The Bible is a group of writings that were collected together during the 4th century. The fact that they are all contained in the same collection doesn’t mean that they were all written at the same time or by the same person. The fact that everything that was written on the same subject is placed in the same library just means exactly that, and no more. There are many collections of books that are gathered together because they share something in common, but the original authors often didn’t even know each other, or ever meet.Hold on. All these witnesses and all their testimonies are contained in the Bible.
That’s true. Many of the songs and prayers that we sing at Mass have been passed down from the time of the Apostles. The Kyrie, for example, comes down to us unchanged from when the Church spoke Greek.Nowhere else. I responded to David, who said that evidence for Christianity is not restricted to the Bible, it is also attested to by a chain of eye-witness testimonials handed down across 2000 years.
But if Jesus didn’t really exist, then why were they expecting Him to return?Can you substantiate that? People did not write down anything for decades, because they took Jesus’s prediction seriously, where he said that not everyone will die before they will see the kingdom of heaven arrive on Earth.
They also don’t claim to be personal eye-witnesses of Mohammed’s Angel.I certainly would not. But many Muslim suicide-bombers would and did. In what way does that attest to the validity of their belief system?
The Apostles claimed to be personal eye-witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is not a case of people dying for something they heard from someone else; the Apostles died for what they claimed to have seen for themselves. If they were making it all up - if Jesus never actually existed - why would they die for it?