As a new comer to the Catholic Faith I am in Awe at the structure of knowledge that the Church provides while at the same time does not have easy answers… to the point of us acting with out Faith and totally base everything on reason
We are provided with a history and the wonderful gift of spiritual guidance.
Much like someone was saying of how the Priests are said to be Married to the Church, I think this is a wonderful parallel that the Roman Catholic Church has taken a leap of Faith in God and realiance on the Holy Spirit to pursue. However, we do have wonderful ways that already married men can up hold the example of married life and play an active role in many Priestly duties as a Deacon
I have to admit, being newly married that the gifts my husband gives to me of himself is wonderful, even more wonderful because of the Catholic Faith that it is based in. Our Love is stronger for it because of God’s Grace. God has truly given me a great gift, through my husband. As a women I have no way of returning this gift to God, even in my love for God and my own husband
Like many woman in the bible, I will be truly honnored if one of my sons became a Priest and devoted himself to it as being Married to the Church. I do not want to force this on my future sons, the first due in October, but I am pretty confident that Mary felt the same way and it is a good desire.
Married life is wonderful, but it should not become so highly elevated, as to alter the Godly role of the celibate consecrated life. The Sacrefices can be just as great in each, through I am not sure all married people, even Catholics, strive to practice that way. Just like all things in the Kingdom of God, with great sacrific come great blessings, whether here on earth or in eterneal life.
I have yet to know a Catholic man, or women, who has honestly told me they would be willing to do both. Anybody out their? With all the talk about it, I would like to hear from someone. Are Mary and Joseph the only ones?
Living in our culture, I think it is understandable why Protestants don’t believe the Marian theology solely because they don’t understand how much both of them were willing to sacrific to honner God. I am olnly starting to understand that now myself
God Bless You All and Thank you for your patients if you where able to get through reading this