I believe(d) ?....

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Just wondering what other people’s experiences have been …

(and testing to see if i can figure out how this poll thing works … and just found out that you can’t fix typos in the poll part … oh, well)
I have always believed in God and can remember praying to Him as a child, (usually when I was terrified of something). But my love of Christ did not blossom until I was an adult.
I was raised a cradle-Catholic, drifted from the Church a bit, then after some hesitation completely denounced my faith, and then came crawling back.
I spent most my life as a non-believer. But I put my faith in the Lord at 22. I am still in the Protestant circles right now, but I am won over to the Catholic Church. I hope and pray that my family and I will be Catholics one day!!
I’ve been blessed. I’ve wandered around and questioned many many things, but God’s always asserted His existence. Faith is a gift He gave, much like you would feed a weak child or stray cat. He knew I needed Him long before I ever realized what a gift He’d given me.
I spent most my life as a non-believer. But I put my faith in the Lord at 22. I am still in the Protestant circles right now, but I am won over to the Catholic Church. I hope and pray that my family and I will be Catholics one day!!
Welcome Home!!! Let us know if we can assist you in your journey in any way. :blessyou:
I didn’t believe from the cradle, went to confirmation class (a protestant thing), asked myself how can it be that mankind has invented a plethora of religions each pretending to hold the one and only absolute Truth, and turned to a somewhat agnostic/Pascal’s wager belief (there might be something, better pray to it). Then figured out that this is all nonsense and here I am - an atheist.
I didn’t believe from the cradle, went to confirmation class (a protestant thing), asked myself how can it be that mankind has invented a plethora of religions each pretending to hold the one and only absolute Truth, and turned to a somewhat agnostic/Pascal’s wager belief (there might be something, better pray to it). Then figured out that this is all nonsense and here I am - an atheist.
Why do you want to talk about someone that doesn’t exist?
I was raised an atheist, but over the years I found atheism so depressing that I left it. I now believe in many Gods and Goddesses.
Why do you want to talk about someone that doesn’t exist?
We all talk about things, that do not exist except in novels, movies, our fantasy, …
Religion occupies a firm place in our society and I am affected and exposed to it more than I wish for. Therefore I have to deal with it anyway. And talking about something helps understanding it. Understanding something does not mean believing in it.

As for the reason, why I post here on this particular board, look here.
We all talk about things, that do not exist except in novels, movies, our fantasy, …
Religion occupies a firm place in our society and I am affected and exposed to it more than I wish for. Therefore I have to deal with it anyway. And talking about something helps understanding it. Understanding something does not mean believing in it.

As for the reason, why I post here on this particular board, look here.
Ok, valid reasons I would think…except the one about being exposed to religion too much…you don’t seek out religion talk if you are sick of religion talk.

But the “main” reason about showing us that atheists are not evil people makes more sense to me.

To explore that assertion, can you tell me if you are pro-choice and pro-homosexual marriage or not?
My situation wasn’t one of the choices. 😉

Neither is mine, really. And I designed the poll. :eek:

Partially, I was just testing out how the polls work in this software. 🙂
Ok, valid reasons I would think…except the one about being exposed to religion too much…you don’t seek out religion talk if you are sick of religion talk.
You do not get much proselytising from catholics, but some protestant sects can be quite annoying. Jehovas witnesses for example, ringing you out of bed on a Sunday morning.
To explore that assertion, can you tell me if you are pro-choice and pro-homosexual marriage or not?
Sure -
homosexual marriage: I don’t care at all. As long as they leave me alone, they may do what they want, even shag their dogs, if the dogs don’t mind that is. Not my business. Should they receive tax benefits for their “marriage”? No. Tax benefits for married couples are intended to help bringing up children, which is - as we all know - rather impossible for homosexuals.

pro-choice: Is that pro-abortion? If so, it might surprise you that I was an anti-abortion-activist ~15 year ago. Peacefully of course, not running around shooting doctors, and not on a black/white basis, for I would allow some few reasons for an abortion (e.g. rapist victim). Plus, I was not the only atheist in that group, we were actually two. What scared us away after a while, was actually the catholic majority that didn’t understand our motives and frequently denied, that we had a set of morals. Cite: “You are an atheist without a conscience, how can you possibly be against abortion?” :banghead:
Guess, now you want a reason. It makes little sense to me, that a society condemns killing in general (esp. death penalty) and allows killing infants for economical reasons at the same time. Doesn’t fit somehow.
I am pro-prevention though. Prevents not only pregnacy but a of abortions as well.
Guess, now you want a reason. It makes little sense to me, that a society condemns killing in general (esp. death penalty) and allows killing infants for economical reasons at the same time. Doesn’t fit somehow.

If there are no repercussions for what we do after we’re dead, why not just live for yourself? If i was convinced there was no God, i wouldn’t care about anyone but myself. If you’re an atheist, you should live it up more. Don’t let your conscience guide your decisions. You only should use reason. Nothing should matter, if this life is the end.

Join a hair-band or a gang; get some thrill out your life. Don’t waste your time writing to superstitious Catholics on the internet- that’s really lame.
Join a hair-band or a gang; get some thrill out your life. Don’t waste your time writing to superstitious Catholics on the internet- that’s really lame.
Hmmm … whatever happened to ‘love your neighbor’?
I have never believed. I wasn’t raised to believe anything. Santa Clause didn’t make sense around 6 or 7. Easter Bunny was always a fleeting fantasy. Similiar thoughts on the Tooth Fairy and leprechauns…

I did go to a Christian Science chuch, but like most teenagers, I went for the social aspect, not to become “one with God,” as they would have it.

I know God has always believed in ME!

I wonder if the reverse is true for me…http://
I didn’t believe from the cradle, went to confirmation class (a protestant thing), asked myself how can it be that mankind has invented a plethora of religions each pretending to hold the one and only absolute Truth, and turned to a somewhat agnostic/Pascal’s wager belief (there might be something, better pray to it). Then figured out that this is all nonsense and here I am - an atheist.
I was brought up as a Southern Baptist. Had a similar experience with Protestantism – there are thousands of denominations, all claiming to teach God own absolute “truth,” every one of them conflicting and competing with the other’s “truth,” and all based on a different interpretation of the same Bible. Disgusted, I became an agnostic, then drifted into atheism. But I realized, at last, that atheism was as absurd a belief as one could hold – as an atheist, I believed that the universe made itself.

At last, I found REASON, LOGIC and TRUTH in the Catholic Church. The Church did not come out of the Bible; the Bible came out of the teaching, believing Church about 400 A.D.

Now I am an Industrial-Strength Catholic!

Glory be . . . Jay
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