But, do those qualities have to come from a deity?
What constitutes love is an awareness, a connection that is compassionate, understanding, a oneness in spirit. where the other person’s well being is as important as one’s own.
It also imvolves a giving of oneself to achieve this, a surrender of one’s selfish interests to the other, a reliquishing of one’s speciofic point of view to take on that of the other.
In order for this to occur there must exist a relationship between a self and an other. Love is the most perfect of relationships.
We here exist in relation to the physical universe as a part of a pretty much infinitely larger whole.
We transform it into ourselves when we eat and when we breathe.
We are one with it in our perceptions and understanding.
We are also part of a larger psychosocial whole through which we relate to one another.
We give our minds over to our parents and society, thereby gaining in the knowledge that has been accumulated through the ages.
We also relate to that which is most real.
We all find reality difficult at times, and fantasy gets us through and able to function when things get overwhelming.
However, it is in the Truth that we find solace and the capacity to heal and move on.
It is not only possible, but in our very nature to seek and develop a relationship with Reality. Even among the confused, you will hear, “The only truth is that there is no truth.” We all seek Truth.
I am asserting that at the core of each unique and irreplaceable person who exists in relation to all else, lies the relationship with the Deity, which is the whereby we have life.
At the Foundation of everything, there exists not a thing, but Relationship that transcends, is within and encompasses all that is.
It is more real than we ourselves, more personal and more knowing. We are His creation.
Everything exists, brought into being by the supreme (There is nothing more real.), eternal (It is in all time and space; nothing is outside of its creative power.) Oneness (The unchangeable Father of all.) which is Love (perfect relationship).
It’s something like that.
Pumpkin, this is in response to your questions as well.