Island Oak:
No one mentioned “horrible” or “ogre.” I simply suggested you sound overwhelmed and it concerns me that you seem so isolated (or obstinate) that you can’t imagine finding any
That is certainly true, no one used those words except for me, I was overwhelmed and I’ve always been obstinate - but I do have help in the form of a very loving dh.
In our neighborhood there were several large families
… **…**I can’t imagine what parenting babies/little kids would have been like without the love and support of such generous women who were all in the same boat.
All I can say is you do not live in my neighborhood and I wish I lived in the neighborhood you mention. It would indeed be nice to live in such a utopia. (Truely, no sarcasm intended.)
I applaud your resolve and positive disposition, but I’ve also seen a meltdown or two and I’m talking about moms here, not toddlers–thus the Betty Ford Clinic reference.
Maybe you mean breakdown then??
And of course your kids are interruptions–who do you think you’re fooling!!! I remember barely being able to string together a coherent thought–much less get to the bathroom, through a meal, a shower, mass, conversation with my husband…
**I’m not trying to fool anyone, just saying how I feel about my kids. **
But no one is suggesting you can’t handle your kids–just that a healthy break can keep you saner, longer.
I agree a moment to breathe is healthy - that’s what nights and early mornings are for around here. And your post did come off as a little condesending.
**I think what bothered me most about your post was the assumption that every woman out there can either hire someone or has a list of neighbor friends waiting to help out at any given moment. This is usually not the case. Family moves away. Friends work and have other obligations. Money is extremely limited for many, if not most. Don’t get me wrong! We eat good and live decent. But on a tight budget. We have friends. But not waiting on stand-by to come over asap as needed. **
**Now, if I called one of my friends and said “OMG! dh was in a wreck!” - they’d meet me at the hospital with a priest in tow no question. But if I called and said “Good Grief! The kids have some weird rash thing going!” They offered their sympathy, made me laugh, and said they’ll see me at the park next week - sans rash!
We get out (although we take the kids with us). We have friends (who don’t mind the presence of children). We talk and love each other very much. But… well… cp happens. We laugh about it afterward and move on. We do not think we need to call in “help” every time we’re having a rough day. Years will go by before we know it and the kids will grow up and we’ll be wondering how it all went by so fast and complaining about how quiet the house has become.**QUOTE]
I don’t have any hard feelings against you, Island oak. I just think you’re having a hard time comprehending my life. Thank you for the concern though, I can only assume it comes from a good intended heart.
(please excuse the type-o’s - nursing baby likes to kick in a point or 2)
WOW! :bowdown: They tell me there is some class where one can learn all this. Where is it