That they hope and trust he will correct?
And maybe not everyone who died went to eternal torture. In any catechlysmic event, is it a surgical strike removing ONLY the bad and no one good is caught up as well?steve-b:![]()
Oh please do tell what the babies did to have God drown them? Or what anyone had done to deserve eternal torture? Consuqence free? No. All I can do is hope for humanities sake that God isn’t real.I can see, you believe in a consequence free universe. I have some bad news for you
This is what happens when we fail to share the good news of Jesus. God let it happen in Noah’s day, as it happens today. Our greatest weapon against abortion is the word of God told to humanity.Are aborted babies innocent? Did they do anything wrong? Yet their moms and doctors who promised to do no harm, get together for that terrible act, which amounts 1.5 million innocents murdered each year in this country alone.
This is what happens when we fail to share the good news of Jesus. God let it happen in Noah’s day, as it happens today. Our greatest weapon against abortion is the word of God told to humanity.Are aborted babies innocent? Did they do anything wrong? Yet their moms and doctors who promised to do no harm, get together for that terrible act, which amounts 1.5 million innocents murdered each year in this country alone.
Why are their findings not published in peer-review journals? In fact, all miracles attributed to saints in modern times have been things that happen naturally - spontaneous remission of cancer or other conditions. I used to get migraines. Now I don’t. If I had been praying for them to end and asked a scientist for an explanation, there wouldn’t be one forthcoming because they just don’t know what this particular event happened. That’s all the ‘doctors could find no natural explanation’ means.And that the Catholic church regularly uses doctors to verify miracles in the beatification of the saints
No, God did not let anything happen in Noah’s day. He did it himself, including killing all those unborn babies in the flood. At least, that’s what scripture says.This is what happens when we fail to share the good news of Jesus. God let it happen in Noah’s day, as it happens today. Our greatest weapon against abortion is the word of God told to humanity
Before the beginning of all creation, God knows everything that will happen. He knows everyone who is in the book of life and who isn’t.steve-b:![]()
No, God did not let anything happen in Noah’s day. He did it himself, including killing all those unborn babies in the flood. At least, that’s what scripture says.This is what happens when we fail to share the good news of Jesus. God let it happen in Noah’s day, as it happens today. Our greatest weapon against abortion is the word of God told to humanity
Yes, thats what I meant too!No, God did not let anything happen in Noah’s day. He did it himself, including killing all those unborn babies in the flood. At least, that’s what scripture says.
These claims are not subject to normal scientific processes. And virtually all claims are of things that occur naturally. I’d like to see a saints intervention do something that doesn’t happen in the normal course of events, like a person dead for days returning to life, or all earthquakes in Japan stopping, I am not the one claiming extraordinary things. The evidence should come from the person making the claims. That’s you.Find one miraculous miracle that could be explained as only coincidence from the cause of the saints beautification process,
Back up your ‘opinions’ with evidence.
Please reduce the emotional level of your responses. It’s ok. We can talk. It is pretty well established that if someone makes an extraordinary claim: “I can fly under my own power”, no one needs to respond. They will just say “ok - show me”. So too with miracles. Someone says “God intervenes and does this which would otherwise be impossible”. Ok. So I say: “show me”. The ‘miracles’ in the Bible, were they to be substantiated would be truely evidence of divine intervention (or some sort of intervention, anyway). Walking on water, creating tonnes of food from a few loves and fishes,resurrecting already decaying bodies, curing leprosy prior to science finding out how, etc. However the ‘miracles’ claimed for those becoming saints are events that happen anyway, such as spontaneous remission from cancer. How come, if the point it to prove the sainthood of someone, God does not re-grow a limb? Or resurrect a cremated body? Or, maybe, reverse global warming? How come every ‘miracle’ is a normal event unlike those in the Bible. My answer is: they are not miracles. They are pious imaginings. I respect those who believe them on faith. But my logic cannot accept their faith.Asking the opposition to prove your point as well as their own point is complete laziness and nonsensical
However, it was not necessarily a global flood. In fact it was more likely a regional flood. The Church does not have a teaching on this. The Church allows interpretations.Jesus Himself referred to the Great Flood as a historical event:
If you cannot find evidence that God exists,
Jesus said: ‘If you do not believe Me. Believe my deeds.’
Go to a Catholic Charismatic Renewal Healing service and in Jesus Name you will see the lame walk, the blind see, the dead hear, the sick made well,
(The Vatican meticulously investigates all miracles before they approve them as being scientifically impossible), (and the Vatican Doctrinal Commission into the Catholic Charismaric Renewal have approved these prayer groups as manifesting the miracles of the Holy Spirit mentioned in Pentecost.)
Once such famous catholic healing priest is Fr Robert De Grandis,
Or Irish Layperson Eddie stones who has permission from his bishop and the Pope to exercise his miraculous healing ministry:
2008 Eddie Stones Eucharistic Healing Service
Or Bob Canton (who is a member of the Vatican ICCR catholic charismatic renewal doctrinal commission investigation) and who is active in the miraculous healing ministry:
Bro. Bob Canton - Healing Session, Worship, Ending
The bible says: ‘God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.’
Jesus said: ‘Believers will do the same works I do, they will heal the sick, cast out demons, speak in miraculous tongues,’
Jesus said: ‘If you do not believe Me, believe My Works.’
You cannot speak off miracles as being ‘psychological mutant powers’. People do not have magic powers. And neither do you.
You should give God a chance.
What have you got to lose?
If you discover the TRUTH of the catholic faith and live forever in Heaven it is worth it,