husband gaining weight

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There are such things called “instant inductions” which can put someone into a state of hypnosis. very quickly in the right circumstances.
It wouldn’t surprise me at tall if the fork maneuver + looking into eyes in that setting was in fact an instant induction.
I’ll talk about it with some colleagues.
There are such things called “instant inductions” which can put someone into a state of hypnosis. very quickly in the right circumstances.
It wouldn’t surprise me at tall if the fork maneuver + looking into eyes in that setting was in fact an instant induction.
I’ll talk about it with some colleagues.
Well … I need to try this with my kids then.😉
He needs to get off his lazy *** and take care of his body. It is a temple of the lord after all.

Just keep your conversation direct and to the point. Don’t be afraid to tell him that he is turning into a Fat pig. he is after all a guy and you don’t have to sweet talk him.

This is just laziness - plain and simple. He needs to get up and work it off. There is no excuse.
He needs to get off his lazy *** and take care of his body. It is a temple of the lord after all.

Just keep your conversation direct and to the point. Don’t be afraid to tell him that he is turning into a Fat pig. he is after all a guy and you don’t have to sweet talk him.
I think this is good advice, except for the fat pig part.:rolleyes:

Men typically appreciate this type of communication anyway … “direct and to the point.”

Cook healthy meals, but I would refrain from trying to count his calories for him (unless he asks you to), or watching every bite that goes into his mouth. His weight loss is his responsibility, you can’t force him, only motivate him. I suggest tryng to find ways to motivate him (with love and acceptance, not nagging or locking the pantry) so that he will WANT to lose weight.

A good start may be complimenting him. If there is a particular pair of pants or shirt that makes him look slimmer, really compliment him. “Wow Honey … those pants make you look slimmer.” Then later as he walks by, TOUCH him, and say “Baby, if you’re going to wear those, than I hope you leave some time for me later, because you are LOOKING GOOD!!”

You know the male ego thing.😉

God bless!!
My H has gained weight since he started traveling often…I think it is stress related, and choices are limited on the road 😦

Thank God I don’t have to mention it because he does notice that his pants have gotten tighter. I try and encourage him to make healthy choices…salads instead of burgers…

I would never tell my husband that he looked bad naked! And I was surprised when I read that others had done so…I have seen entire threads bashing a man who told his wife the same…

I certainly wouldn’t want to hear that…It would devastate my ego and seriously hurt our “relations”…I have gained weight since three babies appeared on the scene…how is it that the advice we give women is to accept and love our bodies as they are…work on weight loss, but try and be confident and sexy at any size…and the advice (from some) for a man is…you look ugly naked…

I think this is a double standard and I wouldn’t suggest saying it…
He needs to get off his lazy *** and take care of his body. It is a temple of the lord after all.

Just keep your conversation direct and to the point. Don’t be afraid to tell him that he is turning into a Fat pig. he is after all a guy and you don’t have to sweet talk him.

This is just laziness - plain and simple. He needs to get up and work it off. There is no excuse.
Goodness, every man is different, it might work for some, but I think you might get yourself in trouble with that. It might just cause a fight, or even worse, he’ll pretend its ok but stew over feeling wounded. Personally if I was married knowing my weakness, I’d probably get back by acting like its ok, but later on like when we are just about to go to somewhere important say to her, “honey are you going out wearing THAT?” or if she gets a new hair cut tell her it looks like a rats nest.
I would never tell my husband that he looked bad naked! And I was surprised when I read that others had done so…I have seen entire threads bashing a man who told his wife the same…

I certainly wouldn’t want to hear that…It would devastate my ego and seriously hurt our “relations”…I have gained weight since three babies appeared on the scene…how is it that the advice we give women is to accept and love our bodies as they are…work on weight loss, but try and be confident and sexy at any size…and the advice (from some) for a man is…you look ugly naked…

I think this is a double standard and I wouldn’t suggest saying it…
Great response, as usual, Lillith. Especially the devastating the ego and hurting “relations” part:D My goodness!! I think I would be hurt forever if my husband told me I looked bad naked. I have gained weight myself, but he always tells me I look great (I know he’s telling a little white lie, but hey, it makes me feel good). I still say, just try to make healthy meals, and get yourself on an exercise routine. Maybe even tell your hubby that you’re trying to look good for him or something. I’m sure that most people know if they’ve gained weight, and it bothers them waaaayyyy more than it bothers the people around them.
Great response, as usual, Lillith. Especially the devastating the ego and hurting “relations” part:D My goodness!! I think I would be hurt forever if my husband told me I looked bad naked. I have gained weight myself, but he always tells me I look great (I know he’s telling a little white lie, but hey, it makes me feel good). I still say, just try to make healthy meals, and get yourself on an exercise routine. Maybe even tell your hubby that you’re trying to look good for him or something. I’m sure that most people know if they’ve gained weight, and it bothers them waaaayyyy more than it bothers the people around them.
That reminds me of something from Archbishop Fulton Scheen. Some people where talking to a man. They were saying “how could you marry her? I just don’t see it.” The problem is that when the lover looks at his beloved he does not look with the eyes but with the heart. Perhaps you were more attractive at another time. Physical attrativeness is a nice consolation, but it is not of primary importance. His love for you and your love for him ought and should shape the way how he sees you. So of course there are many more attractive, but there is none else like you. For how else could he but look throught he eyes of his heart, to the one who made him husband and father.

But as for losing weight, the key should not be physical beauty, though this is a nice consolation, a nice secondary motivation. The key should be being healthy. Its easy to have a lot of constrains on you as you get older and or have children, but its good to find alternatives that are better choices.
A few posters who keep concurring that this problem is just “laziness” or gluttony or disrespecting his body as a temple of the holy spirit and/or his marital relationship are completely disregarding any possiblity of a medical reason being the root cause. Something I want to mention for the OP is to encourage her hubby to go get some bloodwork and a physical done. There are underlying reasons for appetite increasing, metabolism slowing and also emotional issues that might be instigating unhealthy eating patterns. It could be something simple and merely a bad habit of overeating that has gotten out of control, but… I would hate to see an early diabetic neglect being diagnosed and just written off as a glutton for several years until it becomes apparent that there are some underlying issues. Monitoring health helps maintain health.

I also think it’s best to choose discussion times about sensitive issues very carefully. Sex problems shouldn’t be broached during the act, money issues shouldn’t be discussed while handing the debit card to the cashier and food or eating issues shouldn’t be discussed when someone has a fork in-hand, IMO.

Those who claim men are all about their egos and vanity seem unable to recognize that assumption as merely a generalization. Calling a spouse “fat pig” or annoucing you’ve seen them naked and therefore due to your astounding observational skills are able to assess their needs pertaining to weight loss… it just smacks of insensitivity. Maybe some spouses enjoy that and respond to it but most of people I know like to be met with compassion first and foremost. I also personally wouldn’t want to hear about how my nakedness is so repulsive followed by “baby, make some time for me, those pants make you look so slim!” I’d be like, well it’s just an illusion, honey, so forget that, I know how you feel about me naked! …But then again, my husband would never treat me that way.
Those who claim men are all about their egos and vanity seem unable to recognize that assumption as merely a generalization. …
I was not generalizing by gender, and in my post, I qualified my statement with “what I have learned of MY husband after almost ten years of marriage” was to appeal to him through his vanity. I may not be able to speak generally of the male gender, or of other’s husband’s, but other than God, I am THE MOST qualified to speak on MY husband’s ego and vanity, as well as his many wonderful qualities. I actually think his cockiness is kind of cute … but that’s just my opinion.😉
… or annoucing you’ve seen them naked and therefore due to your astounding observational skills are able to assess their needs pertaining to weight loss… it just smacks of insensitivity…
I’ll leave aside your sarcasm.

I had already stated in my post, that my reasons for him to lose weight were HEALTH RELATED … he has had Juvenile Diabetes since he was fifteen . So why are you implying (when I have said otherwise) that my motivations for him to lose weight was so he would have a nicer butt? (Even though he does, and I REALLY like it!!) 😃

I will say AGAIN that my comment to my husband, was very gentle. You were not there, you do not know the context of our relationship or our situation, so you are in the unfortunate position of needing to take my word for it.🙂 You are focusing on the fork thing WAY TOO MUCH. There was no “dig” or “unspoken statement” behind it … he could have been holding a pen or his keys and it would have made no difference. I was just getting him to look at me.

I never claimed to have ASTOUNDING observational skills, but I do have eyes, and I can see, and it is true that those who are at a heathy weight have a more attractive physique. Do you disagree with this statement?
Maybe some spouses enjoy that and respond to it but most of people I know like to be met with compassion first and foremost…
When he responded to me from his “denial”, I did meet his denial compassionately. I gently and compassionately reminded him that I saw him naked.🙂 And I do … don’t most wives see thier husband naked at one point or another?:confused:
I also personally wouldn’t want to hear about how my nakedness is so repulsive followed by “baby, make some time for me, those pants make you look so slim!” I’d be like, well it’s just an illusion, honey, so forget that, I know how you feel about me naked! …
You are merging posts and citing things out of context.
I am surprised, I have never seen that coming from you. Seems to have struck a nerve I guess, and I am sorry for that, but you are WAY off base with your assumptions of my motivations, intentions and the relationship between my husband and I.

For one thing, I never said that I told him how I feel when I saw him naked (this is where you are getting thrown off in your ASSUMPTIONS), I simply said I saw him naked.

I also never told him that his nakedness was repulsive, nor would I (because I didn’t feel that way). He knew that I didn’t find him repulsive because of the very simple fact that I didn’t find him repulsive. Many other posters have testified to the fact that their spouse was overwieight, yet, they still loved them and found them attractive. This does not mean we are blind. I would be lying if I said that my husband looked the same twenty five pounds heavier, or that he looked “just as sexy.” He didn’t, but I didn’t love him any less. And I don’t love him more because he is is slim and trim. The added sexiness is a bonus in my opinion, and a REALLY NICE ONE!! I was concerned about his health. I was concerned that as long as he had no challenge to the illusion that “he was fine” (when even his doctor had told him otherwise) that I would lose him sooner. I don’t want him to die young, not when there is something he can do about it.
But then again, my husband would never treat me that way.
What … with love and compassion, and a concern for what is best for you? I am sorry for that … I hope things improve.

The OP asked for suggestions. I don’t care if you agree with my methods, but I do care that you keep keep judging based on your misinterpretation and misunderstanding of my methods.

I completely disagree with the “kitchen nazi” methods of some of the other posters. I am a big advocate of “free will.” And I can judge their methods without calling into question thier intentions.

Seriously, princess, you know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about my marriage or my intentions … so stop with your assumptions. I would appreciate it in the future if you would please quote my posts, instead of mixing up my words to support your paranoia.
Actualy I reread my posts, and saw where I did make a general comment about the male ego … also that it was very lighthearted. BUT just in case any of you men got offended … please accept my sincerest apologies.🙂
That was very nice of you to apologize. Perhaps everyone should take note of their own charity level before clicking the submit button, or this thread will be closed.

As much inflection is lost in cyberspace, please afford every poster the benifit of the doubt and credit them the maximum amount of charity.

Mane Nobiscum Domine,
Ferdinand Mary
Well, I think this thread points out one thing. Everyone is different and what may work with one individual, would be hurtful to another.

Although I do realize men and women are different, I can’t help but think of how different the responses would have been if the title were

Wife Gaining weight

Just my personal thoughts.

God Bless,
Great advice and some good success stories. Its nice that you are concerned about your husbands health and fitness. From my personal experience, my wife would probably not say anything to me if I started getting too big. I’m just guessing, but I could be wrong.

I have never been fat, but lately I didn’'t like how I looked… I used to be very active and over the past years have fallen away from the gym and exercise and healthy eating. I used to be 215 pounds with 10% body fat… Now I am a squishy 213. Actually 200 now, I had a virus a month ago and lost 13 pounds in 5 days time. I haven’t gained it back… but I was still not happy with how I looked, how I felt, etc. My doctor had said my blood pressure has been steadily going up, and my lifestyle has increased my risk of heart disease. I’m just 40 years old.

I finally had enough and two weeks ago I joined a gym. So far its going really well. I have made some slight dietary improvements but not big sweeping changes. I’m going to try and give up beer and my cherrie long cut skoal for lent… so far so good. I guess my point is that the person has to want to do it for themselves. They have to find a reason that it is important to them for habit changes to stick. So just be as supportive as you can be without being critical.
Are the kids overweight? If so, put the kids on a diet, they will demand that dad follow suit.
Daniel Marsh:
Are the kids overweight? If so, put the kids on a diet, they will demand that dad follow suit.
O, that is good advice. Let the kids run the house.
Thank you to all who participated - this thread is now closed.

Mane Nobiscum Domine,
Ferdinand Mary
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