I don’t know how to answer a question about the Flood

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Off topic sorry, but I first read the title as “I don’t know how to answer a question about the Food”.
All your questions are 100% answered in the book: ‘The Catechism of the Catholic Church.’ If you read this book you would NOT have all these erroneous conceptions of an evil God who causes suffering on earth and brings everyone to hell afterwards (which is a complete lie.)

How is it hard to believe that God who is absolute perfection and goodness, punishes evil? Even on earth there are consequences for breaking the law and natural consequences for doing dysfunctional things.

God will more than reward anyone who is good on earth who has had to endure suffering on earth. As God will give them immortality in Heaven.

Earth is only 80yrs of life approximately, It is a blink compared to eternal life in Heaven to come. God will more than make up for the sufferings of His faithful servants.
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Well since my membership has been put on trial by a few posters I’ll give it a whack.
convert us to aetheism (God forbid)
I have no desire to do that. My Catholic wife would kill me if I did anyways lol.
hopefully you are not an anti catholic (haha that kind is worst than aetheists because they hate the catholic church and openly ridicule/ attack the catholic faith rather than respect another’s religion
I’m not anti Catholic. I don’t agree with most of it though. I respect your right to believe these things but I find many of the beliefs harmful and abhorent.
Why do you as an aetheist come to a Catholic social forum?
It’s called Catholic Answers? I wasn’t aware it was only a social club for Catholics to chat with each other.
Just wondering! It is good you are here in any case because I am POSITIVE that God has called you here to try and call you HOME TO THE TRUE FAITH, my friend, there are no coincidences in life
I appreciate the sentiment.
All your questions are 100% answered in the book: ‘The Catechism of the Catholic Church.’ If you read this book you would NOT have all these erroneous conceptions of an evil God who causes suffering on earth and brings everyone to hell afterwards (which is a complete lie.)

How is it hard to believe that God who is absolute perfection and goodness, punishes evil? Even on earth there are consequences for breaking the law and natural consequences for doing dysfunctional things.

God will more than reward anyone who is good on earth who has had to endure suffering on earth. As God will give them immortality in Heaven.

Earth is only 80yrs of life approximately, It is a blink compared to eternal life in Heaven to come. God will more than make up for the sufferings of His faithful servants.
I’m familiar with Catholic beliefs. Used to be one myself. My issues with certain beliefs haven’t been answered there unfortunately.
What catholic beliefs do you find ‘abhorrent’ and ‘dangerous.’ ?

Please list these so we can HELP YOU see that Jesus is LOVE,

You do have a lot of errors in your views unfortunately that would be answered if you first read the Catholic Catechism.
Such as your belief that: ‘God sends babies to hell.’ (Complete and utter lies of satan is what that is…).

I don’t know who your religion teacher was in school. But God sends the good and blameless souls who die, to HEAVEN.
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You also have not answered, why are you here??? ☺️

I see God is using this website and your wife to try and CALL YOU HOME TO HIS LOVE ☺️

God is crazy about you,

You have a distorted view of your Loving Father God who even now is providing everything good in your life, ☺️
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If you cannot find evidence that God exists,

Jesus said: ‘If you do not believe Me. Believe my deeds.’

Go to a Catholic Charismatic Renewal Healing service and in Jesus Name you will see the lame walk, the blind see, the dead hear, the sick made well,
(The Vatican meticulously investigates all miracles before they approve them as being scientifically impossible), (and the Vatican Doctrinal Commission into the Catholic Charismaric Renewal have approved these prayer groups as manifesting the miracles of the Holy Spirit mentioned in Pentecost.)

Once such famous catholic healing priest is Fr Robert De Grandis,

Or Irish Layperson Eddie stones who has permission from his bishop and the Pope to exercise his miraculous healing ministry:

Or Bob Canton (who is a member of the Vatican ICCR catholic charismatic renewal doctrinal commission investigation) and who is active in the miraculous healing ministry:

The bible says: ‘God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.’
Jesus said: ‘Believers will do the same works I do, they will heal the sick, cast out demons, speak in miraculous tongues,’
Jesus said: ‘If you do not believe Me, believe My Works.’

You cannot speak off miracles as being ‘psychological mutant powers’. People do not have magic powers. And neither do you.

You should give God a chance.
What have you got to lose?

If you discover the TRUTH of the catholic faith and live forever in Heaven it is worth it,
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You also have not answered, why are you here???
Look I have remained polite through the bombardment here. I’m not sure how it’s your business why I’m here. I explained it to @irishmom2 a couple of posts up. I joined this site a long time before you did sir. I’m not sure why you keep asking me that.
Are you even reading any of the replies or links sent on to you to better understand the catholic faith?
Otherwise it is just playing devil’s-advocate on a topic, disagreeing with every reply just for the sake of disagreeing

Including a lot of smiley emojis here (as people can misread an emoji-less sentence as being in any kind of tone at all) 🙂

Friend I am not bombarding you. 🙂

I asked you a question and got a reply post that didn’t have an answer, so I responded that: ‘you didn’t answer the question.’ (I should have included a few smiley face emojis there so that you could see the tone was friendly).

Also: ‘I was here first’ (isn’t a theological argument).

You said you are here because you find catholic ideas ‘abhorrent’ and ‘dangerous.’?

Honestly: why you are here asking a question is a valid question to understand your viewpoint for the question.

You still have not replied with: ‘what catholic ideas are ‘abhorrent’ and ‘dangerous’?’

Posters have already proven that your understanding of a murderous evil God who sends babies to hell (is completely wrong). Because: God punishes evil (as does the law and society), and the good souls go to Heaven when they die, if any good soul must suffer they are compensated by God IMMEASUREABLY in Heaven (just as a courtcase in the Law will compensate someone who deserves compensation).
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Fine I’ll list some.
You still have not replied with: ‘what catholic ideas are ‘abhorrent’ and ‘dangerous
We can start with two.
  1. Homosexual lifestyles are a sin and wrong.
  2. The entire idea of eternal damnation.
Posters have already proven that your understanding of a murderous evil God who sends babies to hell (is completely wrong).
How have they proven me wrong. You have no idea if God sends unbaptized babies to hell. The church never declared God doesnt send them to hell, only that they trust in Gods mercy(again I know a lot more than your acting like I do.) We do know that God has ordered the killing of men women and children though.
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The Church has declared the souls of the Just (good and innocent) go to Heaven.

Babies are innocent so yes they go to Heaven.
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Ok for clarity I fixed the post to show what I meant. Where has the church declared unbaptized babies go to heaven. Please show me the fact
Eternal Damnation.

Is a choice.

You only go there if you choose it deliberately by an immoral and evil lifestyle.

God is giving you a CHOICE.

So it is not something God wants you to choose.

Is against the natural laws of nature.
It is a perversion of God’s law of a mom and dad being together to make a family biologically.

God made this law. God is the Law Maker.
Eternal Damnation.

Is a choice.

You only go there if you choose it deliberately by an immoral and evil lifestyle.

God is giving you a CHOICE.

So it is not something God wants you to choose
Absolutely not. I’m an athiest and I choose not to go to hell.
:slightly_smiling_face:Problem is:
Your LIFESTYLE and actions is what makes the choice of Heaven or Hell.

‘Each will be rewarded according to what they have done.’ (Quote of Jesus in the New Testament).

Therefore yes you can choose Heaven or Hell,
But it is by your actions.

An evil person has already chosen hell by their actions.

Someone who has broken the laws of this world or God’s commandments grievously , will have already chosen hell by their actions. Unless they repent just before death.

A person who has spent their life doing good, and in keeping the law and God’s laws, will have chosen Heaven by their actions.🙂
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