My husband and I have been married for 9 years now. Sometime after the first year or so of marriage, we decided with our families that we would spend Thanksgiving with my family, Christmas with his. So it has been throughout the years. We live far enough away from both that this requires overnight trips. We usually stay through the Thanksgiving weekend at my family’s and at Christmas, we stay anywhere from one week to two weeks with his family. His mom goes crazy at Christmas–tons of gifts for everyone. We have 3 children now-- 5, 2, and 1, and I’m pregnant with #4. After we had children, I have started wanting to start our own Christmas traditions. Have our kids wake up in their own house, open gifts, have a leisurely breakfast, etc. As the kids get older, I want this more and more, but each year, I make my suggestion, then get in the car and start driving! This year I suggested that we stay here the weekend of Christmas, then drive to his family’s house Christmas day or the day after and stay the whole next week, through New Years. (It is about a 8 hour drive.) He says he understands how I feel, but he cannot “bear the thought” of being away from his family on Christmas morning. I’m hurt because I feel that WE are his family now! On his family’s end–his mom is just as nutty. Wants all her children and grandchildren there ON CHRISTMAS MORNING. Should I let this go AGAIN this year?