I could use a prayer or two

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I don’t like bringing attention to myself, however I’ve noticed the wonderfull energy that comes out of this forum, and the nice people who are here, but I could use a prayer or two for me, and my mother, my sister, and my in law. My mother just lost her job of 9 years yesterday. She’s obviously shaken, and scared because due to her age (She’s 58, and skilled in a job that pretty much demands a degree now, but she never went to college). My sister is facing an amnio Wednesday, and impending C-Section. Then for my Sister’s husband’s youngest sister who’s little boy was born with holes in his heart, and is facing surgeries, and possible death. And I feel bad, and shamefull, and selfish for asking this, but lately I’ve been confused on my spirituality (I ended up a poster at Catholic Answers didn’t I? lol), and I feel God is telling me things and wants to answer my prayers; yet I feel Satan is trying to get at me too. Or maybe I’ve gone schizzo? 🤷
Dear Ces -
It sounds like your family is having a number of troubling issues of concern coinciding…I can identify with this as the family of a dear friend is going through a number of crises simultaneously themselves, and we really wonder how do they manage?

Of course, I’d be happy to add you to my humble prayers - but please don’t give up on yourself and your spirituality. That’s exactly how “The Evil One” works. Getting you to question yourself. My advice? When you’re most down, that’s when you need God the most - and that’s when He’s probably the closest - even if at times it may seem He’s being silent. Meanwhile, the Evil One is hanging around - just hoping you’ll give up. Don’t do it. You’re not schizzo. That’s evil talking, too.

Remember that poem “Footprints”? When two sets of footprints became one set - and that’s when God was carrying the troubled person? God is closer to you than you may know. Hang on to Him, He’s holding you and waiting for you to pray to Him! My prayers,
Still praying very hard for you and your family. Hang in there!
I was always taught that praying for my self, or asking for them was rude, and selfish

My wife sometimes expresses the same feelings. I tell her it is not wrong to pray for yourself. When you need help, you need to turn to God. God is all powerful and can do anything. Who better to turn to?
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