I’m not that familiar with the topic but on a quick reading I would say that the Encyclical is a bit confusing.
The original meaning of the word “eros” was “lust”.
But the Pope is using the term to mean “marital love”.
Actually, my understanding is that in the Greek it referred to sexual love in general. Sexual love does not necessarily equal lust, which is a selfish desire for sex, without the desire to give of oneself. It views the other not as a person, but as the means to gratify their urges.
Sexual love, in it’s properly ordered form, is the marital act, including healthy sexual desire as well as the desire to give oneself to the beloved, and includes both the strengthening of the marital bond and the life giving aspect.
You see, there are two aspects to sexual love–the physical desire, which is morally neutral in itself, and the intellectual desire that goes with it (which includes the emotions, if they are properly subject to the will). This desire of the will is what gives sexual love it’s moral character–it can be the desire to selfishly gratify the physical urge, with little concern for the other, for love, or for life. This is lust, and it an take place both inside or outside marriage. Or it can be the desire to give oneself to the other totally, to strengthen the bond of love, and to bring new life into the world. This is true sexual love, and can only properly take place inside of marriage.
My take on it is that proper sexual love mirrors the desire of God to be united with us, and us to Him, and the actual union, which for most of us will take place in heaven, but for some souls, like St. Teresa of Jesus, takes place in this life through God’s grace and through contemplative prayer.
Agape, which is the self sacrificing love that desires the good of the other, mirrors God’s love for us, which caused Him to empty Himself and become man, and then be sacrificed on a cross for us; and the love which we should have for God which puts Him above all things, seeks only His honor and Glory, and desires to do His will and avoid sin not to avoid punishment, but to please Him. A person truly in love with God, in fact, would sooner die, or suffer any torture, rather than displease Him.
Often, because of the sexual disorder that thrives in the world, people develop a sort of pathology about sex in which they are repelled by it. Sex is deeply rooted in their minds as something dirty, sinful, wrong, gross, because that is the only way they have experienced or seen it. In this world we are, unfortunately, immersed in dirty, sinful, wrong and gross sex. Often such people have been in disordered sexual relationships, or have been abused, raped, or the like. Even when they find out the truth that it is a gift from God which has as its purpose the strengthening of the marital union and the giving of new life, they still have a hard time getting past their feelings. Their hearts have essentially been poisoned by exposure to the sin in the world.
They way to counteract it is to keep praying about it, since such deep seated feelings need grace to be healed. It probably won’t happen immediately, but if you keep at it and have a real desire to understand, God will come through for you. Trust Him. Ask the Mother of God for help and guidance. There is no one better to teach us about authentic love and purity, and there is no more powerful intercessor either. Also, keep studying the issue from good sources like the Holy Father. Pope John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body” is very helpful, too. Christopher West has written a book to help ordinary folks understand the Theology of the Body better, called “Theology of the Body for Beginners,” which can be found here:
I haven’t read the book, but I know that he speaks well on the subject.
When reading about the subject, always pray for understanding, guidance, and healing. Ask the Holy Ghost to open your mind and heart.
Also, I suggest seeking spiritual council from a good priest.
That’s my take on things. I hope it is of some help, and if I have erred in any way, I ask that those with more understanding correct it.
God Bless