Husband wants me to have an abortion

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First of all, please, PLEASE pray for me, I beg of you all. We are in no shape to be having children. We tried to prevent having a child but it failed. Now I am pregnant. I cannot leave or be on my own, and we are married. But he now wants me to get an abortion. I am scared. I am scared to later be punished and not be able to conceive a child. I also don’t want to go through with this, its against what I believe in. Please help me. Don’t be to hostile in your answer. I want to say as well that I dont have family around or many close friends.
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Please be assured of my prayers.

Is your situation extremely dire? Is there no possibility of you to be able to raise the child? Do you have no one to help you raise it, like a sibling, parent, or grandparent?

There’s no shame in asking for help. Have you told your husband about your misgivings? You have a say in the matter too, it’s not just your husband says you should get an abortion and the matter is final.

Please discuss this with your husband if you haven’t. This is more of a real-life issue than one that can be solved on an online forum.

Christ’s peace in this difficult situation.
God yes, I will pray for you. But can you get to your church, they can help you get some place safe… or maybe go to another family member, a friend’s house, or if you don’t feel safe with them maybe you can get to a woman’s shelter?

Please if you are afraid for your safety and can’t get to you local church, your priest, go to the police station, tell them you need help.
For you to have an abortion is not your husbands decision. I am sorry you are going through this stress. I’d recommend contacting your parish. I know that many have programs set up for people dealing with unplanned pregnancies. They can give you many resources. There are very many people in the same situation as you. I can tell that you do not want to abort this baby so please don’t. Reach out. Try to get help. I’m sorry I can’t offer you anything more but I am really praying for you. And maybe you and your husband could go to a marriage counselor to help with the stress. I am praying for you
I can’t tell from your post if you are in an unsafe situation in your home but if you are, contact the police immediately
Are you concerned that your husband will abuse you if you refuse? If so, is there an abuse hotline you can call where you live? They can hopefully give you the best advice to keep you and your baby safe. There are also usually places that shelter women, particularly pregnant women who need help getting to the proper resources to get stable. Unfortunately, threatening to leave a pregnant wife is not an uncommon move for useless, cowardly men. You need a backup plan in case the first plan of reasoning with the ape fails. If you are in any physical danger, you need to call the police. You may feel like there is no solution in your situation, but that isn’t true. There are resources out there and experts who have tons of experience counselling women in your situation. You just have to ask help from the right person. Your local parish is a good place to start, if you aren’t sure where to ask for help.
You do have an option. You deserve better than to be forced to an abortion.

Call your priest or your Diocese office of Family Life or Catholic Charities tomorrow.

There are crisis pregnancy centers all over the US

There are people who would love to adopt this baby.
Please make an appointment with a local priest if you can… the Church usually has resources to help in these situations. Abortion, killing an innocent child, is never an option… but if you truly can’t raise the child yourself, adoption may be an option and a loving sacrifice for you to make as a mother.
I’m praying for you. Dear Lord please hold Christianbook and her baby in your arms and grant them faith, strength, peace, hope and love. Hold her husband also that his heart may melt with the miracle that has come into his life… Let him somehow recognize that HIS offspring is not something to be rid of but something to be welcomed into his life.
In Jesus’ name we pray…
When we saw the ultra sound of our daughter’s baby it was so clear that you could see facial features and it was AMAZING. Have you had an ultra sound? OH, I’m praying for you!
And one more thing my husband suggested that when our baby was coming. He was scared and thought it would be “easier” without the burden of a child but I said no I couldn’t do it. And we had our daughter and she was and is a blessing to us… She looks just like HIM and his side of the family. I think he is proud of that…
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Please contact your parish and/or a crisis pregnancy center.

Also consider getting a consultation with a family lawyer, often the consultation is free.

You two are married, legally he’s bound to be financially responsible for his child, even if he’s putting terrible pressure on you.

Do you have family to go to?
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Christianbook: I’m in prayer for you and your baby. Your husband too.
Please seek help wherever it is to be found.

Don’t let anyone bully your with talk of your “right” to an abortion. You have a right to refuse abortion.

May God pour out His blessings upon you.
If it comes down to it, most states have a provision where you can turn the baby into a hospital or firefighters and walk away no questions asked. Will he at least consider that?

True, you may never know the child, but you are giving him or her the proper right to life.
You and your husband and unborn child are my prayers. Are you in Texas from other threads? Perhaps some forum members who know your region can post some links to support services and shelters
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I am sorry that you are going through this.

I pray for your safety, for the safety of your baby and your husband’s conversion.

If the situation is going to impossible with your husband, others have provide you links to call, to go. There is always a way to life even if it is the hardest path in the immediate.

May your husband changes his mind when he will see his child after his birth.
God bless you for reaching out .
Looking back in time you will never regret the decision to keep your baby,believe me.Keeping you in prayers,take care.
Thank you. We talked and he became upset explaining me how we cannot have a kid right now and how he isnt ready. No it isnt dire. We would be able to raise a child but with hard work.
An unplanned pregnancy is very scary, especially without the support of your spouse. You said you don’t want to have an abortion, it is against what you believe. You don’t have family around or many friends but, as others already pointed out, there are crisis pregnancy centers with people trained to help moms in your situation. Reach out, ask for help, there are people that you don’t know yet but they are ready to help you and support you. You and your family are in my prayers.
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Thank you so much. I am safe. He isnt abusive. I will talk to a priest. Thank you for your prayers, and concerns. I really appreciate it
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