I don’t know how to answer a question about the Flood

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See this article here:

Dozens of Bible stories are backed up by archaeology as HISTORICALLY ACCURATE.

There is a whole area of archaeology today that is called Biblical Archaeology.


Vatican II said the Bible is handed down to us through the Holy Spirit’s guidance to the writers, for our salvation. (Implying yes there may be a name or date slightly off, because there were human writers writing it, But it does not say anywhere in Vatican II, or any Papal Statement, or Catechism statement that the entire Bible is completely historically untrue or just a complete parable. If we start denying the historical truth of the scriptures (many of which are proven by archaeology and historical documents), we can end up on a path that denies actual bible events that are historically accurate: that Jesus actually healed, or actually rose from the dead, (which Roman historians even wrote about as things that happened), and are in danger of turning the whole bible into a figurative message
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If we start denying the historical truth of the scriptures (many of which are proven by archaeology and historical documents), we can end up on a path that denies actual bible events that are historically accurate: that Jesus actually healed, or actually rose from the dead, (which Roman historians even wrote about as things that happened), and are in danger of turning the whole bible into a figurative message
This is my point. Its a very dangerous game your playing picking and choosing whats fact, or myth.

Did God kill babies in Noah’s flood? Yes! He wiped out the whole human race because of their sins and only saved Noah’s family. This is a fact, not a fable, myth, or made up story.

Here’s the New Testament passage that proves it was real, not a myth.

Hebrews 11:7

By faith Noah, being warned by God about things not yet seen, in reverence prepared an ark for the salvation of his household, by which he condemned the world, and became an heir of the righteousness which is according to faith.

Believe and trust in Christ to be your ark of salvation today for tomorrow is promised to no man. Repent and believe my beloved readers!
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I don’t think that passage proves anything about whether Noah really existed or not.

Also, we haven’t “started” down any path. The Church has always taught that the first couple of chapters in Genesis contains a lot of symbols, and it is unsure how much of it is historically accurate. After all, it’s not like modern science is necessary to figure out that talking snakes and living for hundreds of years isn’t the reality of the world, or to see the difficulty of water covering mountaintops and all the animals of the world gathered on a single boat.

But there might have been a flood, and the story of Noah’s Ark might be literal to the extent it is possible (or perhaps miraculously literal). The Church does not have an opinion on this, because it really doesn’t matter. Real or not, the lessons to be learned remains the same. Hopefully the history of the world will unfold itself in Heaven.
For us, we can accept that God judged to souls of children and babies justly and entrust them to his mercy. Even if they came to a violent end here, they may very well have eternal bliss with God and, even in their short time, have had valuable experiences
So how did he compensate the billions of non-humans who drowned in great fear and pain?
well, He was upset right?
He said it would never happen again, correct?
Then He created rainbows .

we dont always know why God does things
we do understand that all is for His glory.
The church also has Adam and Eve as saints with their own feastday.
Jesus Himself referred to the Great Flood as a historical event:
‘just as in the Time of Noah, people were eating and drinking and dancing up until the Great Flood, so shall it be in the End Days when the Son of Man comes in the clouds in great glory.’

Jesus Himself referred to satan’s fall from Heaven as an actual event:
‘I tell you solemnly, i saw Lucifer fall from Heaven like lightning.’

So is satan allegorical and only symbolic? Is Jesus reference to His presence in Heaven as the Second Person of the Trinity only symbolic? Is Jesus reference to His Second Coming only symbolic?

These were not parables, Jesus was speaking of exactly what He witnessed from Heaven as the Word of God prior to the Incarnation.
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The idea that if one thing in the Bible is allegorical then everything is allegorical is frankly silly.

But if it makes you feel better to cling to 100% literalism, knock yourself out, I suppose. The deacon already laid out the reasons why that approach is completely out of step with the way the Church has interpreted scripture for centuries.
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So you doubt the words of Jesus who refers to Noah’s Ark as an actual event? And who in the same sentence refers to the Second Coming as an actual event?
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you’re assuming what you’re trying to prove. Of course Jesus doesn’t lie and He isn’t mistaken. That doesn’t prove He was referring to a literal historical event that occurred exactly as it was written in the OT. He could easily have been referring to the flood as a concept they were all familiar with to illustrate a point.

Your approach is completely out of step with the Church on this one. You’re actually much closer to 19th Protestant fundamentalists.
You should read Steven Sora’s book ‘Artifacts and relics of the catholic church.’

He details a history of saints, and explorers and historicans who visited the location of the Ark on Mount Arrarat.

Marco Polo (a historic traveller) also notes that he himself visited it, in his historical diary.
Jesus is God.

It was very clear when He spoke in parables (as these were little stories with morals).

Jesus clearly says:
‘Before Abraham was I AM.’

‘I saw satan fall from Hell like lightning.’

‘Just as in the Days of Noah, so shall it be when I Return.’

‘Destroy this body and I will raise it up in three days.’

These are historical events spoke of by Jesus. Not parables.
Another way to put the same point:
The Bible is not a book. It’s a library. There are more than seventy books in the Bible, committed to writing over a period of a thousand years or so.
1 and 2 Kings are historical accounts of the doings of the kings of Israel.
Acts of the Apostles is a historical account of the spread of the early Church.
Psalms is a collection of songs, poems and prayers.
Proverbs is a collection of wise sayings.
The Song of Solomon is a poem.
Job is a story told according to a literary formula. Did Job and his friends really take turns uttering speeches as if in a formal debate? I don’t know and the truth being expressed in that book is the same whether the answer is yes or no.

My point is that the books of Scripture span multiple genres, and each book should be treated according to its own genre. Do not judge Psalms the same way you would judge the Book of Acts.
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Did God kill babies in Noah’s flood? Yes! He wiped out the whole human race because of their sins and only saved Noah’s family. This is a fact, not a fable, myth, or made up story.
I can assure you there was no world-wide flood with an ark to save every living thing. It is simply impossible.
Dozens of Bible stories are backed up by archaeology as HISTORICALLY ACCURATE.
The story of a world-wide flood with an ark saving every living creature can never be backed up by arcaeology because it is 100% impossible. If you really think about it for five minutes you can figure out there is no way that happened.
I can assure you there was no world-wide flood with an ark to save every living thing. It is simply impossible.
Scripture does not say the Ark saved every living thing. There were eight human beings aboard the Ark, no more: and a collection of animals.
Scripture does not say the Ark saved every living thing. There were eight human beings aboard the Ark, no more: and a collection of animals.
If you believe in a worldwide flood then what to you suppose saved everything else?
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