I believe(d) ?....

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This is a good one. I learned that believing and ‘knowing’ God are two different roads. I’ve always believed (but then so does Satan.) But then about 7 years ago, God touched me profoundly,
:love: and totally changed my life (for the better). I could honestly say that I wouldn’t ever want to go back to how I felt/believed before. I now know the true meaning of being reborn again. Dieing to sin and being reborn in Christ…definitely a major difference. The Bible even tells us that we’re not much different when we ‘just believe’. Satan believes but doesn’t live God’s love nor follow his path. How different are those who also believe but don’t do what’s right…knowing the difference between right and wrong. When you actually get to know God, then you ‘fear him’ in a way that you know quite well that you can fool man but you CAN NOT fool or hide from God. Humans are not perfect, but some use that ‘imperfection’ as an excuse to do wrong (believe me, I used to). Yet, when you seek God…really seek Him…you may be fortunate enough to actually find Him. Remember the Bible says that many are called and only few are chosen. Now I know why only a few are chosen…because only a few actually turn their hearts inside/out to Him to find Him and live Him. I was and I know I’d never want to give Him up. Hope this helps some of those who need to find the difference in knowing and believing.

It’s not a matter of how you’re labeled. I can understand why so many people turn away from ‘the church’. But I’ve learned that, although I’m a cradle Catholic, I consider myself more a
CHRISTian because I’ve learned to live God’s love and follow what Jesus has taught us. It’s HIM I’m following, not a label or a list of rules put together by a man. Yes, the Catholic Church does have rules set by man and I’ve learned that I’m not going to let it change my beliefs. I’m trying to do what’s right by Jesus not by manly rules. Indeed, I know I must respect our priests and I do. However, God has inspired me so much that I speak my views and doubts when it comes to God’s teachings. Something I’d never dream I would dare do. It’s the power of God. He’s awesome and He can change us in a way no human can. It’s almost like when you fall in love. It’s a feeling, regardless if the person is cute/ugly. And you can’t talk yourself into falling in love, either. Well, God can also touch you to feel/live His love. Pray to Him. Ask him to iluminate you and, believe me, He will. It’s your sincerity and what’s in your heart that He’ll touch on. God’s words are powerful!!!

Just wondering what other people’s experiences have been …

(and testing to see if i can figure out how this poll thing works … and just found out that you can’t fix typos in the poll part … oh, well)
I’ve always believed in God, but there was a part of my life that I didn’t follow Him. But with his grace, I do with what He gives me!

P.S. How do you start a Poll? :confused:

Go with God!
P.S. How do you start a Poll? :confused:

Go with God!
When you’re in the window where you start a new thread, scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click the “Yes, post a poll with this thread” box and select the number of options you want … the instructions for the rest of the procedure will come up when you submit your post.
Why do you want to talk about someone that doesn’t exist?
Christopher, what makes you so sure He doesn’t exist. Do YOU have to see to believe, like Thomas?
~ Do you believe cavemen and dinasours existed? If so, why?
~ Do you believe C.Columbus discovered America?

Get the point? It’s a spiritual thing. It’s belonging to an Almighty power giving us life as humans. Eight years ago I could have probably thought as you do, but He touched my heart in a way no HUMAN ever could. I’m now doing things I never would have imagined doing…and it’s not because a human told me I would but because He inspired me. Believe me…I learned to believe. Reach out to Him; pray you’ll be fortunate enough to get to feel His love. You’ll be glad you did. I wish many more reached out to Him…we would certainly live in a better world. If I could stop stealing, hating, taking vengeance, feeling remorse, demonstrating anger then I know only He has the power to make me change. Yes, I know you might say well everyone could stop doing this or doing that. True, but who does willingly change…knowing what’s right and wrong. Again, if we all reached out to Him and allowed Him to change our lives (making us better people) I believe you’d probably like your world more…don’t you think? I starts with one at a time. Hey, this world wasn’t ‘ugly’. It’s gradually growing into an unsafe and corruptive world…one at a time. Satan is certainly keeping busy. Oh by the way…do you believe in Satan?

I was brought up as a Southern Baptist. Had a similar experience with Protestantism – there are thousands of denominations, all claiming to teach God own absolute “truth,” every one of them conflicting and competing with the other’s “truth,” and all based on a different interpretation of the same Bible. Disgusted, I became an agnostic, then drifted into atheism. But I realized, at last, that atheism was as absurd a belief as one could hold – as an atheist, I believed that the universe made itself.

At last, I found REASON, LOGIC and TRUTH in the Catholic Church. The Church did not come out of the Bible; the Bible came out of the teaching, believing Church about 400 A.D.

Now I am an Industrial-Strength Catholic!

Glory be . . . Jay
CONGRATS to you, Jay. I’m glad you found your place, especially with the truth. Keep in mind that even Catholics are imperfect. If you study things well you’ll learn that the Catholic Church has integrated some ‘man’ rules, not necessarily in line with God’s teachings; however, it’s not about a label…it’s what God teaches.
To avoid leaving the ???, I’m referring to a priest remaining unmarried. This is a ‘Catholic’ teaching not God’s teaching…check out the Bible and you’ll see. I’m a cradle Catholic and I pray for God to teach me and inspire me in my lives walking. I would never consider leaving Catholicism; however, I consider myself more a CHISTian than anything else…because it’s Jesus Christ who has shown me the way to our one and only God…God of Israel, Father of Abram, Isaac, Jacob, etc…our Father Almighty!!!

Study the Bible and connect often with God through prayer. You’ll be amazed at what He can do in your life.

If there are no repercussions for what we do after we’re dead, why not just live for yourself?
So you believe in God not because he exists, but because you fear the consequences after you’re dead if he exists?

Then why are you not Muslim? They have a hell equally undesirable as the christian one but a far better heaven.
We love you, we just don’t understand you. :confused:
Then some talking perhaps helps to understand each other. We atheists don’t understand you christians either. Christianity is so weird. :hmmm:
Then some talking perhaps helps to understand each other. We atheists don’t understand you christians either. Christianity is so weird. :hmmm:
That is why we are on this site, to talk and learn. You can never convince me that there is no God and I may never convince you there is one, I can’t even convince my own son, but I can love him and pray for him just as I will for you. If my prayers don’t help you they certainly won’t harm you. I just don’t believe that the universe came into being and all of it is just an accident. There had to be a guiding hand in it. Just my belief. Peace be with you! 😃
I have always believed in God and had the seed for love of him planted firmly in a Pentecostal Church, but have now found myself loving Him and His Church. -Mfaustina1

ps. I don’t care WHY the Atheists are here, I’m just glad they ARE here! Welcome all of you. Grab a cup of coffee and stay for awhile! 👍
ps. I don’t care WHY the Atheists are here, I’m just glad they ARE here! Welcome all of you. Grab a cup of coffee and stay for awhile! 👍
How different this attitude is from that of (most) Protestants.
athiest until 16

then i joined a baptist church at 16, then i joined the assemblies of god at 17, then i joined the seventh day adventists at 18, became an agnostic at 19, then joined the Catholic Church at 22 in april of 1999, i just turned 28 in may
I didn’t believe from the cradle, went to confirmation class (a protestant thing), asked myself how can it be that mankind has invented a plethora of religions each pretending to hold the one and only absolute Truth, and turned to a somewhat agnostic/Pascal’s wager belief (there might be something, better pray to it). Then figured out that this is all nonsense and here I am - an atheist.
Yes, the thousands of “faith traditions” can be confusing and lead one to throw up one’s hands in confusion,
On the other hand, the fact that there are so many beliefs points to something. Combine that with the fact that I cannot name for you any human society that didn’t believe in SOMETHING greater than and beyond itself (the tree god, the sun god, etc.) and it might give one pause.
Are we created to believe in a Higher Power, and has that Power revealed Himself to us? Can all human societies be wrong?
Just giving some points to ponder.
Okeeeeeeeee…So, I’m kind of wondering why asor calls him/herself a Catholic at all, since he seems to be interpretting the Sacred Scriptures for himself and making erroneous judgement calls.

Must’ve missed the part that says “He who hears you, hears Me,” “I give you the keys to the kingdom,” “Upon this rock, I will build My Church…” Jesus Christ established an **authority **within His Church. The faithful are those who adhere to that wisdom, not those who pridefully pick and choose, cafeteria style.

You can’t re-invent Catholicism, any more than you can re-invent CHRISTianity. Christ already did that for us, and the Catholic Church is the Church CHRIST founded, of which HE is the Head, and we members are the Body.

What you’re espousing, Martin Luther already attempted. History shows what a disastrous experiment that was.

Oh, and I agree! It’s good to see atheists and Wiccans, etc., all interested in dialoguing with us Catholics! 🙂

Pax Christi. <><
We all talk about things, that do not exist except in novels, movies, our fantasy, …
Religion occupies a firm place in our society and I am affected and exposed to it more than I wish for. Therefore I have to deal with it anyway. And talking about something helps understanding it. Understanding something does not mean believing in it.

As for the reason, why I post here on this particular board, look here.
perhaps God is prompting you to chat here…
athiest until 16

then i joined a baptist church at 16, then i joined the assemblies of god at 17, then i joined the seventh day adventists at 18, became an agnostic at 19, then joined the Catholic Church at 22 in april of 1999, i just turned 28 in may
what a journey! 😃
Then some talking perhaps helps to understand each other. We atheists don’t understand you christians either. Christianity is so weird. :hmmm:
AnAtheist, what aspects of ‘Christianity’ makes you deduce that it is so weird?
I’m curious…what is your situation?

I was raised in a cult. Stopped attending. Then I started attending again. Then quit religion all together…did some pretty wild stuff for a few years.

Then, after a VERY tough year and a half, I finally accepted the truth. Been a Christian for almost a year now.

AnAtheist, what aspects of ‘Christianity’ makes you deduce that it is so weird?
I am glad you asked. I like to present those aspects as questions, if you don’t mind, as they are puzzling anyway:
  • Why does an omnipotent (whatever that means in detail) being needs to sacrifice himself in order to save people, which he has created in way, that they need salvation in the first place?
  • If God wants everybody in heaven, why doesn’t he put everbody there from the start? And why has he created a hell?
  • If your answer to the above question is: Hell was created for Satan and his demons, why did he create those angels in a way that they rebell? Hasn’t he not foreseen that?
  • Same applies for the Original Sin. Why bothering in telling Adam not to eat from that tree, when he knows that he will? Why creating men in a way that they sin, if he doesn’t want them to?
  • If your answer to the above question is: He doesn’t want us to be mindless automatons worshipping him, where is the difference between being surrounded by mindless worshipping automatons and being surrounded by people acting exactly the same way, because anybody else burns in hell?
  • How can someone state, that God sets absolute morals, when he has changed them at least once (from OT to NT)? [quick reminder, I’m talking about beating your slaves to death and not be punished, eating pork, wearing clothes made of two fabrics, marry your rapist, commit genocide to occupy land, etc…]
  • If your answer is to the above question is: Men made the errors not the inspiring God, I wonder what will happen when he sends Jesus the 2nd to earth, who will teach something like “Folks you got it slightly wrong last time, just like Moses got it slightly wrong before.” Guess he’ll end up on a stake, burned as a heretic. Well, perhaps that has already happened.
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