Maybe you’ve been hanging around the more intelligent parts of the internet thenI can honestly say, having been a Christian since 2009, I’ve literally never heard that argument
Maybe you’ve been hanging around the more intelligent parts of the internet thenI can honestly say, having been a Christian since 2009, I’ve literally never heard that argument
He didn’t do either.He doesn’t always speak through a booming voice in the clouds. His speech goes beyond the audible.
Can you reiterate what “assurance of things hoped for” means? I understand “conviction of things not seen”. That’s beautiful.Hebrews 11:1 is the best definition of faith ever written. We can do worse than to commit it to memory.
Patience is not simply waiting. It is suffering. The root of “patience” is to suffer without complaint. By that standard, I have never been patient. As to Hebrews 11:1, here is what the Rev. George Leo Haydock commentary has to say:“…and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.”
I “hope” this helps.Ver. 1. All this chapter is a commendation and recommendation of faith, which is the substance [1] of things hoped for, giving as it were a substance in our minds to such things as we are in hopes and in expectation of hereafter, and making them present to us before they come to pass. — It is also a sure conviction [2] of things that appear not. For when God has revealed things, and we believe them upon the divine and infallible authority of the revealer, we have a greater certainty of them than any demonstration can afford us. By this virtue of faith, they of old, our forefathers, obtained [3] a testimony from God that their actions were pleasing to him. Wi. — Faith is the basis, the foundation supporting our hope; for unless there be faith, there cannot possibly be any hope.
Rest “assured” it does.I “hope” this helps