- Through no fault of their own the potential descendants of Bryant’s victims (X)cannot exist.
- Through no fault of their own the potential descendants of Bryant (Y) cannot exist.
Bryant’s victims would have undoubtedly had descendants. He killed young children. We know that people would have existed if he hadn’t killed.
We know for a certainty that Bryant has not and will not have any descendants. So if Bryant had existed or not, there would be no Bryant descendants.
So taking Bryant out of the equation, the only ‘potential descendants’ that are affected are those of his victims.
If Bryant already has children or is likely to have children, then your very weak argument stands. As that is not the case, it doesn’t.
I have never seen any evidence that God does not exist. Not one shred.
This is why we have the FSM.
Is there any evidence that everything has come from nothing?
What Man believed in the first instance was that gods or supernatural creatures had made everything. Then an increasing proportion of the world decided it was gods.
Then one god. Then one God.
And that He had done it as written. But some people said - hang on, there may be more to it than that. And discovered that there was. We discovered it was a lot bigger than we’d been told (yeah, actually God did that). And a lot older (yeah, God did that). There were more dimensions (yeah, same guy. It was Him). Time wasn’t what it appeared to be (yeah, God did that as well). It appeared to have had a beginning (yeah, that was God too).
All the time we have been discovering that everything is the result of natural processes. So what a lot of people have been saying for all this time is that God is nature. Whatever we discover, whatever new insight into the universe we grasp, a lot of people elbow their way into the discussion and claim that their god is responsible.
So God, as the claim so obviously states, is nature itself.
Now personally, I have no disagreement with this whatsoever. But if we take the investigation back as far as we can, then we hit a roadblock. An insurmountable road block. It’s a point beyond which it is physically impossible to go. So the people doing the investigations have no answer, so they say it must be the same cause that we have discovered all along. That is Nature. And a lot of the the other people say ‘Yeah, God’.
And some say Vishnu. And some say the Great Serpent. And others shout out the name of the god they had been taught about as they grew up.
I’m quite happy with that.
If you want to claim that God is responsible for their actions, then you by extension reduce humanity’s choices in life to being predetermined, which they are not.
You are misrepresenting the argument. It happens quite a lot, so you’re not alone.
The point is that God created us, with free will, but knowing we would sin. He sold the gun to someone with free will, did not coerce the guy in any way, but knew, with absolute certainty, that he would kill someone with it.
Now both you and I and every other reasonable person on the planet would state, quite unequivocally, that the person selling the gun bears some responsibility for the consequent evil. That person is God in this case.
But at this point, there is huge rush for the door, everyone falling over themselves to avoid having to come to terms with a blazingly simple scenario.
What’s wrong with: Yes it does appear to be that way. But who can know the mind of God…’