Soon I will post about my own experiences, particularly. At work now (note: overnight shift + narcolepsy = unpleasant), and my brain needs a break for a little while!!
So…as promised…I’m back to share my experiences, as a narcoleptic, with all of this stuff.
First off, I should say that my narcolepsy (specifically, all the scary stuff that comes with it) has actually been a blessing for me! As you may have read in my first post in this thread, it wasn’t until just recently we discovered what it was. All of the freaky things that were happening to me greatly strengthened my relationship with Our Lord. At the time, I swore I was knew I was being attacked by demonic influences…but didn’t know why. Now knowing all Ive learned about narcolepsy(N), I still believe they are demonic in nature…its just now I know WHY I am more susceptible than most. It is my firm belief that this sort of thing is almost always, if not always supernatural (Holy OR demonic). This is actually one of THE main motivating factors in my reversion into the Church about 4 years ago. The frightening things I’ve experienced while in and out of sleep, have shown me beyond a doubt the reality and existence of demons…and the power God has over them. And if demons were real, hell was too. Meaning I could no longer stay in the same state I was in, lest I burn in hell. So it was a tremendous fear of everlasting punishment that brought be to faith. It has since blossomed out of love for Christ…but began from fear.
Again, I had no idea N played any part of this. I have fully accepted all scientific and medical explanations regarding N…feeling that it in no way discounts the spiritual ramifications in the process. I believe that something like N only makes one more sensitive to those spiritual realities/attacks.
Anyways…on to sleep paralysis. Yes, I do experience sleep paralysis. Quite often in fact. Literally hundreds, maybe thousands of ‘episodes’. Hypnagogic, mostly. Its happened in any and every position. Sitting up even. I have yet to SEE any concrete figure, although I have many times seen wavy figures resembling the appearance of shimmering water. A figure began to appear on a few occasions, when I was fully startled awake.
I have had many auditory hallucinations, where I’d hear faint music as if there were a block party going on down the street. Usually its AC-DC, or some other evil music I stopped listening to years ago. This doesn’t happen too often though.
The scariest of all the hallucinations, in my opinion, are the tactile. They are sensing physical touch. Yes I’ve felt things crawl all over me in my bed. Most notably, there’s something that feels like a 30 pound cat, walking all around my bed…crawling on me…and even sitting on me. Ive felt what feels like dozens of creatures on my bed all at once…some do nothing but jump up and down. On many occasions, theyve attempted to inflict harm. There have been occasions when they would go to my joints and I would get dull-yet piercing pain wherever they would go to. More discomfort than pain actually. When these sorts of things occur, it is usually not a good time to fall asleep. But, seeing as they are hypnagogic and I’m falling asleep to begin with, my narcoleptic self can rarely prevent it. When I fall asleep with these demons (that’s sure as hell what they seem like) give me HORRIFIC nightmares. They are ALWAYS trying to tempt me, in one way or another. I’he had SP on many occasions where I felt as if something were trying to arouse me (incubbi/succubi, whatever they are called I KNOW they exist). If I fall asleep at those moments, its like I’m immediately injected into the raunchiest XXX movie ever. In my dreams, I am able to see the offenders. They have the appearance of being fully human, but there’s just something not right. I’ve recalled noticing their skin was rough and scaly, like a lizard. Now i know one can’t be held accountable for what happens in their sleep, so I don’t think that these demons are doing this for the sake of whatever hypothetical sleeping sin they can entice me into, so much as I think they are attempting to condition my conscious self to be more drawn to that sin when awake…knowing full well they can manipulate a persons thoughts through their sub-conscious sleep. This is merely a theory of mine, but full well believe it to be true. It should also be noted that I work at a facility for troubled youth. Specifically, I keep watch of a dorm full of juvenile sex offenders (of the most severe) as they sleep. If anyone has demons attached to them at night, its these kids. I’ve walked down the hall and heard some of the strangest voices coming from these kids as they squirm in their sleep.
Part 1 of 2, to be continued…
God bless!!