I feel called to the priesthood, but my parents aren't supportive

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Hello to all. 🙂 I’m new to this forum, so this is my first thread.
 I am currently 15 years old. I was a Lutheran with the ELCA up until about a year ago, when I decided to not get confirmed in the Lutheran faith, because I wanted to convert to Catholicism. My mother, who is anti-Catholic, did not take this well. When I told her that I did not want to get confirmed, she was planning on forcing me to do it anyway. But, her pastor told her that he will not force me to get confirmed and that she will not find any pastor that will force me. So, for a few months, she decided that if I'm not going to be a Lutheran, I will have no faith at all. But, one day, she had a sudden change of heart. She said that I could attend Mass, but not convert. After about a month of attending Mass, I decided to explore Orthodox Christianity to be sure that Catholicism was what I really wanted. I really liked Orthodox Christianity, and was planning on converting to it, but one day, I received my calling. I was just watching a movie, when all of a sudden, I felt a calling to the Catholic priesthood.

 During Lent, my mom would always treat me like dirt on Fridays, because I had to fast for our Lord, Jesus Christ. My dad also mocks me because I feel called. One time, he asked me if I really believe in transubstantiation, and I said with a smile on my face, "Yes! That is one of the core beliefs of our Holy Church." When I said this, he laughed at me and mocked me. Even now, he mocks me for my calling. I pray for both of them everyday, and I attend Mass every week. I pray to our Father that they will recognize the True Faith and come home to Christ. If I tell them that they are hurting my feelings, they will just mock me. I cannot seek mental refuge in any family member, except for my Aunt, who is a Methodist, but loves me very much, and my Grandfather, who is Catholic.
  I ask all of you for your advice and prayers. After I leave for college, I will convert to the One, True, Pure Faith. I truly feel called to the Holy Priesthood. I specifically feel called to serve as a priest in the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. I feel called to humbly serve all of you reading this thread and all of God's peoples. God bless all of you. :)
Remember, that our Lord said that we would be hated because of him.

Stay close to the Lord in prayer, and He will make you strong as you go through mockery and attacks to your faith.

Pray for them also, and keep the peace of Jesus.
Pray and discern, and pray some more. Go to things like Encounter with God’s Call/Quo Vadis Retreat (these are retreats many dioceses have at least in the Midwest where young men such as yourself pray for guidance) and pray some more. Then once you are done with High School go to seminary and continue to discern. Priesthood like marriage or religious life is something that you will be for the rest of your life and cannot be something that you should just decide to do one day and then in a few years say I’m not interested. However, if you are called to be a priest then let nobody --certainly not me – deter you from that most holy vocation. I will tell you what though, I am pleased that you and so many young people are excited about discerning what your vocation is, and asking God what he has called you to do is always the right thing. So, I will pray for you as you discern your vocation. God bless.
You are simply an incredible person for desiring to be Catholic, despite negative feedback from both parents. God is great. I will pray for you.

God most certainly has an extremely important mission for you, and the trials that you are suffering through are purifying your soul for this mission. Embrace your trials, and offer them up.

It is absolutely invaluable that you learn to pray the rosary. Mary is the ultimate shortcut to Jesus Christ. Pray it every day, and watch your spiritual life flower like never before. (I speak from personal experience)

Also listen to this guy, he is incredible too!
I read your post this evening and found in your story a bit of my own. See, I decided when I was a Sophomore in high school (I had just turned 16) that I wanted to become Catholic. My Mom, having been raised as a Fundamentalist Baptist, was horrified and felt betrayed. She even told me that if I went through with the conversion then that she would disown me- it was worse to her than if I had decided to live as a homosexual… then. So, I told her I wouldn’t do it, that I had been mistaken, etc… Fastforward two years, my Senior year of high school, and I was living a lie. I went to a Protestant church, talked like a Protestant, prayed like a Protestant, did most things like a Protestant- but I didn’t believe like one. Since I had just turned 18, I decided to broach the subject with her again (over doughnuts this time!); I calmly explained that the Catholic Church was where I needed to be, and that I would like her blessing to start the process for becoming a member. She was better with it and said that I had to do what God was calling me to, even if she disagreed with my decision. Now, after finally having come into the Church at this year’s Easter Vigil, she is okay with my Catholicism- she and my Step-Dad even came to see me received into the Church! They both still joke with me, but, it works. We understand that there are differences in our Churches, but that we share a common Faith in the Risen Lord. I go through all of this to tell you that it gets better. Your Mom and Dad may never convert, but, God-willing, they will come to accept your decision. Living in the South, I have often encountered anti-Catholic sentiments in some of the best people around… they just haven’t learned any better. We can never hold it against them; we must show love when they show hate. Keep praying, keep loving, keep going to Mass; say the Rosary every day if you can. This time will be rough, but it gets better.

Also, I too have been considering the Priesthood. The one piece of advice I can give you is to pray- go to Adoration whenever you can. Trust in Jesus to give you the strength to make it through this time of waiting. Remember that the Blessed Mother is praying for you, as are all the Saints of Heaven; She and They will point you Home to Christ and His Church.

Many blessings on your journey, and many prayers for you as well.

In Jesus and Mary
Hello to all. 🙂 I’m new to this forum, so this is my first thread.
 I am currently 15 years old. I was a Lutheran with the ELCA up until about a year ago, when I decided to not get confirmed in the Lutheran faith, because I wanted to convert to Catholicism. My mother, who is anti-Catholic, did not take this well. When I told her that I did not want to get confirmed, she was planning on forcing me to do it anyway. But, her pastor told her that he will not force me to get confirmed and that she will not find any pastor that will force me. So, for a few months, she decided that if I'm not going to be a Lutheran, I will have no faith at all. But, one day, she had a sudden change of heart. She said that I could attend Mass, but not convert. After about a month of attending Mass, I decided to explore Orthodox Christianity to be sure that Catholicism was what I really wanted. I really liked Orthodox Christianity, and was planning on converting to it, but one day, I received my calling. I was just watching a movie, when all of a sudden, I felt a calling to the Catholic priesthood.

 During Lent, my mom would always treat me like dirt on Fridays, because I had to fast for our Lord, Jesus Christ. My dad also mocks me because I feel called. One time, he asked me if I really believe in transubstantiation, and I said with a smile on my face, "Yes! That is one of the core beliefs of our Holy Church." When I said this, he laughed at me and mocked me. Even now, he mocks me for my calling. I pray for both of them everyday, and I attend Mass every week. I pray to our Father that they will recognize the True Faith and come home to Christ. If I tell them that they are hurting my feelings, they will just mock me. I cannot seek mental refuge in any family member, except for my Aunt, who is a Methodist, but loves me very much, and my Grandfather, who is Catholic.
  I ask all of you for your advice and prayers. After I leave for college, I will convert to the One, True, Pure Faith. I truly feel called to the Holy Priesthood. I specifically feel called to serve as a priest in the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. I feel called to humbly serve all of you reading this thread and all of God's peoples. God bless all of you. :)
Please talk to your parish priest about your discernment. You might need to talk to the Diocesan Vocations Director as well, but all in good time, no rush now. I am excited for your conversion and your possible vocation! May God bless you with patience for your parents. The Holy Spirit will give you the power to talk to them and make sense.

I will keep your calling of vocation in my prayers. May i ask your name to pray for you personally?
Hello to all. 🙂 I’m new to this forum, so this is my first thread.
 I am currently 15 years old. I was a Lutheran with the ELCA up until about a year ago, when I decided to not get confirmed in the Lutheran faith, because I wanted to convert to Catholicism. My mother, who is anti-Catholic, did not take this well. When I told her that I did not want to get confirmed, she was planning on forcing me to do it anyway. But, her pastor told her that he will not force me to get confirmed and that she will not find any pastor that will force me. So, for a few months, she decided that if I'm not going to be a Lutheran, I will have no faith at all. But, one day, she had a sudden change of heart. She said that I could attend Mass, but not convert. After about a month of attending Mass, I decided to explore Orthodox Christianity to be sure that Catholicism was what I really wanted. I really liked Orthodox Christianity, and was planning on converting to it, but one day, I received my calling. I was just watching a movie, when all of a sudden, I felt a calling to the Catholic priesthood.

 During Lent, my mom would always treat me like dirt on Fridays, because I had to fast for our Lord, Jesus Christ. My dad also mocks me because I feel called. One time, he asked me if I really believe in transubstantiation, and I said with a smile on my face, "Yes! That is one of the core beliefs of our Holy Church." When I said this, he laughed at me and mocked me. Even now, he mocks me for my calling. I pray for both of them everyday, and I attend Mass every week. I pray to our Father that they will recognize the True Faith and come home to Christ. If I tell them that they are hurting my feelings, they will just mock me. I cannot seek mental refuge in any family member, except for my Aunt, who is a Methodist, but loves me very much, and my Grandfather, who is Catholic.
  I ask all of you for your advice and prayers. After I leave for college, I will convert to the One, True, Pure Faith. I truly feel called to the Holy Priesthood. I specifically feel called to serve as a priest in the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. I feel called to humbly serve all of you reading this thread and all of God's peoples. God bless all of you. :)
You have a long LONG way to go, my dear friend, in your discernment process. Stay on track and the Lord will lead you where HE wants you to go, not so much where YOU or OTHERS want you to go…

HIS will. Not ours. Not others…

God Bless!!
What a beautiful story! God bless you for your courage. May He help you continue to bear the cross of a spiritually divided family and help you to safely find your home in His divinely established Church.

May God guide you in your discernment to the priesthood, and help you to clearly understand and follow His plan for your life!
I read your post this evening and found in your story a bit of my own. See, I decided when I was a Sophomore in high school (I had just turned 16) that I wanted to become Catholic. My Mom, having been raised as a Fundamentalist Baptist, was horrified and felt betrayed. She even told me that if I went through with the conversion then that she would disown me- it was worse to her than if I had decided to live as a homosexual… then. So, I told her I wouldn’t do it, that I had been mistaken, etc… Fastforward two years, my Senior year of high school, and I was living a lie. I went to a Protestant church, talked like a Protestant, prayed like a Protestant, did most things like a Protestant- but I didn’t believe like one. Since I had just turned 18, I decided to broach the subject with her again (over doughnuts this time!); I calmly explained that the Catholic Church was where I needed to be, and that I would like her blessing to start the process for becoming a member. She was better with it and said that I had to do what God was calling me to, even if she disagreed with my decision. Now, after finally having come into the Church at this year’s Easter Vigil, she is okay with my Catholicism- she and my Step-Dad even came to see me received into the Church! They both still joke with me, but, it works. We understand that there are differences in our Churches, but that we share a common Faith in the Risen Lord. I go through all of this to tell you that it gets better. Your Mom and Dad may never convert, but, God-willing, they will come to accept your decision. Living in the South, I have often encountered anti-Catholic sentiments in some of the best people around… they just haven’t learned any better. We can never hold it against them; we must show love when they show hate. Keep praying, keep loving, keep going to Mass; say the Rosary every day if you can. This time will be rough, but it gets better.

Also, I too have been considering the Priesthood. The one piece of advice I can give you is to pray- go to Adoration whenever you can. Trust in Jesus to give you the strength to make it through this time of waiting. Remember that the Blessed Mother is praying for you, as are all the Saints of Heaven; She and They will point you Home to Christ and His Church.

Many blessings on your journey, and many prayers for you as well.

In Jesus and Mary
Thank you for sharing that. Prayer is powerful! And our difficulties can draw us closer to Him. 🙂
My mother told me to not follow Catholicism, but I did so anyway. I have already disobeyed her.
My mother told me to not follow Catholicism, but I did so anyway. I have already disobeyed her.
And justly, since being Catholic is a moral obligation. But it is not enough to merely adhere to the faith internally, but one must join the visible Church.
And justly, since being Catholic is a moral obligation. But it is not enough to merely adhere to the faith internally, but one must join the visible Church.
I have limits. If my mother told me to stop going to Mass, I would disobey.
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