Then this should be easy for you. Give me an example of some information you have consciously rejected which nevertheless led you to believe something to be true.
Twenty five years ago my wife and I were awakened at about 1:00 in the morning by a phone call from someone claiming to be a Park Warden. The voice told us my parents were in a severe accident in the National Park. I questioned whether the call was authentic based on the fact that I assumed my parents were at home. After dismissing the insistent caller, I phoned my parents, and found that in accordance with those certain beliefs that led me to consciously reject the authenticity of the call, they were at home safe and sound.
Two years later, we got a call from a Park Warden in the middle of the night claiming that my parents were in a severe accident in the National Park. The details were very similar to the first call two years earlier that I had dismissed. This time, it turned out to be true.
I have no idea who made the first call, why or how it could possibly have foretold/foreshadowed the accident, but I now think “information” is not limited to space or time the way I had assumed it was.
I pay very close attention to what I attempt to dismiss as false and look for connections between any pieces of information purely as information and how these connect to past, present and subsequent events in my life. I also have become much more aware of the motivations I have for dismissing or accepting any information whatsoever. My position vis a vis information often reveals more about me than about the object the information purports to be about.
I tend to see past the obvious, superficial content carried in the information proper, to the significance or deeper meaning which might hold clues to
- why the information has become known to me at that moment, and
- what future meaning is “contained” and may be later revealed that lies within the current form the information takes.
I am learning to think outside of the temporal box, beyond superficial appearances, to the symbolic meaning that will eventually make itself known. It frequently provides what would have been, prior to the experience of the calls, completely novel kernels of insight.
My intellectual stance is not one of skepticism regarding information, but one of “looking through” it to the deeper meaning. I don’t accept or reject, but ponder and consider what the deeper significance of whatever happens might be.
Now you might have the impression that I get quite compulsively lost chasing rabbit trails, but it isn’t like that at all. Things kind of “open up” naturally and reveal themselves just by choosing to being open to reality rather than trying actively to decipher or control it.
Paradoxically, when we actively seek to know or understand, we impose what we “think” on what we are trying to find out, rather than letting reality reveal its pristine essence to us.