I have been reading many of your posts on differing threads and I admire the way you have the knowledge and ability to respond to the respective issues. I have no doubt that people will continue to accuse you of being insulting and intolerant and generally this from people who have no problem in behaving the same way. Too many Catholics in this day and age have been duped into believing that compromise is the answer to peace, all around is growing confusion because we are too afraid to voice the truth and our weakness gives strength to the enemies of truth.
Thank you Jacky.

I struggle with charity. Any good that should fall out of my head is entirely by God’s grace.

Please pray for my complete conversion of heart. I will certainly keep you and everyone in here in my humble prayers.

“Let your religion be less of a theory and more of a love affair.” - G.K.Chesterton **
I don’t believe ‘teaching’ the flock is passing judgment and condemning, especially from an authoritative man of the Church.
He certainly was teaching judgement and condemnation without pessimism and bitterness. That’s one of the most merciful and charitable things one can do.

Those concepts are not mutually exclusive you know.

I repeat: I like the cut of his jib! 👍
Clear your throat again dear boy. You just proved my point…I said she was talking about concentration camps not extermination camps…and you highlighted her reference to concentration camps in your reply. Thank you for confirming what I said. That is my final word on this issue.

One more thing, I have noticed that (and meant to point out before) is that in your replies when you have been using the word “its” in the possessive (eg. “The Committee had its first meeting”) you keep putting an apostrophe in the word! The apostrophe is only supposed to be used with “it’s” when it replaces a missing letter - here is worksheet to help:

I hope this is helpful.
So you don’t believe in tolerance any more…is that it?
Do you live in Europe, that you’re so anti-EU, and have first-hand experience of living under it? It’s just that we don’t tend to hear that sort of rhetoric over here. Of course you don’t have to answer that…or anything.
Hi Walcot, oh I tolerate plenty so no that’s not it. I do live in Europe so have first hand experience of living under the confusion that reigns at the moment.
Cor Cordis;10497835:
Clear your throat again dear boy. You just proved my point…I said she was talking about concentration camps not extermination camps…and you highlighted her reference to concentration camps in your reply. Thank you for confirming what I said. That is my final word on this issue.

I hope this is helpful.
Yes, you are clearly right liturgyluver.

I meant to highlight this:
The numbers astound: 30,000 slave labor camps; 1,150 Jewish ghettos; 980 concentration camps; 1,000 prisoner-of-war camps; 500 brothels filled with sex slaves; and thousands of other camps used for euthanizing the elderly and infirm
, performing forced abortions, “Germanizing” prisoners or transporting victims to killing centers.

However, back to my original point of this particular issue (the knowledge of the German citizenry) :

Ahem cough cough
Dr. Dean, a co-researcher, said the findings left no doubt in his mind that many German citizens, despite the frequent claims of ignorance after the war, must have known about the widespread existence of the Nazi camps at the time.
One more thing, I have noticed that (and meant to point out before) is that in your replies when you have been using the word “its” in the possessive (eg. “The Committee had its first meeting”) you keep putting an apostrophe in the word! The apostrophe is only supposed to be used with “it’s” when it replaces a missing letter - here is worksheet to help:
Yes “its” is possessive, and “it’s” indicates a contraction of “it is” or “it has”.

Duly noted.

My mistake. I stand corrected. 👍

I also use too many apostrophes and I frequently misplace them.

I’m a sloppy typist and my intelligence is admittedly limited.

Do you feel all better now?😉
Thank you Jacky.

I struggle with charity. Any good that should fall out of my head is entirely by God’s grace.

Please pray for my complete conversion of heart. I will certainly keep you and everyone in here in my humble prayers.

“Let your religion be less of a theory and more of a love affair.” - G.K.Chesterton **
You will be in my prayers Cor Cordis I am off to Mass in less than an hour, as too will all on here.
Oh and also, liturgyluver, I sometimes create incomplete sentences as well as the horrendous run-on sentence. 👍
Thank you Jacky.

I struggle with charity. Any good that should fall out of my head is entirely by God’s grace.

Please pray for my complete conversion of heart. I will certainly keep you and everyone in here in my humble prayers.

“Let your religion be less of a theory and more of a love affair.” - G.K.Chesterton **
You certainly do struggle with charity…I’ll give you that.
Faith, hope and charity…but the greatest of all is charity.

You really are the most belligerent, argumentative sort of chap…I wonder if you’re on this forum for the sport rather than debate. I don’t think I’m wrong to think you might aim to point score for sport?
You make a lot of assumptions ( one being that you are always right, have the answer to life, the universe and everything.) To a vast number of people on this planet some of your convictions are WRONG…and they have exactly the same amount of proof as you do. So no, its not wrong to have convictions just wrong that they should lead you to spoil for a fight. You have to deal with that somehow. Jesus was a better teacher than G K Chesterton. (Please don’t claim you have the monopoly on Jesus.)
One of your posts to me is simply a quibble about semantics…what’s that all about? I think you know what I mean by what I’ve said…you’re not stupid (that’s stupid in the uneducated sense) but you CAN be just silly (that’s silly in the well, just silly sense)
And butt out of my background and upbringing if you don’t mind.

I think the pope sounds a great guy, I fear you’ve missed his message already.

Back to thread…Do you think Chavez left a legacy, in that the poor now have more of a voice maybe?
Yes, you are clearly right liturgyluver.

I meant to highlight this:

, back to my original point of this particular issue (the knowledge of the German citizenry) :

Ahem cough cough

I will say this.for the third - and final time. The nazi camps she is referring to are the concentration camps not the extermination camps with the gassings and smell you mentioned in your original post. You are entitled to form your own judgement fron reading the report, as am I. Over and out!
Cor Cordis;10497958:
I will say this.for the third - and final time. The nazi camps she is referring to are the concentration camps not the extermination camps with the gassings and smell you mentioned in your original post. You are entitled to form your own judgement fron reading the report, as am I. Over and out!
They are not making the technical distinction between “concentration” camp and “extermination” camp in the article.

And once again, back to the original point:
**Dr. Dean, a co-researcher, said the findings left no doubt in his mind that many German citizens, despite the frequent claims of ignorance after the war, must have known about the widespread existence of the Nazi camps at the time.
So… what does your judgement say about that?:ehh:

Oh and, weren’t you done talking about this?:whistle:
You certainly do struggle with charity…I’ll give you that.
Faith, hope and charity…but the greatest of all is charity.

You really are the most belligerent, argumentative sort of chap…I wonder if you’re on this forum for the sport rather than debate. I don’t think I’m wrong to think you might aim to point score for sport?
You make a lot of assumptions ( one being that you are always right, have the answer to life, the universe and everything.) To a vast number of people on this planet some of your convictions are WRONG…and they have exactly the same amount of proof as you do. So no, its not wrong to have convictions just wrong that they should lead you to spoil for a fight. You have to deal with that somehow.
Uhm… everything you just said… could be said about you as well. Could it not?

And, aren’t you being very intolerant of me?

After all, you approached me in here. Remember?

But let’s be honest here, you’re really just frustrated that your skepticism has been so easily diffused, and you’re upset because your pride is wounded.

Oh, and you never did answer my question: What is truth?

After all, you must know since you are voicing such strong convictions in here.

You have to deal with that somehow.
Jesus was a better teacher than G K Chesterton. (Please don’t claim you have the monopoly on Jesus.)
Chesterton would certainly agree that he didn’t compare to Our Lord. No doubt about that.

And how exactly does one have a “monopoly” on God?

I certainly can’t claim that, because I don’t even understand it. :rolleyes:
One of your posts to me is simply a quibble about semantics…what’s that all about? I think you know what I mean by what I’ve said…you’re not stupid (that’s stupid in the uneducated sense) but you CAN be just silly (that’s silly in the well, just silly sense)
Well, I would gladly respond IF I even knew what you were talking about.
And butt out of my background and upbringing if you don’t mind.
So, I’m not allowed to merely ask about the influences in your life as you critique all my foibles, shortcomings, and critical defects?

Does that seem fair to you?

Does that even seem tolerant of you?
I think the pope sounds a great guy, I fear you’ve missed his message already.
So… do you have a monopoly on the pope? Whatever that means.:rolleyes:

And did you just judge me?

Because that doesn’t sound too tolerant.

"The object of opening the mind, as of opening the mouth, is to shut it again on something solid. Otherwise it is akin to an open sewer taking in all things equally." - G.K.Chesterton

You have to admit, G.K. is good isn’t he!👍
You make a lot of assumptions ( one being that you are always right, have the answer to life, the universe and everything.)
When did I ever assume that, much less claim it?

Did I touch on some painful truth?
I think you know what I mean by what I’ve said…you’re not stupid (that’s stupid in the uneducated sense) but you CAN be just silly (that’s silly in the well, just silly sense)
Yes I am silly at times. Guilty as charged. I’m sorry.

And sometimes I am admittedly rather stupid. I know you never said that about me (and I actually thought that was rather gracious on your part, thank you) but I will openly own up to that weakness as well.
Back to thread…Do you think Chavez left a legacy, in that the poor now have more of a voice maybe?
It certainly is possible. The Good Lord can always bring blessings out of the worst of people, intentions, and situations.

All things lead to His Mercy and Goodness.🙂
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen. :signofcross:
This is what I mean - I saw it first when I was in the US.

I don’t find the term liberal progressive socialist at all insulting. No I am not a communist. I don’t even vote Labour and I generally support our coalition despite it’s ups and downs. So I guess I’m that sometimes despised ‘middle way’ sort of person. Our left left socialists are unrealistic but the right wing conservatives are uncaring - ‘devil take the hindmost’.
I see no inciting to violence and division from Mr Obama. The u-tube clip was a mix of odd sentences out of context…you can make it sound like anyone said anything by that trick. It’s just not worthy.
Mr Obama is trying to regulate gun control to prevent the violence of unstable individuals being able to run amock with an assault rifle, but he is slammed for that. Your determination to arm everyone to the teeth seems violent to me coming from a place where not even the police are armed, but your history is different and I can see how it’s happened and it’d be difficult to change. However, violence breeds violence. If a crazy kid can get hold of assault rifles in the US, they’ll do a lot more damage than the same crazy kid over here. I suppose you’ll tell me it’s immoral to restrict gun ownership?
No I don’t know the meaning behind the name tea bagger…I innocently assumed it was because of the name Tea Party and so it sounds fairly innocuous. If it has another ruder meaning it’s been lost on me and yes, it’d be bad to use it.
I deliberately didn’t mention the health and gay marriage thing, sorry, I really don’t want to go there.
The bottom line is; we’ve all got to find some way of living together haven’t we? What about other religions? They also come into the equation. We can’t live safely and peacefully if we’re all consumed with hatred, suspicion and intolerance. You’ve got your bloodless civil war now, the far right is putting in another appearance in parts of Europe, we’re going to extremes…not good.
What you don’t talk about I notice, is the SAME WEEK that Newtown happened a guy in China STABBED 20+ kid in a school there. I did’t see the leftists shouting about “knife control”. And maybe if your so ignorant on American idiom, maybe you should confine
yourself to Britian and the EU, don’t try to paint me as arrogant, because I was stationed in
Germany for 3 years and had a English girlfriend. But I wouldn’t dream of LECTURING
the Europeans on their governments and policies.
What you don’t talk about I notice, is the SAME WEEK that Newtown happened a guy in China STABBED 20+ kid in a school there. I did’t see the leftists shouting about “knife control”. And maybe if your so ignorant on American idiom, maybe you should confine
yourself to Britian and the EU, don’t try to paint me as arrogant, because I was stationed in
Germany for 3 years and had a English girlfriend. But I wouldn’t dream of LECTURING
the Europeans on their governments and policies.
Hear Hear!

Thank you. Your highly amusing posts have made me and my German, Polish and Brazillian friends laugh our heads off. Clearly in your eyes the US is perfect - rest under that illusion. Oh…and learn how to chill out.Op
I think we are wasting our breath here, because the Brit’s are still bitter that they are no
longer a empire. BTW, bringing Germans into your discussions is not helping your case
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