Hypnagogia/Sleep Paralysis

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I assume you mean “Did I forgive him?” I struggle with it…

I wonder why God sent him sometimes. I suppose God couldn’t use him for anything else, so maybe what happened to him might serve as a warning to others. That same judgment waits for all of us.
Bob, I believe that God sent him for the purpose of seeking forgiveness from you. I don’t want to lay a guilt trip on you, because you are not responsible for your father’s fate. He truly brought it on himself. But God may have shown him some mercy if you were willing to forgive him. Doesn’t the Lord’s Prayer say…“forgive us our trespasses as we forgive others who trespass against us”? It is imperative for your soul that you try to forgive him even though it is odious. If you can’t do it, which is understandable, ask Jesus for the grace to do it.
The point I’m trying to get to is one can have a nightmare, or bad dream if you will, and that’s all it is - a bad dream. There’s nothing supernatural taking place. Now if you are actually being “visited” by entities in your sleep that’s not just a bad dream. In a normal, adult subject you should expect 25% of their sleep to be REM sleep. That a lot of dreams. Is every dream a visit to the “world-soul”? If I have a “good” dream am I with Angels?
I agree that most nightmares and dreams are not supernatural, however I would not say that ALL nightmares and dreams are not supernatural. And sleep paralysis isn’t really a dream. The person is actually awake, but cannot move, as if he were in REM sleep. The fact that this is taking place in another dimension, so to speak, makes it significant.
Originally Posted by Mr Clean View Post
*The point I’m trying to get to is one can have a nightmare, or bad dream if you will, and that’s all it is - a bad dream. There’s nothing supernatural taking place.

Now if you are actually being “visited” by entities in your sleep that’s not just a bad dream.

In a normal, adult subject you should expect 25% of their sleep to be REM sleep. That a lot of dreams. Is every dream a visit to the “world-soul”?

If I have a “good” dream am I with Angels?

I agree that most nightmares and dreams are not supernatural, however I would not say that ALL nightmares and dreams are not supernatural.

And sleep paralysis isn’t really a dream. The person is actually awake, but cannot move, as if he were in REM sleep. The fact that this is taking place in another dimension, so to speak, makes it significant. *

interesting discussion-- on dreams-- it provoked me to go on line – and i found a christian minister named John Paul Jackson–

how has a ministry – of teaching understanding dreams and visions


Why a Biblical model for dream interpretation? What’s wrong with the dream analysis methods of men such as Jung or Freud?

In this episode of Dreamipedia from John Paul Jackson and Streams Ministries, John Paul takes a look at some differences between the secular and Biblical views on dreams. He also interprets a couple of dreams sent in by viewers, walking through their meaning step by step.
I agree that most nightmares and dreams are not supernatural, however I would not say that ALL nightmares and dreams are not supernatural. And sleep paralysis isn’t really a dream. The person is actually awake, but cannot move, as if he were in REM sleep. The fact that this is taking place in another dimension, so to speak, makes it significant.
I agree that most nightmares and dreams are not supernatural, however I would not say that ALL nightmares and dreams are not supernatural. And sleep paralysis isn’t really a dream. The person is actually awake, but cannot move, as if he were in REM sleep. The fact that this is taking place in another dimension, so to speak, makes it significant.
Sorry if my previous posts were confusing. I know nightmares occur in REM sleep, night terrors occur in delta or slow wave sleep and sleep paralysis happens during the transition from wake to sleep.

From a clinical standpoint, when visions occur during sp its considered a hallucination. Many people who have seen beings and/or entered the spirit realm in sp believe what they see - including some people on this thread. I believe its a possibility but I also believe its the exception not the rule.
From a clinical standpoint, when visions occur during sp its considered a hallucination
Even from a strictly scientific perspective, it is not consider a dream. (Hallucinations are not dreams.)
Even from a strictly scientific perspective, it is not consider a dream. (Hallucinations are not dreams.)
I’m not saying what occurs during sp is a dream. If you went to a Sleep Dr and told him you saw shadow people in your room as you were falling asleep/waking up he’s going to put in your chart you had a hypnagogic hallucination. That’s what they are called in modern medicine. Obviously if there really is a shadow person in your room its not a hallucination but a run of the mill doc is not going down that road.
I’m not saying what occurs during sp is a dream. If you went to a Sleep Dr and told him you saw shadow people in your room as you were falling asleep/waking up he’s going to put in your chart you had a hypnagogic hallucination. That’s what they are called in modern medicine. Obviously if there really is a shadow person in your room its not a hallucination but a run of the mill doc is not going down that road.
I know that. In fact, in the original post of this thread, I provided documentation that states as much. Next time I would suggest that you actually read the original post before commenting.
Ok cp, I am curious about your experiences in the astral realm. I get what you believe concerning the topic. What was “profound” about your experiences while out of body?
It was just this afternoon that I did a little Google / Wikipedia search on the subject, without being aware of this thread. Some events over the last fortnight brought to mind an experience I had about 20 years ago. I was lying on my back, having an afternoon nap, when I felt a heavy weight on my chest. Next, I saw a dark grey male demon straddling my chest. He had the type of wings one often sees on angels in religious artwork. I was terrified, but unable to move or resist. I quickly said in my mind “get thee behind me satan in the name of Christ Jesus” and he disappeared. Nothing happened, but I had the sense that the creature had the intent to perform some sort of sexual violation.

At that point I started laughing (internally) to myself thinking, “I’m going to wake up from this dream and find the cat lying on my chest” this will explain everything. I then realized my eyes were already open, the cat wasn’t in the room and the bedroom door was closed.

I dismissed the experience as a dream, but the feeling of terror lingered for a while.

What I experienced fits in perfectly with the info I found on sleep paralysis and hypnopompia, but to this day, I wonder if that explains everything about the incident.
Ok cp, I am curious about your experiences in the astral realm. I get what you believe concerning the topic. What was “profound” about your experiences while out of body?
I have had OBEs (out-body-experiences). But the subject matter of this thread is not OBEs, but hypnagogia/sleep paralysis. That being said, hypnagogia is a prerequisite to an OBE.
It was just this afternoon that I did a little Google / Wikipedia search on the subject, without being aware of this thread. Some events over the last fortnight brought to mind an experience I had about 20 years ago. I was lying on my back, having an afternoon nap, when I felt a heavy weight on my chest. Next, I saw a dark grey male demon straddling my chest. He had the type of wings one often sees on angels in religious artwork. I was terrified, but unable to move or resist. I quickly said in my mind “get thee behind me satan in the name of Christ Jesus” and he disappeared. Nothing happened, but I had the sense that the creature had the intent to perform some sort of sexual violation.
Sounds like you had an encounter with an incubus.
Debate about the demons began early in the Christian tradition. St. Augustine touched on the topic in De Civitate Dei (“The City of God”). There were too many attacks by incubi to deny them. He stated, “There is also a very general rumor. Many have verified it by their own experience and trustworthy persons have corroborated the experience others told, that sylvans and fauns, commonly called incubi, have often made wicked assaults upon women.”[6] (source: Wikipedia: Incubus)
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