Case far from closed. Foreknowledge does not equal a lack of free will.You are free to believe whatever you want. If you need the security blanket of being superior to the atheists, be my guest.
You just don’t get it. You would be directly responsible for his existence, and as such indirectly responsible for his actions. And if you had complete foreknowledge of his future actions, and still decided to bring him into existence, then you would be fully responsible for his actions, too. Your only excuse is the lack of foreknowledge. But that excuse is not available for God. Case closed!
I am a Christian and a Catholic. Therefore, I do not need “security” blankets. You have confirmed my suspicions that you failed to answer the post because you have NO answer. You do not know how to answer the post, or you would have taken great delight in picking it apart, even with your brand of illogical “logic.”
I get it. You would like to “make” me responsible for every adult I come into contact with because you would like to “make” God responsible for the faults of the entire human race. However, God is not responsible. Every human being who is past the age of reason is responsible for his or her own actions. That’s why we don’t put bad parents in jail when their adult kids do something wrong. That’s why bad teachers don’t go to jail along with the college students who wrecked their dorm. The parents and the teachers are not responsible for the bad actions and choices of adults. Neither is God. God is not responsible for the sins of Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve are responsible. They were born sinless. They chose, of their own free will to sin, even knowing the consequences.
As this thread goes on, your arguments get weaker and weaker.