Of course Jesus said “it is finished” on the cross. That was my whole point. There on the cross HE FINISHED the work of redemption, reconciliation and propitiation…“once for all.” No more sacrifice is ever required!! That’s why a vacant cross is a better symbol than a crucifix.
Ozzie - you are almost as stubborn as I am persistent! I told you when we started to pick your battles wisely - attempting to criticize Catholics for wearing Crucifixes is simply foolish. I’ll state it again: I don’t have a problem with people wearing crosses and you shouldn’t have a problem with Crucifixes. Criticism of the crucifix is (at least) foolish and (possibly) vengeful. I will, again, prove it from your own argument that your logic above fails.
The problem with your argument is that it is DERIVED ENTIRELY FROM CHRIST
ON THE CROSS. “It was finished” with Christ **ON **the Cross. Here, let me quote you:“There
on the cross HE FINISHED the work of
reconciliation and
once for all.” No more sacrifice is ever required!!” Exactly Ozzie - ALL ON THE CROSS. Nothing more perfectly represents ALL OF IT, because ON the Cross is where it happened. If, as you say, he finished it all
ON the cross, why would you or I want to remember it any differently by removing Him from it?
“The cross is vacant, the tomb is empty” (see Rom. 4:25-5:1-2).
Even Paul has to edify the empty cross with the empty tomb because the empty cross doesn’t stand on it’s own. But Paul has no problem speaking of Christ crucified alone; " …I resolved to know nothing…except Jesus Christ, and him crucified" 1cor 2:2. Nothing you’ve said contributes one iota toward your illogical dislike of the Crucifix. In fact, the empty cross is looking more and more lacking.
You can add nothing to it, Phil, nor can you subtract from it, or you are quilty of violating it. And you must accept His FINISHED work by faith.
Well, for the record Ozzie I didn’t add anything to the Cross and I haven’t removed anything from it either - some might argue that you have, but I won’t. As I said, I don’t have a problem with the cross vs crucifix issue. But here in your statement , finally, we can get a glimpse of where your illogical, misplaced distaste for the crucifix comes from: you judge the faith of others - particularly Catholics. You inject theological disputes into every aspect of Christianity. It’s not good enough that they are choosing to proclaim their belief in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior by wearing a representation of Good Friday around their neck. Oh no, not good enough because you know their heart- they need to have the empty cross because, well, that just means so much more. Think about how rediculous that is. It seems distinctly uncharitable to me. I hope I am wrong, but I don’t think so; I’ve been guilty of the same, and as the saying goes, “It takes one to know one.” I realize I’m coming on a little strong here Oz, but we really should be striving for unity, not division, and I really sensed that somehow rather than looking at it objectively you have allowed pride or some other bias to cloud your mind and your heart.