I am not Catholic

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How many are just visiting and/or looking for more information?
I checked the first option because there was not one that represented me. I am not Catholic but I am trying to give the church a fair hearing. What the results will be is in God’s hands.

I’m not Catholic and I’m not interested in becoming one, but checking option #2 requires omniscience, which I certainly don’t have.
I opted for #4 - I am but my spouse is not.

I am most definitely Catholic - now. By that, I mean that I was a marginal Catholic or at best a cafeteria Catholic of the highest order. Even though I went to Catholic school and practiced while a young girl, I lost my way during my college years and basically either never learned anything in all those religion classes or forgot what I learned. I can’t quite figure out which!

The man I married is not Catholic and he is very adament in his thinking toward the Catholic Church. It was / is because of him that I turned to learning everything I can about why I am Catholic. I also have to give Cursillo alot of that credit! I can never get enough of our Catholic faith AND whatever I learn, I keep for “ammunition” when my husband and I have our so called “discussions”! Our kids call our discussions “The Holy Wars”!

The more I learn, the more solid I become in my faith! So keep these good conversations coming! smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/3/3_3_5v.gif
Heathen Dawn:
I’m not Catholic and I’m not interested in becoming one, but checking option #2 requires omniscience, which I certainly don’t have.

Your signature cracks me up!😃 😛
I am very interested in converting - however my husband is extremely anti-Catholic! I have gone as far as attending RCIA for a couple of months until he asked me to quit going. Any prayers would be greatly appreciated!


Your signature cracks me up!😃 😛
Hmmm … :hmmm: an unplanned side effect, since it’s quite serious. I decided to give up my borderline-proselytising statement for something more in tune with CA. 😃
I hate absolute statements. I am not Catholic–but I am catholic. Note the little ‘c’. I am not likely to become Roman Catholic. I might consider Eastern Orthodoxy, if they ever come out with one in an American flavor. (that’s a joke not a jab). In all seriousness: sme of the traditionalist Anglicans I know who have considered joining an Orthodox parish of one kind or another say it’s like converting to a whole 'nuther nationality. Which seems weird considering we haven’t been importing especially large numbers of Eastern Europeans since the 1920’s or so, except mebbe for Russians: I’d think most of the folks attending Eastern Orthodox churches these days would be third or fourth generation Americans and fully Americanized. My only visit to an Orthodox service left me colorblind for a week. Catholic churches are decorated, but the only color which sticks in my mind is the gilting in the St. Louis Basilica. Somehow, the colors in Roman Catholic churches are more muted. There’s probably a profound theological reason for that but I don’t have any idea what it would be.

Anyhow: sorry I didn’t actually participate in your poll. If you’d just given an option which said ‘I’m not a Roman Catholic’ I would have.
Heathen Dawn:
Hmmm … an unplanned side effect, since it’s quite serious. I decided to give up my borderline-proselytising statement for something more in tune with CA.

Heathen Dawn — Resident Wiccan

My position on sola scriptura? I’m neither Catholic nor Protestant, I’m a pagan. I adhere to nulla scriptura.
Dear Heathen Dawn,

I took your signature as your way of expressing your way of saying that you don’t believe in scripture, at all.

Please educate me (I promise I won’t bite) around this.
  1. Is this signature tag of yours a common statement of Wicca-dom?
(Please forgive me, I do not know how to refer to “things Wicca” :rolleyes: so I’m using the word “Wicca-dom” here. 😛 )
  1. Does Wicca have any kind of writings that encapsulate your worldview (belief system)?
If so, that’s a type of scripture. Okay… so that would leave me to understand that what you said is that you as Wicca don’t espouse to any Judeo-Christian scriptures.

Okay… so, I’m asking only to understand where you’re coming from when you say “nulla scriptura.” :o

Maybe other pagan groups have writings that they use for basing their belief-system, worldview on. Right now, I’m asking you only about Wicca-dom writings, if there are any, that serve the same purpose as Judeo-Christian scripture writings do for Jews and Christians.

Veronica Anne:
I took your signature as your way of expressing your way of saying that you don’t believe in scripture, at all.
It means I have no sacred scripture in words in human language.
  1. Is this signature tag of yours a common statement of Wicca-dom?
I’ve never seen any other pagan with such a signature, what with it being a joke I employ only here on CA, having read so much of the sola scriptura debate between Catholics and Protestants. 😃 (I don’t have that signature on any other board I post on, because it wouldn’t have that effect as on here).

However, the sentiment behind it is definitely a pagan thing. I think it’s one of the very few things nearly all pagans agree upon—no sacred scriptures in words in human language. It is the general concensus among pagans that the deeper truths about Deity can’t be transmitted through the medium of human language.
  1. Does Wicca have any kind of writings that encapsulate your worldview (belief system)?
If so, that’s a type of scripture.
Scripture yes, sacred no. Wiccans may read scriptures like Aradia: the Gospel of the Witches, and Norse reconstructionist pagans may read the Sagas and Eddas, but for both, while those writings are important and worthy of reverence, they are not inerrant, not binding and not fitting to fight over their correct interpretation. I may venture to say they have the same significance to the pagan as a book like The C Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchie has to the applications programmer.
Okay… so, I’m asking only to understand where you’re coming from when you say “nulla scriptura.” :o
Well, as I said, it’s an inside joke. I know of no pagan that uses the explicit term nulla scriptura. Not yet, anyway. 😉
Maybe other pagan groups have writings that they use for basing their belief-system, worldview on. Right now, I’m asking you only about Wicca-dom writings, if there are any, that serve the same purpose as Judeo-Christian scripture writings do for Jews and Christians.
I think it can be said any scriptures pagans have are informative rather than normative.

Blessed be.
👋 Hello:) --I picked the one saying that I am not Catholic, but am wanting to convert–I could have chosen another, that says that my husband is Catholic, but I am not, because both of them are true.🙂
Currently, I am a baptised Lutheran/Baptist/BornAgain/generalProtestant believer in Christ–who fully believes that the Lord has been calling me, slowly but surely, to the Catholic Church for more years than I care to mention!

What has always stopped me was both Fear that Catholicism is what most Protestants–whom, I have discovered, don’t “know beans” about Catholicism,BTW–seem to be saying that it is–that’s it’s “of the devil”–and, my own inability to see that the Lord truly WAS drawing me to Catholicism, during most of my life, despite what the Protestants, whom I knew, said about it all–some Protestants whom I know, have now labled me a “heretic”–the very thing that I, now, see that some of the Protestant movement “fathers” as having been, for breaking away from the Catholic Church, the way they did, taking so many others with them–which I now fully believe has led to the utter proliferation of total doctrinal confusion, that seems to reign over the Protestant world, at this point.

My husband is a “non-practicing” Catholic, though he has been baptised, and confirmed since an early age–his mother and father never really practiced their faith, either–yet, God bless them both, for insisting that both my husband and I be married in the Catholic Church ceremony, as well as God bless them both, for insisting that our two boys be baptised into the Catholic Church/Faith, right after their births–because, NOW, I can see more of WHY that was such a great thing for them both to have done for all of us–

–even though, as a Protestant, the idea of any importance being attaching to what type of service we had, when we were married, as well as the idea of baptising our children, while they were mere babies{which was so scorned, by so many other Protestants that I knew, or heard speak on this subject}–that I never saw the true importance, of what my husband’s parents actually did FOR us, as fully as I am beginning to see it all, right now.

I am here primarily to learn more about the Catholic Church, as I am enrolling in the RCIA soon, and, have found that I, too, “know beans”, about what Catholics believe, teach, and practice–and, why.🙂 And, I am so eager to find out!:yup: :blessyou:

Hey Christieann welcome! From one Born Again thinking about the Catholic church to another! 🙂 This site is a great resource and I’ve learned quite a bit in the few months I’ve been here. Go ahead & post questions you have no matter how dumb you think they are. Most of the Catholics on these forums are very versed in the Bible & more than willing to share what they know. (Some are a little wacky, bless their heart, so don’t let them turn you in the wrong direction. God bless you on your journey! <>< CM
I checked “I am not, but I am interested in becoming a Catholic.”, but that isn’t exactly the case. If that’s where I end up, then so be it. Currently, however, I’m juxtaposing.
I chose the “I have a spouse that is Catholic” option. But I am learning the faith through him and feeling more and more a pull towards the Church.

I recently joined this forum to get answers to my many questions and get a general sense of the Catholic community.

I am enjoying all of the discussions, polls, and even the heated debates. Keep teaching me!

I didn’t check anything because none represented me. I was Catholic for most of my life, was never confirmed, and now am looking at another religion. I don’t “hate” Catholicism, but it’s not for me.
carol marie:
Why isn’t it for you?
i don’t agree with the idea that it is the one ’ true’ religion. I don’t believe in hell, or the embodiment of evil (Satan). I prefer to think of my creator in a male and female aspect, I don’t believe that I need to “go through” someone (i.e. priest, bishop, pope) to have a relationship with god or to confess my sins (i don’t believe that is between anyone but me and god), partially because of attitudes of people and the fact that it was pushed upon me constantly, etc.

A while ago I had written up a post of why I felt different things or chose to leave the church, but it got deleted…I can always answer specific questions.

Currently I am not part of any particular religion, I am just studying.
May God bless all of you for your faith sharing. I am a cradle Catholic, but that can be dangerous to your faith. For thousands of years folks have been trying to get into the mind of God. We have not even scratched the surface of the wisdom and knowledge of God. We get secure in our faith and don’t think we need to learn any further. All the faithful have an obligation to continue to study their faith. We will never know it all, but sadly, it is hard to convince adults that a portion of each day, no matter how small should be set aside to study the faith. Thank God for converts! They bring such energy to “Take it for granted” cradle Catholics.

Deacon Tony SFO
Deacon Tony,

You said “Thank God for Converts”…I wish more in my parish thought along your lines. I am a recent convert INLOVE with my faith, love to ask questions (not many answers from cradles sadly).

I keep getting told/asked to “Tone it Down”… I never get “in your face” or take a “know it all” attitude (at least I pray I don’t), but when your heart is on fire with the love of Jesus and His Church, it’s very hard for me NOT to want to share this.

I spent wayyyyy to many years living in darkness, (atheism), now that I am enjoying the light of God, I want to brighten up all the dark areas I find. Thank God we were given the ONE-HOLY-CATHOLIC-APOSTOLIC Church
I was not able to partake in the poll because there wasn’t an answer that fit me. My husband has always been Catholic although he stopped practicing to try and make me happy. Then I started to feel a pull to the Church and started studying about the faith, and found that things that I loathed so much such as going through a priest for confession and the rosary are very biblically backed. The more I learned the more I loved and I pulled my hubby back to the faith. I was recently confirmed on August 8th. And since we have come back to the Church as a family (over a year now) our marriage and relationship with God, oh just everything has been more blessed and wonderful than I ever could have imagined. I just wish everyone could feel this way, and not take the Catholic faith for granted. All the richness and truth that is here and yet people are still leaving to go find what they want and not giving a regard to what is God’s will or what he set things up to be. I just don’t understand, but I pray.
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