I have a very important question to ask all of you RCs and other denominations. Since this is my first post, I will take it easy on you. But I want to be very clear with this question. As I know the response I will get and I know the answer.
Before you answer, think carefully because this is not a trick question.
After I gage the responses I will follow up with an explanation to my querry.
Yes I am new to this site and no I am not a Catholic. As a matter of fact I belong to no church or religion. I will explain later if given the opportunity.
My Question is…
How do YOU know there is a GOD?
My name is David (King) John (The Baptist) Kraehling as my mother named me.
Before you answer, think carefully because this is not a trick question.
After I gage the responses I will follow up with an explanation to my querry.
Yes I am new to this site and no I am not a Catholic. As a matter of fact I belong to no church or religion. I will explain later if given the opportunity.
My Question is…
How do YOU know there is a GOD?
My name is David (King) John (The Baptist) Kraehling as my mother named me.