Hello to all.
I’m new to this forum, so this is my first thread.

I am currently 15 years old. I was a Lutheran with the ELCA up until about a year ago, when I decided to not get confirmed in the Lutheran faith, because I wanted to convert to Catholicism. My mother, who is anti-Catholic, did not take this well. When I told her that I did not want to get confirmed, she was planning on forcing me to do it anyway. But, her pastor told her that he will not force me to get confirmed and that she will not find any pastor that will force me. So, for a few months, she decided that if I'm not going to be a Lutheran, I will have no faith at all. But, one day, she had a sudden change of heart. She said that I could attend Mass, but not convert. After about a month of attending Mass, I decided to explore Orthodox Christianity to be sure that Catholicism was what I really wanted. I really liked Orthodox Christianity, and was planning on converting to it, but one day, I received my calling. I was just watching a movie, when all of a sudden, I felt a calling to the Catholic priesthood.
During Lent, my mom would always treat me like dirt on Fridays, because I had to fast for our Lord, Jesus Christ. My dad also mocks me because I feel called. One time, he asked me if I really believe in transubstantiation, and I said with a smile on my face, "Yes! That is one of the core beliefs of our Holy Church." When I said this, he laughed at me and mocked me. Even now, he mocks me for my calling. I pray for both of them everyday, and I attend Mass every week. I pray to our Father that they will recognize the True Faith and come home to Christ. If I tell them that they are hurting my feelings, they will just mock me. I cannot seek mental refuge in any family member, except for my Aunt, who is a Methodist, but loves me very much, and my Grandfather, who is Catholic.
I ask all of you for your advice and prayers. After I leave for college, I will convert to the One, True, Pure Faith. I truly feel called to the Holy Priesthood. I specifically feel called to serve as a priest in the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. I feel called to humbly serve all of you reading this thread and all of God's peoples. God bless all of you. :)