I don’t know how to answer a question about the Flood

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In Genesis, God commanded snakes to eat dirt but I’m pretty sure we know that they don’t.

Jesus said the mustard seed is the smallest of all seeds. Does that mean every seed smaller than a mustard seed isn’t a seed?
Pope John Paul II when he visited Armenia publically said that Mount Arrarat is where we believe the Ark rested after the Flood.
🤣 And since you can’t prove your point you quote JPII, who may have been a nice guy but definitely wasn’t an archeologist.
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Such drama. :roll_eyes:

Here’s an advanced warning

Few are saved IOW most go to hell.

will knowing that in advance have any impact on you
Wow so not only did he kill millions but he will burn them eternally after that? Dang at least i can sleep at night knowing how much God loves us🙄 If he acts this way now can you imagine how bad he would be if he didn’t love us! Even if I believed in this God your describing I would be forced to take the moral high road and not worship it.
I can see, you believe in a consequence free universe. I have some bad news for you…
My point is backed up by Scripture of the New Testament:
Jesus own quotes in the New Testament which were spoken of as historical statements of the past and future: ‘i tell you truthfully, Just as in the days of Noah where people were eating and drinking up until the coming of the Flood, so shall it be when the Son of Man comes again in the clouds in great glory.’

Also another poster quoted Saint Peter in scripture, filled with the Holy Spirit after Pentecost saying that Jesus went and preached in Limbo to the souls who were saved who had previously died during the Great Flood, during Noah’s time,

‘’He was put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit, 19 in which also he went and made a proclamation to the spirits in prison, 20 who in former times did not obey, when God waited patiently in the days of Noah, during the building of the ark, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were saved through water.’’

Saint Peter says Jesus during His three days in the Tomb, went and preached in Limbo to the souls who had died during the Great Flood and who had not listened to Noah,
Peter states this as a HISTORICAL FACT.
The Catholic Catechism also backs up that Jesus went to Limbo during His three days in the tomb to preach to the souls there.

Another successor of Saint Peter:
John Paul II agrees with this scripture’s validity and he was a Pope and is a saint.

Bible Archaeology also backs up many of the historical aspects of scripture. I also provided a link earlier of Archaeologists finding a wooden structure frozen in the snow on Mount Arrarat which they believe is Noah’s ark.
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I can see, you believe in a consequence free universe. I have some bad news for you
Oh please do tell what the babies did to have God drown them? Or what anyone had done to deserve eternal torture? Consuqence free? No. All I can do is hope for humanities sake that God isn’t real.
Did he not flood the world and kill everyone? Doesn’t matter if he is a person, or being, or alien, or entity, or whatever, it doesn’t change what he did?
He’s not any of those things in the way you mean them.
You can’t judge God as you would a person, whether that be human or alien or superhuman or (Marvel reference) Thanos.
You can’t judge God as you would a person, whether that be human or alien or superhuman or (Marvel reference) Thanos.
Why not? Why should God get to kill innocent men, women, and children with impunity?
I already said: God is not a person. Therefore, it is nonsensical to judge something that is not a person the way you would a person.
You are wrongly believing that a natural disaster that could be sent as God’s Justice, also casts innocent babies and women and innocent men into Hell? That is incorrect.

The innocent go to Heaven when they die.

It is the unrepentant sinner who refuses to repent at the last moment who goes to Hell.

As said: God has often allowed events such as World War II as a consequence to the sins of mankind. Our Lady of Fatima said WWII could have been avoided if people repented and prayed. But God’s justice is also a mercy according to Saint Faustina. Such as: how many souls among the Allies in WWII turned fervantly from sin and prayed for an end of the war, and turned to a holy life in case they died on the battlefield. And otherwise such souls may have lived lukewarm sinful lives and burned in hell for all eternity. God’s Justice is always sent as a wake up call to the world to: ‘Repent and change your ways.’

God’s main goal for each of us is that we get home to Heaven when we die. Whatever suffering we undergo on earth we will be more than rewarded for in Heaven. Earth is just about 80 years for most humans. But hell or heaven last forever. Billions of years without end. Better to suffer a little for God and get to Heaven than live for satan and burn in hell.
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Why are you here, wkj? Really. I see on your profile that you are an atheist, so why are you here? Because it doesn’t seem like you are here to learn, or even to debate. You just seem to want to mock people’s beliefs and play gotcha. If you are truly an atheist, why are you wasting your time here, because it’s not like you are going to get someone to become an unbeliever from anything you say. Do you not see how rude and disrespectful you sound? Why would you want to be like that as a person at all?
Wkj you have a LOT of posts on God’s Justice.

You should try looking into and posting threads on the LOVE of God.
-‘Why did God come down from Heaven to die for every sin ever committed?’
-‘Why did Jesus hang around with the dregs of society, the poor and the sick, and spend His entire life helping them to live good lives and healing them.’
-‘Why did Jesus send the Holy Spirit to earth to be our helper?’
-‘Why did God tell the jews: I am offering you a blessing if you should keep My Commandments?’
-‘How can God still love a person despite all a person’s mistakes?’
-‘Why does God provide for me everyday, and has provided me a life with enough food, water, shelter, etc…’

Start some threads focusing on God’s Mercy.

You are listening to satan, who did not embrace God’s Love but freely and deliberately chose God’s Justice for all eternity.

The true question is:
-as human beings will we choose to live holy lives and earn God’s mercy or at least Heaven for all eternity,


-as human beings will we choose lives of utter wasteful sin, possibly earning God’s Justice while on earth and burn in Hell for all eternity,

That is the choice…
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Why are you here, wkj? Really. I see on your profile that you are an atheist, so why are you here? Because it doesn’t seem like you are here to learn, or even to debate. You just seem to want to mock people’s beliefs and play gotcha. If you are truly an atheist, why are you wasting your time here, because it’s not like you are going to get someone to become an unbeliever from anything you say. Do you not see how rude and disrespectful you sound? Why would you want to be like that as a person at all?
How have I been rude, disrespectful and mocked people? Sure I learn stuff on here all the time, get into debates as well. All of my family is religious so I love to learn. I may feel like the claims people make here are crazy, but never the people themselves. I’m sure you think it’s crazy for me not to believe in God. I have always tried to follow the rules here. I can’t remember ever once calling someone a name or mocking them personally Sorry my being on here has upset you, I’m just not sure why.
Why do you as an aetheist come to a Catholic social forum?

Is it to:
  1. convert us to aetheism (God forbid)
  2. hopefully be converted yourself to catholicism,
  3. hopefully you are not an anti catholic (haha that kind is worst than aetheists because they hate the catholic church and openly ridicule/ attack the catholic faith rather than respect another’s religion)
Just wondering! It is good you are here in any case because I am POSITIVE that God has called you here to try and call you HOME TO THE TRUE FAITH, my friend, there are no coincidences in life… ☺️
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A very common and complete misunderstanding of God. That must be straightened out first, or nothing will make sense.
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