Husband HAS to spend Christmas morning with his mommy

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That is an AWESOME idea! I love it! Really! And it would work well for us b/c one of the things I hate the most is rushing off and leaving their gifts from us at home for a week or 2. This would give them time to play with them for a while before we leave! Now if we can just get the things we ordered online in time!
I’m glad you liked the ideas. One thing I always remembered as a kid was getting my stockings filled for a second time “by Befana” on the Feast of The Epiphany every year. When the other kids in my class heard this they got so jealous. It was a neat tradition, and something we looked forward to.
I think God is telling me to offer it up. I don’t want to. At all. I want to fight for my right. I’ve given it up every year. I’m asking for something small. I want my husband to love me enough to care.
It seems you’ve nailed the **real **issue here. It may not be about Christmas day (that’s the symptom)…the problem seems to be that you are not getting the feedback you need from your husband which shows he cares about you.

If he gave in and let you have Christmas home this year or next, you may end up in tears that day because 1) it won’t live up to your expections and 2) your husband still won’t be showing you how much he cares about you in every other thing going on all year.

IF your husband all along has been showing you how much you mean to him would Christmas Day still be an issue for you? or would you find yourself more in a giving mood about it since you know how much he does for you and loves you and so you don’t mind so much giving this one day to him on his terms?

That’s the question I have to ask myself every time I start feeling what you’re describing. Is it really XXX that bugs me or is it what not having XXX “means” to me? If I don’t get A that means he doesn’t care, doesn’t love, doesn’t whatever…bottom line I’m feeling rejected and I’m trying to blame something instead of someone for feeling that way.

Could it be hormones are wreaking havoc with you which is leading you to feeling not loved, not appreciated? You could just be worn out overall and you’re finding that whenever you think about Christmas it triggers the worst anguish…so then you think the Christmas issue is the problem when it really isn’t.

If it’s not hormones, then maybe something is going on in your marriage which is feeding this sense of rejection. What things can your husband do now, once a week perhaps, which would help rebuild that sense of emotional security of his love you seek? Perhaps if you two tackle that issue between now and the holidays, you’ll be able to get through this holiday round happier.

And since your relationship will have been nurtured, from that, the two of you should be able to begin discussing future holidays. You aren’t getting anywhere with the discussion now because there may be an underlying problem going on here. Sounds like it’s time to go back to the courtship phase of a relationship…you might be relying on body language and mind reading over what is actually said between the two of you.

To be honest, I ended up giving up several of these ‘needs’ of mine over the years, especially once I started looking at the core of the matter instead of the symptoms. Funny how I don’t regret giving them up, and I have only fuzzy recollections of what the issues were any more. But I do know praying to Mary helped me to see clearer, and I know that taking inventory of all the good things I already had helped me to appreciate him much more.

I got caught up in wanting my husband and my children to demonstrate their love/appreciation for me the way **I **wanted to see it. Because I was looking for a hug but never got it, I wasn’t able to see the picking up of the dishes or doing their homework before dinner without my having to remind them as their ways of showing how much I mean to them. When the kids hit middle school they were able to tell me that those were the ways they were trying to show me how much they care. It made a big difference in my feeling loved and appreciated by them after that, and they give me more hugs now too because I was able to tell them I missed those.

With my husband I wanted him to sit down at night to ask questions about the kids but it was only small talk about current events. I took that to mean he didn’t care about the kids, really, and feeling like he was dumping the entire parenting burden on my shoulders so he could focus on his own needs (me not being able to give any attention to myself because I’m always having to deal with the kids’ and his needs)…and I’d take out my frustration on him in small ways which pretty much irritated both of us.

Finally, after praying I was able to sit him down and tell him what I was doing - that I was taking his attitude to mean X. He was able to share with me his true feelings about the kids and me, I was able to offer suggestions on ways he could demonstrate that to them daily or weekly, which would also show me he wasn’t expecting me to “do it all”, and he was open to that. And finally, I was able to listen to the ways he was trying to show me he supported me. As with my kids, from then on, I was able to feel loved just because hubby did the dishes that night - go figure!

I hope this is making some sense to you…it’s kinda jumbled, I know. I may be off base, but it’s another perspective to take on this whole issue that is worth my sharing it with you.
I have an idea…really I do. I’ve been thinking of doing this myself, considering we get dragged from one end of the universe to the other, too.

Celebrate the Feast of St. Nicholas (December 6th). And make that your family giving day. OR…do what they do in Europe and celebrate the Feast of the Three Kings (Epiphany) on January 6th.

Make that your special day for Christmas giving in your family, giving gifts, having a great meal, doing special events (ideas are in the links above). Then they can learn the real meaning of Christmas, and who St. Nicholas REALLY was, and all about the story of “Befana”.
Woo hoo!! :clapping: :dancing: What an awesome idea!!!
:tiphat: Hats off to you, Sparky!

Feel free to disregard my previous post, Aterrell, if it’s no longer applicable. I meant well. 🙂
Feel free to disregard my previous post, Aterrell, if it’s no longer applicable. I meant well. 🙂
Alot of it is very applicable. Thank you again for your insight. There is alot of STUFF there… you know, all the STUFF comes out when there is an argument, and for me it always boils down to not feeling loved.

Just say a quick prayer for me if you don’t mind… I’m trying really really hard to offer this up but the hurt is still there–of course, that is what I need to offer up, the hurt, without the harsh words to dh, and that is the part I have trouble with–my sarcastic tongue. Even after my revelation today, I still got smart with him and hung up the phone on him today. Of course I can’t say I’m offering it up if I’m still hanging onto the hurt.

Anywho… here we are 2 days later, 90 something posts later (?) and Sparky has given me the perfect solution. I’m looking forward to making St. Nicholas’ feast day my new family holiday to celebrate. Maybe Protestant dh will even participate in the “catholicity” of it all… maybe even go to Mass that day??

Thanks again everyone!!! :blessyou:
You are certainly in my prayers.

Give the hurt to God.
Pray for Mary to help you see and hear things differently so they don’t push those old buttons.
Your filter is askewed, let the Spirit realign it.
You have to be willing to let go of viewing things the way you’re used to though…let Him help you prepare for that.
You are not alone.
And you are most certainly loved.

If your hubby is not changing his mind, maybe you can come up with some special things to celebrate before Christmas.

December is loaded w/ great days to celebrate: St. Nicholas, St. Lucy, Our Lady of Guadalupe (I think- someone set me straight about that one). My kids are all teens and they still like getting treats in their shoes on the morning of St. Nicholas Day 🙂 I still love doing it!

If you can’t change Christmas Day, make all of Advent special before you go away for X-Mas. PM me if you want ideas. We used to spend the 4 weeks of Advent learning about how other countries celebrate Christmas and it was loads of fun. —KCT
If your hubby is not changing his mind, maybe you can come up with some special things to celebrate before Christmas.

December is loaded w/ great days to celebrate: St. Nicholas, St. Lucy, Our Lady of Guadalupe (I think- someone set me straight about that one). My kids are all teens and they still like getting treats in their shoes on the morning of St. Nicholas Day 🙂 I still love doing it!

If you can’t change Christmas Day, make all of Advent special before you go away for X-Mas. PM me if you want ideas. We used to spend the 4 weeks of Advent learning about how other countries celebrate Christmas and it was loads of fun. —KCT
Heh. Great minds think alike. (pssst…read my posts above. 😉 )

I agree with you completely. I have been going through the same thing for 18 years of marraige. My wife will not see that we should have been creating memories in our house all these years. This has caused some very big problems. She will not stand up to her parents and if we bring it up her mother will heap on the guilt. On some years I have refused to go to her parents. My wife will still go and take the kids. I feel this is robbing my kids and I from a holiday. I know I should go and not complain but sometimes my ILs makes very angry. Anyway I just had to vent.
My husband and I have been married for 9 years now. Sometime after the first year or so of marriage, we decided with our families that we would spend Thanksgiving with my family, Christmas with his. So it has been throughout the years. We live far enough away from both that this requires overnight trips. We usually stay through the Thanksgiving weekend at my family’s and at Christmas, we stay anywhere from one week to two weeks with his family. His mom goes crazy at Christmas–tons of gifts for everyone. We have 3 children now-- 5, 2, and 1, and I’m pregnant with #4. After we had children, I have started wanting to start our own Christmas traditions. Have our kids wake up in their own house, open gifts, have a leisurely breakfast, etc. As the kids get older, I want this more and more, but each year, I make my suggestion, then get in the car and start driving! This year I suggested that we stay here the weekend of Christmas, then drive to his family’s house Christmas day or the day after and stay the whole next week, through New Years. (It is about a 8 hour drive.) He says he understands how I feel, but he cannot “bear the thought” of being away from his family on Christmas morning. I’m hurt because I feel that WE are his family now! On his family’s end–his mom is just as nutty. Wants all her children and grandchildren there ON CHRISTMAS MORNING. Should I let this go AGAIN this year?
As a grandmother you would guess that I was on your DH’s side. WRONG You and your husband need to establish traditions of your own. If you fail to do so then when your children are adults where will they go and what traditions will they follow.

Grandparents and great-grandparents do not live forever. This might be the reason your DH insists on the TRIP. Time spent with them is wonderful. But, IMHO, this should not be done at the expense of your own family time.

On the other hand Thanksgiving is at our home for all that want to come. Attendance is not required LOL. Yet, with so many family and friends that live close to us it is usually well attended. At last count we have 26 people this year. Our record was 37. My SIL & DIL invite their extended families also.

We have solved this problem with the addition of an extended family Holiday. In our case it is December 15th (it was my grandfathers birthday.) We invite “family” members to this special day, weekend or even a week if they come from out of town. The house is decorated, cookie bakeing is just finished and presents from the family to the family are given. (grab bag one gift per person)

Christmas Eve is our family tradition (those of us that live together) wa have an early supper, go to Mass and open the husband/wife gifts after the children go to bed. We place the children’s gifts from St. Nick under the tree and set up the Birthday cake we have for the baby Jesus. Then we go to bed.

In the morning it is a big breakfast with birthday cake and open St. Nicks gifts. Wonderful not to go anyplace. Just a good day for remembering the reason for the season. SO MAKE YOUR OWN MEMORIES FOR YOUR OWN CHILDREN AND INCLUDE MEMORIES FROM PAST GENERATIONS ALSO.
You and your husband need to establish traditions of your own. If you fail to do so then when your children are adults where will they go and what traditions will they follow.
They will probably visit her, since the tradition is to go to grandma’s for Christmas.Besides if their like alterrell they’ll want to start their own traditions.😉

In our family my husband and I are both only children (my sister passed away when I was 13.) We spend Christmas Eve at my parents’ house and go to midnight Mass together. Then we spend Christmas day with his parents.

In my house growing up Christmas Eve was the big day when we had dinner then opened presents (a European thing I think). Since my grandparents were either dead or in Germany there were no grandparents to spend Christmas with. Christmas day the neighbor invited us for dinner along with other neighbors and we spent Christmas with them.

Being only children maybe gives you a different perspective. I could not imagine my parents having to celebrate Christmas alone. For our daughter it’s exciting to spend time with the grandparents on Christmas, she would be sad not to. And she see’s my parents every week. She see’s my husband’s parents only a few times a year.

Maybe having an Italian heritage influences my opinion but I thought Christmas (and other holidays) were the days you spent celebrating with family -the more the merrier. I never thought of holidays as quiet or relaxing. More like busy and chaotic but filled with a lot of fun and a lot of laughter.

My father-in-law gets on my last nerve. He didn’t allow any Christmas traditions in my hubby’s house growing up until my husband was nearly a teenager (his dad was a JW) but we still spend Christmas day with them. Because they are famiy. Now all that being said…

I think the aterrell is doing a great thing for her marriage. It’s often tough combining two different set of family traditions in a marriage. It takes a wise and strong spouse to make sacrifices for the greater good of the relationship. It’s something we are called to in marriage.

I can’t imagine sending my husband off to his family while the children and I stayed home to make our own traditions. That is definately not a tradition you want to pass onto your kids -angry squabbles and mom and dad apart on Christmas. It sounds like some posters want to dig their heels in (not the op) and make their own traditions regardless of the feelings of their spouse. So your kids grow up with the idea that holidays become a battle of wills?
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