I believe i'm going to hell

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I am terrified
Such is the price of believing in terror tactics.

“Live a good life. If there are Gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are Gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no Gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”
  • By someone pretending to translate Marcus Aurelius
Firstly, God loves you so unbelieveably that He wants you to be in Paradise with Him forever and He wants you to go to Him as often as you can; secondly Jesus intructs us not to fear tomorrow as today has enough to worry about. And stay away from people that say they know what Revelation means
All you have to read is about St Pauls conversion. He killed Christians and made money from it. He went on to be probably the greatest disciple of God in history. HIs sins were forgiven!
If God has marked how many people are to enter heaven then that is for Him to know and not us. We just need to keep turning to Him like a child to a wonderful loving and forgiving parent.
It is wonderful that you realise that your actions have saddened God; BUT! His mercy is mightier than your sins against Him
Most people think that they have not sinned or their sins are not that bad: you have been given great mercy and wisdom to know the difference!
Read the story of the prodigal son.
It is the devil that wants you to believe that somehow God’s power and mighty mercy and forgiveness does not or cannot apply to you. He loves you greatly. With the power of God you have HIs mercy any time you ask for it sincerly
Think of yourself as a loved child of God and that He wants you desperately to go to HIm with everything.
Read holy books. Books on the saints for example. Anne Catherine Emmerich’s books are wonderful
Rejoice because you are chosen by Him!!
Do your best and stay close to Him
Recieve regular sacraments and if you are prone to sinning regularly, pray and fast. Always go to confession straight away. If a priest wont hear your confession; go to another unitl it is heard. even if you have to go to confession every day!
God bless you
One more thing that really helped me from my terrible past; look online for a good examination of conscience
You can write down all the things that you have done that is going to make our Creator sad or upset, then it can be taken into confession and get rid of the whole lot!!
I have done terrible things, many times, for many years. But those days are in the past and I have been to confession for all of it
Through perseverance, my life is spiritually much stronger and I have great faith that God DOES forgive me and love me; just like He does with you
God bless
Luther didn’t, but Calvin won out and most protestant churches, including Lutherism follow him rather than Luther. Baby out with bathwater is what comes to mind.
Just repent and love God.
No one is greater than Him so dont listen to these people.
Just go to confession ans try to stay away from sins,your love to God will become greater and greater every day.Dont worry,be brave.
I am going to Hell but promised i will try my best to be faithfull to Christ
Go to Confession where you can repent and be forgiven. No sin is greater than God’s mercy. Then keep going back to Confession regularly.

When the Prodigal son returned full of remorse and repentance, his father did not send him away, but welcomed him with open arms and prepared a feast for him. How much greater then will be God’s welcome when you return back to him and repent?
There are two TYPES of the fear of God,
one is a servile fear, fear of punishment,
I sometimes fall into this type of fear when
I am accused by satan of my PAST sins.
But a healthy fear or respect for God will
be health to your body and refreshment
for your bones(see Prov. 3:7-8) It is from
knowing that GOD is on the throne of
judgment, He is compassionate and grac-
ious, He is slow to anger and abounding
in love(Ps. 103:8) W/ Him there IS reconci-
liation, the forgiveness of sin(s), whereas
the world, the flesh and the devil is only
after the ruin of your body and soul. If you
humble yourself(usually by fasting) and
submit to God(usually by prayer) and resist
the devil, he WILL flee from you!!(See James
The Novena and Chaplet to the Divine Mercy is a most reassuring message from our Lord. It is, well, a gift for our decadent times. This message was given to St. Faustina to be passed on to us. It goes out on a limb for us. Even now, after thousands of years after the Crucifixion, our Lord comes down to us personally to reassure us.

I like for you to read the enclosed words slowly and gauge the tone and the heart of our Lord. This is what caught my attention. The tone of this message
is one of taking heart. It is for you and I, the ones who feel lost. I find this message is an answer for a pleading generation seeking help. It is more personal, for the now, and to uplift our generation in this decadent world. There is an urgency also, that he needed to come to us, especially now. He will “stand between”, not to the sidelines. Has a judge?, not a chance, has a caring sibling. If there were a “sinner most hardened…”, Someone who is the worst would be most hardened. “Unimaginable graces”, indeed, in our life of sin, we cannot imagine ever being forgiven, that would be unimaginable for us, and that is what we sense. But Christ “imagines” us in his life. He wants us to share his Father’s table. St. Dismas can attest to that.

“Encourage souls to say the Chaplet which I have given you(St. Faustina). Whoever will recite it will receive great mercy at the hour of his death…When they say this chaplet in the presence of the dying, I will stand between My father
and the dying person, not as the just Judge but as the Merciful Saviour… Priests will recommend it to sinners as their last hope of salvation. Even if there were a sinner most hardened, if he were to recite this chaplet only once, he would receive grace from infinite mercy…I desire to grant unimaginable graces to those souls who trust in Mercy…Through the Chaplet you will obtain everything, if what you ask for is compatible with My will.”

Don’t lose heart. That is the spirit working on us to bring us down. Recall that Dismas led a life of sin before he repented. You came to the realization and are made aware of your state. Talk about Eureka moments, and you and I are still alive!

Remain compatible, confess and receive the eucharist often. Take accounting regularly in your life. Most of all, be happy you have a friend who will stand for you.
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Do not listen to “people” - especially those who have manufactured their own religion. They sin against the theological virtue of hope! You are far better off than they are.

Final impenitence is the only - the only - unforgivable sin. To die while refusing to repent, which is a rejection of God’s mercy.

Relax and confess. God knows well what you are made of. If He was not willing to work with us, we would all be in flames.
It is good that you think you are one of the worst of sinners, so st Paul writes, and I believe it.

I too have done depraved things. But the good news is that there is still hope for you yet. The fact you feel a good contrition is Testament to this fact! God is the source of all that is good, including love of God, my friend. It is not how many times we fall, but how many times we get back up that matters. The fact you are sorrowful for your sins shows your love of God and righteousness. Now, confess, pray, and do not worry. Do not let those private interpretations of Scripture get to you. We are Catholic! We are not moved by the winds of what every Tom, Dick, and Harry think.
Get acquainted with the converted priest, Father Calloway. I happened upon his story on youtube.
If God hated you and wanted to zap you into eternal torment you most likely would not be experiencing this type of torment. It may be better termed conviction. Spend your energy in prayer. Talk to your priest, deacon, or pastor pronto. There is no substitute for prayer though. A lot of great men in the Bible did some pretty bad things. A lot of prolific posters on the boards did likewise, myself included, as all sin is pretty horrific. Look what it cost God! He loves you and is wanting you to approach. There are some really cool people here who will be praying for you.
Well if you are going to hell being faithful to Christ I’m certain you won’t be staying long.
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