So anything in the bible that is 100% impossible, never happened?
Jesus healed the sick, healed leprosy, raised the dead, performed exorcisms with just one command, walked on water, suffered for the sins of the entire history of mankind, rose from the dead, walked through walls, sent the Holy Spirit, the apostles and early church then spoke in tongues, cast out demons, heales the sick, raised the dead, angels miraculously let Peter free from prison, the apostles had visions, …Jesus left Himself in the Eucharist for us,
The bible says of God: ‘You do impossible things.’
Jesus said: ‘What is impossible to man is possible to God.’
When Jesus spoke in parables he spoke in a complete short story narrative format with a beginning, middle and end of a storyline with a moral lesson.
Jesus also said historical statements:
‘I am the Bread of Life come down from Heaven.’
‘Just as Jonah was in the belly of a whale for three days, shall the Son of Man be killed by sinners, and on the third day rise from the dead.’
‘Just as in the days of Noah, so shall it be when I return.’
‘I saw satan fall from Heaven like lightning.’
‘Before Abraham was, I AM.’