Like others have said before me, if you want to believe in Christ that’s perfectly fine with me. There are far more sinister ideologies in the world today than Christianity. So by all means, be a Christian if it makes you happy. All we’re asking is that you consider the alternative, that there might be a better way.
As the bible says, “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things”.
The hardest thing about life, is that it isn’t fair. The innocent suffer. The good die. And there’s no fairy godmother who’s going to change that. But at some point we need to grow up and accept that for better or worse, life is, what life is, and all of our prayers will only change it in-so-far as it changes ourselves. As hard as it may be to accept, we don’t need God to give our lives meaning. Because the greatest things in life…to love, to hope, to persevere, to give of one’s self,…these come from within, and although a faith in God may help us find them, their source has always lain within ourselves. Yes, the church helps to give these things expression and structure, but the true worth of the church comes from the actions of it’s people, and is merely personified within its God. But there are times when faith in ourselves isn’t enough, because life is too cruel and too hard, and so we create something greater than ourselves…to give ourselves meaning…to give ourselves hope in the face of the hopeless…we create God. We make ourselves stronger, not realizing that the strength lay within ourselves all along.
But the time comes when we must set aside childish things, both as a person, and as a people. We must display the nobler virtues of our character, and rise up of our own accord. Not because of the virtues of God, but because of the virtues of ourselves. Neither forgetting nor renouncing God, but understanding Him, and being indebted to Him. You may think that such virtues don’t lie within us, but I think that they do. And I think that if you try, you can find them, even without God.
Now you can continue to believe in God if wish to, but nobler is the person who does the right thing, simply because it’s the right thing. And if there is a God, He would be proud for your having done so.
Well, that’s my best shot at convincing you to renounce God. And I know…it didn’t work.